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What is love...?
I wonder if this is what Lex meant. Found this an interesting read actually. Schopenhaeur said falling in love is a ‘blind biological urge’ in us – love is basically an illusion which pull men and women together. Love in our mind is magical, sweet, sensational and is a symbol of happiness. But little did we know that these emotions come together with Love as a whole ‘package’. When human are able to derive positive emotions out of something, we gain satisfaction. And this satisfaction is what keep our desire alive. It’s instinctive, and we are basically slaves to our own instinct and desire (Schopenhauer called it Will). I've always felt that our concept of "love" is really more of an attempt to somehow ennoble the "blind biological urge" -- to be able to perceive it as something "more" than a reproductive instinct. To somehow pigeonhole the whole thing into a tiny little box (where it doesn't fit at all, without a lot of twisting and cutting and compressing and eye-shutting) so that it becomes a neat little package -- something that can be glorified and idealized in a 90-minute movie. When something like this becomes institutionalized to the point that it generates a spate of mindless cliches -- such as "There's someone for everybody" or "It'll happen when you stop looking" -- you can pretty much bet that it's firmly enough ensconced into the zeitgeist that there's no way to retrieve it and get people to see it as anything other than the well-scrubbed paradigm they've come to know and "love." I think its just how society percieves love to be. Lets face it people are brainwashed in to how they think. Lets take Valentine's day. How many men are pressured to buy gifts for their girls or spouses? If you don't, then you are labeled an awful man. Or if you don't buy gifts at Christmas; you are a scrooge. Or if you don't buy gifts for kids; you are a bad parent, Aunt/uncle. If you don't follow the norm of society; you are considered an outcast. Personally; I have nothing but admiration for anyone that thinks outside the box and goes against the norm of society. I like someone that questions what society thinks is wrong or right. Myself; I question what the norm is? Why should I follow like a mindless drone if I truly don't believe in what society is telling me? The problem (for me) is when the "norm" becomes something imposed entirely externally -- in other words, when I have no say in what I'm "supposed" to want, in how I'm "supposed" to live.... There is this idea that there's something "wrong" with you if you're not completely enamored with the marriage/kids/house/good ol'-fashioned American value system....the underlying implication being that there is no acceptable alternative. And -- for most people -- there really isn't. THAT'S the sad thing. No one wants anything to do with you if you insist on doing your own thinking. |
What is love...?
Happy Valentines Day (((((SexyLexy))))) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you! And same to you! ![]() (Stalkers always welcome....!) |
What is love...?
I wonder if this is what Lex meant. Found this an interesting read actually. Schopenhaeur said falling in love is a ‘blind biological urge’ in us – love is basically an illusion which pull men and women together. Love in our mind is magical, sweet, sensational and is a symbol of happiness. But little did we know that these emotions come together with Love as a whole ‘package’. When human are able to derive positive emotions out of something, we gain satisfaction. And this satisfaction is what keep our desire alive. It’s instinctive, and we are basically slaves to our own instinct and desire (Schopenhauer called it Will). I've always felt that our concept of "love" is really more of an attempt to somehow ennoble the "blind biological urge" -- to be able to perceive it as something "more" than a reproductive instinct. To somehow pigeonhole the whole thing into a tiny little box (where it doesn't fit at all, without a lot of twisting and cutting and compressing and eye-shutting) so that it becomes a neat little package -- something that can be glorified and idealized in a 90-minute movie. When something like this becomes institutionalized to the point that it generates a spate of mindless cliches -- such as "There's someone for everybody" or "It'll happen when you stop looking" -- you can pretty much bet that it's firmly enough ensconced into the zeitgeist that there's no way to retrieve it and get people to see it as anything other than the well-scrubbed paradigm they've come to know and "love." |
Your Valentine
Do you have one? If not, then who do you want it to be? Who at Mingle2 would you welcome a Valentine from? I've got nothing....! ![]() Its a shame we're the same SEX,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() WE think alike...... ![]() ![]() Yeah, but you have kids, you know the rules....! ![]() |
What is love...?
