Oh just face it he is a fuckhead
anyone here?
Hello everyone
WHAT A SICK FUCK! I would not even read his emails he is sending you
just delete them. Again WHAT A SICK FUCK! |
I agreed to joint custody because he is a good daddy to our kids. We get
along with each other better now but it was a big pain at first.We also have in our court papers that he has to give me notice as well. It is also in are papers that neither one of us can bring an girl freind or boyfreind around are kids until we have dated them for 6 months to a year. The person we date can not do drugs or have a record. We did this to protect our kids.They need to come first. I have never heard of the x having to meet the new person that dont even make sence . the x could just turn them down cause you are seeing them i dont know of anyone who likes their x's new partner. |
unsure the reason I have to give him notice that i am taking them out of
state is because we have joint custody. |
I went though the same thing for 3 years. I had to finaly take my x back
to court. I can now take my kids out of state to see my family when ever I want to. All I have to do is give him a ! week notice that iam taking them to see my family.I also got the court papers changed that my mom can see and have them over night as long as it is not on his time and I dont have to tell him.How he was even able to get that put on the papers I dont know but I did get it changed and it was not hard to do. |
I think it should be. You never hear of a man or woman beating there
other half because they were hi on pot. I think a lot of people would be a lot nicer if they smoked a lil. |
The longest for me was 2 and a half years. and then I went 9 months
after that. |
I moved out an had my own place at 15 years old. But i would not tell
anyone to do that. I think at 22 or 23 because then you should be done with college and be able to get a good job. Now if you do not go to college then 20 you should be in your own place. |
grindin gears
People who have twisted socks or their socks do not match i can not
stand that. If i see that i feel the need to pull their socks off them. My best friend will come over and wear one sock red and one blue and shake her feet at me. I grab her an pull them off her then she goes an grabs her pair that match. She is so mean to me. |
I have never cheated on any of my boyfriends and i never will. Man it is
bad enough to put up with one man why would anyone want to put up with two of them.And that goes for men putting up with women to. |
I live in WI and that is the only place i have found it. but i buy it at
a food store. |
best beer?
Well I dont drink but maybe every 3 years or so but the best beer i have
ever tasted was Leineukugels made in Chippewa Falls Wisconsin. When I do drink I love a good blow job or a dreamcycle. |
i drink coffee every day. i have tried a lot of tyes but my fav is mjb
yum! |
your a red neck if....
If your mamma says come look at this thing before I flush it. You might
be a red neck |
I spent today cleaning and doing laundry. In between that i did my
school work and played with my kids. |
sex toys while i'm away
The best part of a toy is we dont have to listen to there mouth after.
What else makes them great is they never get tired. |
I've been out of it too long
Add me too
funny jokes
What is the difference between a freezer and a guy’s asshole?
When you pull the meat out of a freezer it doesn’t fart. |
sex toys while i'm away
Thats funny I never looked at it that way. They do add some excitement though. |