Community > Posts By > slowtogetit

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:35 AM
no sweet your not powerless. when you go to visit your dad ignore her,
be polite and talk with her but when she try's telling you or the kids
to do something just pretend she's not there. yes it's probably mean and
cruel,but trust me she should get the point real quick.

and yes i have a stepmother with 3 brothers, so i know it
also 4 sisters and 2 more brothers.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:27 AM
so jane why do you live there to begin with?

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:24 AM
i can live with all except the scarf....ewwwwww lol

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:50 AM
not to much here dog.

my country bigpapa, you live in the next state over from

jane, i would be scared not to give a lady anything for valentines, even
now. i would sleep with my eyes open if i did that........lolol

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:45 AM
doggggggggggggggggg how are ya?

well besides the other stuff bigpapa, i was just curious to see if
donuts were a suitable

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:39 AM
so you are telling me jane, that on valentines i can get you donuts
instead of work with me here...i know i'm a guy
but i can

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:30 AM
ok have fun.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:27 AM

ok sweet here is the link, tell me what you think of this one.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:06 AM
stay right there i have to find it.....

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 07:04 AM
i'll find a pic of the sun coming up in my backyard sweet, if this
doesn't knock your socks off nothing this is awesome.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:59 AM
one time i am going to see the sun rise over the ocean. that would be

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:58 AM
ok be good, and yes i am saying it is bad. to much yeast makes for a
roley poley

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:54 AM
yes they are shenadra. what is there nutritional

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:51 AM
it's not so much the ocean as it is just watching mother nature in it's just calming.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:47 AM
i'm thinking i need to go there soon.......

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:46 AM
never had them jane but i have heard they are good. not to much of a
junk food eater as my pic

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:41 AM
ooopppps sorry ladies i have my dunkin donuts coffee........lolol

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:38 AM
no i'm not slow, just doing more things than i have fingers and brain
capacity jane if you find a dunkin donuts i'll find

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:34 AM
sweet why are you not at the damn if i lived that
close to the ocean i would never

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 04/08/07 06:30 AM
uhhhhh jane this is a bar girl............lolol

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