..isn't that what love is? To be irrational? Go against our normal way of thinking? Jumping into a river full of piranhas is also irrational. I see no point in romanticizing that....and, for me, "love" has never really been any different than jumping into a river full of piranhas. So we're back to "your mileage may vary." Let's just say I have yet to find anyone who was truly interested in the sort of relationship I would like to be in. I don't think such a person exists. I could be wrong about that, but it's likely I will go to my grave without finding any such person. I think it's more rational to accept the inevitable than to fight against reality. There was a point when I had something in my profile about how I was looking for someone who wanted to be a team with me, a whole greater than the sum of its parts, someone who got the gist of the "you and me against the world" thing -- even though, in the end, the world always wins, because they have better weapons. Even if we aren't worth 'anything', our very way of existence, always seems to have one notion that runs rampant through it. Whether this result is 'positive' or 'negative'; it was literally molded us into the beings we are now. I'm saying that's not necessarily a good thing. ..I'm confused by this. Where am I saying what is wrong or right? It was a reference to your earlier comments re: faith and religion being the roots of "right" and "wrong." I can respect that. However, I am merely just saying that someone cannot tell me 'love does not exist' when there is immeasurable proof to the opposite. My grandparents loved each other. For example. They were together over 70 years. So, again, while most of us will fade from this love never once experiencing love on that level.. doesn't give us the right to say, 'love doesn't exist', when we should be saying, 'I never felt love like that'. It gives us the right to say "I have no personal evidence to support this idea." Anecdotal evidence aside -- and there's plenty of that, regardless of what the topic is, because people like to be contrarians -- I have nothing I can reference to support it. I'm not (technically) saying "It doesn't exist." I'm saying "I have no way of knowing whether it exists or not, but, based on my own personal history, it's not looking good." There's the old "what if?" example about how there could be a tiny little cup and saucer orbiting the Earth, but no one has ever seen it. So should I believe it's there? That's a major difference. Wishing for alteration and wishing for completion are two separate things. "If I believe I am on the moon." That takes more than just mere belief, but it is achievable. "Instantly larger than a tomato larger than the universe." In the sense of realism, this isn't anywhere near remotely possible. Even dreams have limitations. See, the problem now becomes the fact that different people have different opinions on what is possible. And they reach those conclusions by radically different means, sometimes. Who's to say A is right and B is wrong? But this also needs to be self-determined. To compare, "I wish I was an Earth-sized tomato" and "I want to be on the moon." have two clear distinctive traits. Possibility and impossibility. Proof or the lack thereof. In one person's opinion. From a statistical standpoint, there is little difference between my odds of becoming a tomato and my being on the moon. It's a bit like saying "This cat will miraculously turn into a yacht" vs. "This yacht will spontaneously collapse into a pile of wood." One is thematically more feasible, but the likelihood is negligible either way. Take this for example.. If someone believes in God. Prays to them all the time. ..and one day they ask God for something. Next day, they receive it. Whether he had a part in it or not; that belief got stronger. They believed in something that didn't fail them. So, maybe it's better to say: "If one believes strongly enough will become reality (within reason)." Humans have a bizarre need to see cause and effect where there really isn't any. I'm not one to encourage that sort of thing. ..though I believe this to be a depressing way to think and live.. I will not judge nor critique it, for it is your choice. That is what I perceive to be reality. Being depressed about reality is like being depressed about ordinal numbers. ..and what is the actual difference? Does it actually hold different levels of variances? If you were in a burning apartment.. You have your wife (play along, you love her) You have your son (or daughter that you love) You have your dog (who doesn't love Fido?) ..with your way of thinking, by default, you would save your wife? No, with my way of thinking, I would save my dog. Is there truly a separating factor between the levels of affection? They may be shown differently, but I seen no true profound difference. I heard a lady paid 50k to clone her dog.. There can be no across-the-board answer to this. Everyone will have their own take on it. Mine just doesn't happen to coincide with the majority's. I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. ..but you seem to be criticizing me.. No I'm questioning your premise. It's not criticism. You haven't actually seen me criticize anything in this topic yet. ..for believing love does exist. ..and proclaiming that love is out there. I know love. I know the pain after it's gone. You believe that reliving love to only experience pain. Isn't worth it. ..that's where I disagree. Because, although the pain is horrid.. ..the hope that it could, possibly, last forever.. ..that makes it worth it to me. I had that hope, for a long time. Many years. What I saw was that it was a false hope. I hope it turns out not to be a false hope for you. I hope it turns out not to be a false hope for everyone else here. But my reality has been that it is, in fact and inevitably, a false hope. I choose not to live in a state of delusion anymore. |
What is love...?
