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Mon 11/18/13 09:25 AM
I think that to start off saying that sex is different for everyone is the right answer. For some couples every day may not be enough, while for others once a month is to much. I think that if you still desire your spouse then you will want her every day because you love her everyday. The question is that life comes along and dictates your mood or feeling i.e. long hard day at work, kids drive you crazy, or just to tired. What happens if your in the mood and she's not. Start off with some relaxing quite time together and set the mood hold her kiss her gently give her a message or prepare a nice hot tub for her to relax in play some soft music. Amazing how her mood can change when she sees how much you care about her. If you love her I mean really love her she is the most important part of your life then sex will be an important part also. Be more romantic gentle and kind.