Community > Posts By > whitebutterfly1

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Tue 11/11/08 06:09 PM

mopping the floors and cleaning the bathtub!!

Oooohhhh, yes!
mopping floors is ok for me but
the bathtub....different story:laughing:
Thanks for sharing...GBYsmile2

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Tue 11/11/08 06:06 PM

washing dishesnoway grumble rant

Dishes is a never ending story.
even if you use disposables.:laughing:

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Tue 11/11/08 06:04 PM

folding laundrymad grumble explode frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

yes it's time consuming.
Thanks for sharing...GBYsmile2

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Tue 11/11/08 06:02 PM

Oh you mean chores... You don't want to know what I thought a choar was, lol. noway

My least favorite chore is laundry. I don't mind the washing, drying, and folding. It's the putting it away that I hate.

Sorry for my spelling.
Yeah that too & just to see it back
where it was the minute you put it back.
Thanks for sharing....GBYsmile2

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Tue 11/11/08 05:59 PM

I too hate dishes as well as folding laundry.

laundry, my goodness especially when you
can't find a complete pair of socks:laughing:
Thanks for sharing...GBYsmile2

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Tue 11/11/08 05:51 PM
What chores do you hate the most?
Mine is washing dishes:
Oh my goodness a never ending job!ohwell
I would rather clean the whole house
than to do dishes but,keep in mind
that no matter how much I hate it,
I still wash them.:laughing:
Please share your story.
Thanks....God Blesssmile2

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Tue 11/11/08 05:40 PM


All great shows:thumbsup:
How about Dragnet,Family Affair
The Lone Ranger, The High Chaparrel.
Thanks for sharing...God Blesssmile2

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:18 AM

We all have hopes & dreams.
I'm here to encourage you to don't give up.
Hold on to that hope & dream you have.
God will make it come to pass.

Father God I come before you in Jesus name to thank you for our hopes & dreams & for our everyday opportunities.
Father God take over your government & cancel all of satan & his demons plans.
Bless Israel, bless the United States Of America, & Bless your whole wide world.
Father, make us the head & not the tail.
the lender & not the borrower.
Touch us from head to toe & make us complete.
Make us living testimony of your great miracles, For your Glory.
I give you all the Praise & Glory.
In Jesus Mighty & Powerful Name, Amen & Amen!!

Brothers & Sisters don't give up.
If you fail at first, try & try again.
No matter what it may seem at the time, keep in mind that it shall come to pass.
Scriptures of encouragement:
Psalms 37:4-7
4 Delight thyself also in the Lord & he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him & He shall bring it to pass.
6 And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light & thy judgment as the noonday.
7 Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him, fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who brigneth wicked devices to pass.

Brothers & sisters, God doesn't want us to live the way we are living now. Barely making it trying to survive.
He wants the very best for us.
He wants us to think big. He doesn't want us to limit Him.
Nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him.
What He wants is for us to believe, trust, & have faith in Him.
So, sow your seed of faith, trust & believe.
Let us all join together as brothers & sisters in Christ & pray for one another.
Prayer is very powerful!!

You have my prayer....GBY.........Rosiesmile2



Glory Be To God!!
Thanks for sharing.
God Blessflowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:15 AM

I miss the Dean Martin Roasts, The Gong Show, the Judy Garland show. OK, i'm dating myself now.laugh Boy do I feel old all the sudden

I LOVED the Gong Show and the Dean Martin Roasts too...oh, and Carol Burnett! LOL....those aren't "old" just classics!! :tongue: :wink: flowerforyou

Yes, you are right.
Great classics.
Thanks for sharing.God Bless...Rosieflowerforyou smile2

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:13 AM

I miss the Dean Martin Roasts, The Gong Show, the Judy Garland show. OK, i'm dating myself now.laugh Boy do I feel old all the sudden

One of my favorites are
Air Wolf,Chips,& Adam 12.
I wish they would bring all them shows back.
Thanks for sharing..God Bless....Rosiesmile2

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:10 AM

Greatest American Hero
Cosby Show
Family Ties
Hill Street Blues
Miami Vice

Yes, these are great shows too.
Thanks for sharing.
God Bless....Rosiesmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:41 PM


Glory Be To God!!
Thanks for sharing.
God Blesssmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:13 PM

Good Evening Everybody, thought you might like to know today is carold Birthday.

May the Good Lord Bless you with
many,many,many more years of great
health & happiness:banana:
God Bless youflowers :heart:
Thanks I see your from Texas I'm from Houston. :)

Wow, that's great.
we're neighbors,biggrin
Yes we are :)


no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:11 PM


Don't quite remember that one
but I'm sure it was a good one too.
Thanks for sharing...God Blesssmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:09 PM

All in the Family
Leave it to Beaver
Andy Griffith
**** Van Dyke
The Munsters

Oh Yeah!
all good shows.
Thanks for sharing.
God Blesssmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:07 PM

beevis and butthead
2 stupid dogs

Thanks for sharing.
God Blesssmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:05 PM

beevis and butthead
roccos modern life
ren and stimpy
doug funny
haha but im just a kid

Thanks for sharing.
God Blesssmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 07:55 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if they were to bring all classic shows back on again?

Air Wolf
Hawaii 5-0
Adam 12
6 Million Dollar Man
Bionic Woman
Super Hero's
Knight Rider
The Incredible Hulk
Get Smart
Mork & Mindy
Red Skelton Show
Carol Burnett Show
Welcome Back Carter
Sheera ( cartoons )
Rainbow Bright
Thunder Cats
Fat Albert
Woody wood Pecker
Speedy Gonzales

I think it would be great to have all this shows back. Hahaha!!!biggrin
Can you name others?
Thanks for sharing the fun. Hahaha!!
May God Bless you all...........Rosie:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 07:49 PM
We all have hopes & dreams.
I'm here to encourage you to don't give up.
Hold on to that hope & dream you have.
God will make it come to pass.

Father God I come before you in Jesus name to thank you for our hopes & dreams & for our everyday opportunities.
Father God take over your government & cancel all of satan & his demons plans.
Bless Israel, bless the United States Of America, & Bless your whole wide world.
Father, make us the head & not the tail.
the lender & not the borrower.
Touch us from head to toe & make us complete.
Make us living testimony of your great miracles, For your Glory.
I give you all the Praise & Glory.
In Jesus Mighty & Powerful Name, Amen & Amen!!

Brothers & Sisters don't give up.
If you fail at first, try & try again.
No matter what it may seem at the time, keep in mind that it shall come to pass.
Scriptures of encouragement:
Psalms 37:4-7
4 Delight thyself also in the Lord & he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him & He shall bring it to pass.
6 And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light & thy judgment as the noonday.
7 Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him, fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who brigneth wicked devices to pass.

Brothers & sisters, God doesn't want us to live the way we are living now. Barely making it trying to survive.
He wants the very best for us.
He wants us to think big. He doesn't want us to limit Him.
Nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him.
What He wants is for us to believe, trust, & have faith in Him.
So, sow your seed of faith, trust & believe.
Let us all join together as brothers & sisters in Christ & pray for one another.
Prayer is very powerful!!

You have my prayer....GBY.........Rosiesmile2

no photo
Mon 11/10/08 07:33 PM

waving Welcome whitebutterfly, post and have some fun here in the 50s and over meeting the people and making some new friends.flowerforyou

I hope you won't mind me saying so,
but I just love this picture of you 2.
flowerforyou :heart: :heart: smile2