Faith - is built on love. Religion is built on faith. You've described a chain of irrationality. The very concepts of 'right' and 'wrong' would be nullified in the absence of love; because love is a major part of 'caring'. If no one truly cared, the human race itself wouldn't have prospered as well as it has. I'm not defining either word; defining the concept in which they are both built on. Whether this love is in a possession, a child, or a stranger; love is there, has been there, and has played a major impact in the raising of flags and the falling of kingdoms. That's the problem -- you're building a case on the pre-existing concept that the human race is inherently worth something. My point is that I don't know if that's the case or not. Being human, I have a somewhat vested interest in the answer, therefore I tend to lean in the direction that there is something "good" underneath it all. But my more rational side wants to be more objective about it. "Right" and "wrong" are just terms used to create value judgments for selected people/things/concepts in selected circumstances. Again, if you go in thinking that it's "right" to do whatever is best for the most people in a given situation, you've nullified objectivity and given into the "vested interest" proposition. I'm not saying that's "bad" or "wrong" (this is entirely a matter of one's own perspective), I'm just saying it creates an intrinsic bias. I see your point here, but 'giving up' on something doesn't give anyone then the right to say, 'it does not exist'. ..I believe that was what I was more veering towards. Then let me rephrase that. Giving up means giving up on something that I have found pointless and useless and, more often than not, painful. Relationships exist, yes. I've been there. I know how it works. It isn't worth it. I'm not saying relationships don't exist -- I'm saying "love" -- in the sense of two people, united together as a team, truly caring and supportive of each other, through good and bad -- THAT doesn't exist. Maybe it does and I just have never seen it. I've never seen a Yeti or a leprechaun or a Martian. I'm not looking for them, either, and maybe they DO exist -- but, in the end, whether they do or not is irrelevant to me now. This may be true; but like faith. If one believes strongly enough.. becomes your reality. No. If I believe I am on the moon, I will not be on the moon, no matter how much I believe it. J. Richard Gott wrote, in his book "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe": "I might wish right now to instantly become a tomato larger than the entire universe, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot do it." I know it's become SOP for people to pass on the touchy-feely-warm-and-fuzzy-eco-friendly-new-age-folderol as if it contained some sort of cosmic knowledge, but it doesn't. It's just drivel designed to placate the masses. ..and it is that belief, that began the cycle. One man says, 'Love does not exist'. Now the woman he was destined for, will never find it. She now settles for the closest thing she can find to it. Now there is another man and a woman who will never find love. ..because two people 'settled' for something less. Destined by who? Or by what? I have a problem with this -- as I've seen nothing to indicate "destiny" has any more validity than "love." The more you pile this stuff up, the more obvious the impending collapse. No fate. No destiny. No karma. No steering. No meaning to life, other than that which we assign to it ourselves. I understand what you are saying.. ..and, you are right, it is not place to say.. "your way of thinking is wrong". ..I'm just tired of hearing, 'love is an illusion'. Delusion. (My opinion.) ..and so is 'love' in that aspect. It's not the same. There's no universally-accepted unit of measurement. We know what a dollar is, we know what a Euro is. Love has no statistics. You have a passion. Passion is love. Therefore, you have love. I am not saying your reasons are not valid. I am saying your reasons are an offspring or relation to love.. ..loving something. ..and you proved it. I'm not trying to offend or upset you. I'm not offended at all; it's rare that anyone posts something that allows me to express this sort of thing. For that, I'm greatly appreciative. But I would submit that you're watering down the "love" concept here -- I'm talking about "romantic love," per se, not "I love my parrot." neighbor loved her dog. friend loves his son. grandparents loved each other. If anything. It is almost safe for me to say: Love is purpose. ..because that is what it gives us. OK, it can. But -- to use your examples -- I don't