Production fishery fishing vessel
The Defective Scenario
Edited by
Mon 04/15/19 08:40 PM
Okay first off Eve broke no agreement with our Lord God. Eve disobeyed God's edict to not partake of the tree of knowledge. Eve was lied to by Satan through a snake which had a.lizzard. Therefore the snake fooled Eve into believing that God was jealous of his.own creation, when in fact, Satan was the jealous one. So we have deflection of Satan deeds onto an innocent to make God look deceitful in Eve's eyes. Women's inherent gift from God to love and protect. In Eve's polluted mind perceived knowledge good for Adam at this point convincing Adam to partake of the tree of knowledge. So Satan has poisoned the reptile Eve and Adam at this point. Good realizing the situation passes a judgement upon all for disobedience. The snake to slither upon it's belly and have a forked tongue. Eve to bear the pains of labor and child birth with men to toil upon the Earth and to be banned from Eden.
The tree of knowledge placed in the Garden of Eden which showed Adam and Eve's faith reverence and love for their father. Wouldn't you wish that from your children( not that Adam and Eve were not adult children. Everything given to them in life.) When your children are bored obviously they go against the parent but if you don't allow them to prove that faith in each other the father to provide and the children give back by keeping in safe and healthy practice. What did you do when your children disobey you? Punishment of some sort and discussion?? When got punished his children he did not beat any of his creations you notice but he corrected showing his love as a father. Temptation brought by evil intent upon innocence to lure humans from the path of righteousness. And all because of jealousy. |
Narcissist paddling a surf board
Major massive hurricane
Notre Dame ruined by fire
What a loss...
Is it? Reading about all the renovations it went through over the last 800 years, including using plastic gargoyles to save on cost and materials, what exactly is being lost? What can't be rebuilt, which part of it hasn't been renovated? Or is what is actually burning down is the false idea of what it was vs. what it is? Why mourn Theseus' ship? Because losing something that is ingrained in history and tradition remains a true loss to everyone whether it represents good or bad to you in anyway the loss to many is great when something beautiful becomes blemished by something so tedious as vandalism. |
Kite taken on the winds
Zero degree temperatures
Wicked waves crashing into shore
Social anxiety
I just have anxiety there isn't anything social about it geesh
![]() ![]() Oh you mean this is for real.....sorry I thought I was in the jokes and funnies section |
Uneven tan lines on nude swimmer
Electrifying elegant lighting shows dancing on the waves
Zestfully playing seals
Xylophone from tsunami washing it out to sea
Edited by
Sun 04/14/19 12:42 PM
umbrella blown by the wind
As long as I know my destination beforehand.
Obvious man-made oil spill
This isn't a contest or debate, but a sharing of observations and experiences. ![]() How do you know when the man or woman you are dating thinks you are special? What does he or she do to show it? How are you treated differently by your partner? How does it make you feel (other than special)? Edit: In light of the first few responses, allow me to add another couple questions whose answers may benefit others. How do you know that is sincere? What tells you that he or she is not just putting on an act? If you have to wonder if you are special in someone else's life then you are not special in Otherwise confidence that you are special makes you special. |
I need tight
Aye!! Matey!!