Community > Posts By > SJDL

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Mon 11/24/08 05:26 PM
Son are protective of their Moms & are also possessive. (they want you all to themselves) The better Mom you are the worse it is. The thing is to let them know the person you are dating is not taking you away from your son. They are just helping Mom have adult time. Just like his has time with his friends. Whatever you do though explain your intimate level with the other person to your son long before showing affection to each-other in front of your son. Even if things are hot & heavy with the other person cool them down in front of your son. For a while sitting together make room for him until bedtime. Unless he is older & at a higher level of understanding. Then kiss, show affection, have discussions, & remember so these in complete moderation. Show him Moms dating side little by little for what he can handle & what is appropriate. It will help him love you having YOU time & accept whom ever you are with, D.