have a dog or a son or grandparents (or any family or friends at all, anymore, to be honest) -- so those sorts of loves are not open to me. And I can say "I love writing" and be perfectly comfortable with that -- but the feeling it generates is nothing at all like I have ever experienced or imagined "romantic love" to be -- I find it annoying, actually, that I end up using the same word ("love") in both instances, because it simply isn't expressing what I mean in an effective way..... But that's a semantics issue. What I'm really getting at is that there are those of us who simply have chosen to withdraw from the ostensible "playing field" -- not out of spite, not out of malice, but out of exhaustion and the desire not to be immolated anymore beyond what we've already been through. I don't see why anyone should consider that a bad thing.... |
What is love...?
..but in the absence of religion, there'd be nothing but chaos. Right and wrong; they'd have no place here. Law and Order, wouldn't even be a TV series, let alone a way of society. So, without religion, there would be no government and no laws? I have no idea where you could be getting that from. I've seen plenty of "Law and Order" type shows, and other than the oath that the witness takes before testifying, there isn't a whole heck of a lot of religious talk going on there. "Right" and "wrong" are mere expedient designations; i.e., what is "good" for a certain group and what is "bad" for said group. They are flexible terms and have no immutable definitions. ..but, my friend, it has been proven. Throughout history.. my own life. In the lives of others.. In a world that focuses so heavily on negative,'s not wonder it has become so hard to see it, let alone feel it. But this, of course, is necessarily an individual experience, with individualistic results -- and consequences. There is no "blanket answer" here. I can only speak for myself and my own life. And I choose not to see giving up as a "negative" at all -- would it be a negative to give up smoking, drinking, drugs, jumping off the roof onto a bed of nails, etc.? There are things we give up because we can no longer justify the NEGATIVES they bring to our lives. How is giving up on a negative, a negative? Contradiction in terms, at best.... ..choosing to play or sit this one out.. Only proves that it truly does exist. In one way, shape, or form. It's exists. ..because you've felt it. ..and you've been burnt by it. Belief is not reality. I have felt it. It was not good. I choose to eliminate it from my life. But what was I really burnt by? My belief. That's all. Nothing more. My belief that there was something out there. Ergo -- no one to blame but myself. And my naivete. Love may not be a common thing that everyone finds. But last I checked, either is wealth.. ..and that's a physical thing. Wealth is measurable, to some extent. the absence of love.. Life itself would be utterly pointless. ..otherwise, why are you here? Why haven't you all jumped off a bridge? It is a mistake to try to impose your own standards of "what's life for?" on other people. I am here to create things, because I am driven to do that. I do not require anyone else for that -- I can do it just fine on my own. If you're telling me that creating things has no value because it is done in the absence of a caring, monogamous framework, I would say your definitions are far far too narrow. Please allow me the courtesy of deciding for myself what my reasons for being here are, and whether or not those reasons are valid. I certainly will not be trying to impose my standards on you, or anyone else. Something keeps you coming back for more. I'm not done creating yet. Everyone loves something.. A something that holds a major value in our lives. ..without it.. We are nothing but bone and ash... True enough, there are those things that hold major value in my life. None of them are human, though. My choice. |
must be entirely self-derived, self-generated, and self-rooted ![]() Nice ((((((SexyLexy))))) ![]() ![]() Sad, I suppose, but true -- for me, anyway...! I reached the conclusion that no one can "make" me happy. I have to "make" that determination on my own. And, in the long run, it's a mistake to let anyone else have any say in the process.... |
Is it wrong to find your happiness in others? I would say it's delusional. If you look for your happiness in other people, you are going to be disappointed. Over and over and over. Happiness -- in my opinion -- must be entirely self-derived, self-generated, and self-rooted. No one should put that kind of responsibility or expectation on another person. |
What is love...?
"I never use the word, it's loaded. What love means to me is need." -- John Cale A poem like hers.. A quote like yours.. Written in the absence. They defined love by the loss of it. They both wrote such differently, during.. ..that was love. To write about the pain in its absence.. felt it. So to say, 'It does not exist'.. It's hypocritical. Hardly. People are frequently and seriously impacted by things that have no tangible, measurable existence. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as religion.... The underlying issue isn't whether or not it affects us. The underlying issue is whether or not we can cope with the reality that we've allowed ourselves to be twisted and mangled by something that, in the end, can never be demonstrably proven either way. I simply chose not to play that game anymore. It's lose-lose -- there's no incentive to participate further. Your mileage may vary. |
What is love...?
"I never use the word, it's loaded. What love means to me is need."
-- John Cale |
Your Valentine
Do you have one? If not, then who do you want it to be? Who at Mingle2 would you welcome a Valentine from? I've got nothing....! |
Lessons for men and women!
Yep. I think its just the worlds longest "Im cranky" rant. Not at all 'new angry dumbass'. I would like to point out that the "I'm cranky" rant, when done properly, is an art form. |
Anyone,,,need Some?
The way I see it..... HAPPY singles appreciation Day!!!! ![]() ![]() But even that one acronyms out to S.A.D. -- ![]() |
Lessons for men and women!
So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? ![]() Everybody's mom thinks I'm cute. That's what I get for mocking that voodoo priest.... Awww, are cute. (Yes, that's right, I'm somebody's mom.) We are still searching for your match darlin!! We may just thwart that voodoo priest after all! But let's not tell him.... |
Lessons for men and women!
So umm..does that mean you don't want to hear about my mom thinking you're cute? ![]() Everybody's mom thinks I'm cute. That's what I get for mocking that voodoo priest.... |
Lessons for men and women!
I took wombatinese as a foreign language. well u better make sure she doesn't want to have babies we're all tired of hearing Lex whine about dates who talk about their "need to breed" ![]() ![]() ![]() I do note, with some trepidation, that "wombat" does contain the word "womb." definitely a slip of the Freudian kind As Freud said, "Sometimes a wombat is just a wombat." |
Lessons for men and women!
I took wombatinese as a foreign language. well u better make sure she doesn't want to have babies we're all tired of hearing Lex whine about dates who talk about their "need to breed" ![]() ![]() ![]() I do note, with some trepidation, that "wombat" does contain the word "womb." |
Lessons for men and women!
#1: When you first start talking to a girl and she asks you about your parents, If your like me they recently offed them selves and well this doesn't come across well to women as far as the ideals of your possible sanity goes. just say there doing well, technically they are since there issues are no longer bothering them. My parents have been dead for many years, so conversation on that subject is usually very brief. #2: When she immediately starts the conversation with your cute "Or any other variance of the term", add her to your ignore list immediately! The reason for this is simple, if that's the first and probably only thing she noticed about you then shes vane and obviously we don't want a vane woman... With vanity comes a huge self worth problem. Usually stemming from her parents. Which means your gonna have to path her up more then the ****ing Titanic needed. Agreed, I'd prefer someone who had something with a little substance to say. Compliments are great but I'm more interested in being understood. #3: If the girl shows a huge amount of cleavage in her display pictures, I know this is hard to do but press the back button and go some where else. Obviously she thinks that's all shes worth "Eye candy" since she wants to put her self out there that way. More then likely shes a clinger and overly needy. Now theres nothing wrong with a woman or her needs but like us if its overdone this is a turn off and a sign an impending failure waiting to happen, leaving you heart broken and shattered. The cleavage shots always strike me as desperate and pathetic. Of course, I'm not a boob guy, so a cleavage pic is just slightly less likely to draw me in than a pic of a wombat wearing a kimono. #4: if a woman always listens to her mom, get the **** out now while you can. There is nothing wrong with taking advice but the moment the mother decides she doesn't like you "which 9/10 she will hate you guts simply because her daughter likes you" life will become a living hell, you cant defeat there madness so just walk away while you still can and not get hurt. One of the bizarre things that I've noticed in past relationships is that their mothers almost always end up liking me more than my girlfriends do. This is just wrong, and indicates that the world is a completely messed-up place. Finally #5: If the girl you love/like or w/e never seems to have any thing to talk about and you find your self wanting to talk more but cant think of what to say. Walk away. Obviously the mental summation has worn off and while you make like/love her she obviously is a closed Pandora's box and that's again to much work for the ending result of absolute pain. I never ever have any trouble coming up with something to say. But most of my exes had the intellectual/conversational skills of a 17th century umbrella stand, so things ended up being boring and one-sided. And, after three months, all any of them wanted to talk about was how much they needed to have a baby. ![]() ![]() Theresa Marie up there has chosen this for the first date. She has asked you assist in dressing her..... No problem! I hope she likes Arby's....! |
Lessons for men and women!
#1: When you first start talking to a girl and she asks you about your parents, If your like me they recently offed them selves and well this doesn't come across well to women as far as the ideals of your possible sanity goes. just say there doing well, technically they are since there issues are no longer bothering them. My parents have been dead for many years, so conversation on that subject is usually very brief. #2: When she immediately starts the conversation with your cute "Or any other variance of the term", add her to your ignore list immediately! The reason for this is simple, if that's the first and probably only thing she noticed about you then shes vane and obviously we don't want a vane woman... With vanity comes a huge self worth problem. Usually stemming from her parents. Which means your gonna have to path her up more then the ****ing Titanic needed. Agreed, I'd prefer someone who had something with a little substance to say. Compliments are great but I'm more interested in being understood. #3: If the girl shows a huge amount of cleavage in her display pictures, I know this is hard to do but press the back button and go some where else. Obviously she thinks that's all shes worth "Eye candy" since she wants to put her self out there that way. More then likely shes a clinger and overly needy. Now theres nothing wrong with a woman or her needs but like us if its overdone this is a turn off and a sign an impending failure waiting to happen, leaving you heart broken and shattered. The cleavage shots always strike me as desperate and pathetic. Of course, I'm not a boob guy, so a cleavage pic is just slightly less likely to draw me in than a pic of a wombat wearing a kimono. #4: if a woman always listens to her mom, get the **** out now while you can. There is nothing wrong with taking advice but the moment the mother decides she doesn't like you "which 9/10 she will hate you guts simply because her daughter likes you" life will become a living hell, you cant defeat there madness so just walk away while you still can and not get hurt. One of the bizarre things that I've noticed in past relationships is that their mothers almost always end up liking me more than my girlfriends do. This is just wrong, and indicates that the world is a completely messed-up place. Finally #5: If the girl you love/like or w/e never seems to have any thing to talk about and you find your self wanting to talk more but cant think of what to say. Walk away. Obviously the mental summation has worn off and while you make like/love her she obviously is a closed Pandora's box and that's again to much work for the ending result of absolute pain. I never ever have any trouble coming up with something to say. But most of my exes had the intellectual/conversational skills of a 17th century umbrella stand, so things ended up being boring and one-sided. And, after three months, all any of them wanted to talk about was how much they needed to have a baby. |