Community > Posts By > miranda3

miranda3's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:25 PM

I've met face to face with friends, both male and female. If I enjoyed their company online, I'd take the next step. My best friend, I met online almost 10 yrs ago.

Ditto, although we met on a mutual interest site, not a dating site. She's English, and we've each spent about a month in the other's home, and it's been the most wonderful friendship!

miranda3's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:19 PM
Love and prayers to you Journey2008. Having had no children of my own, I often look at the young men and women who are serving in the military and feel as they are the sons and daughters of us ALL.

I often pass under the "Freedom Bridge" at Ft. Lewis WA, strewn with its flags and yellow ribbons, and say a prayer for them all, yours included!

miranda3's photo
Mon 10/27/08 12:19 PM

I am very fortunate to have

two awesome Daughters :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

& one fantastic Son...drinker smokin drinker

in their early thirties...flowerforyou

but yes...William is sooo precious love

and like a son to me also :wink:

although he wishes he was more blushing

he likes us older women alot

cause some of us really have our heads on straight ...

unlike many of the younger ones huh

laugh Amen!

miranda3's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:54 AM
Welcome Home and thank you for your service. You remind me of the son I never had. Lots of us ole ladies probably feel like that.

miranda3's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:03 AM

<-----trying to be the person my dog thinks I am...

The best one yet!

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 10:55 PM
In a hot minute. My ex-SIL got into her second hubby's computer and found he was running a child porn business out of their home, while she was at work. She had suspected him of cheating, but not with children!

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 10:16 PM

Yes it is all true that we all try to be individuals, but when it comes down the the fact that we actually have to be one on one with an individual....are you REALLY prepared to be what you are and the rest will accept you as you are?
Think about it...none of us are prepared to strike out on our own and be us as we are us because we have conformed to family contributions and trials and tribulations that we have survived. None of us can say that we are totally on our own as we have previously been totally on our own throughout life. We have endured influences and incumbrances from previous family experiences.

Are you totally comfortable in saying that "I am what I am...take me or leave me" any more? I used to think that, but I have been educated recently through experience that I may need to rethink all of this otherwise...

I expect to wake up tomorrow. Beyond that............

Actually, after the grief abates a little, it becomes truly liberating to be totally alone, with no one who expects anything from you. Clean slate.

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 10:03 PM

are you chucky's loverhuh

Chucky is a bit tall for me. I like the elfen type.

You mean like midget porn?


You said elfin is the way to go...

Those freakin keebler's get all the hot dolls

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:39 PM

are you chucky's loverhuh

Chucky is a bit tall for me. I like the elfen type.

You mean like midget porn?


miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:31 PM

Hello and welcome to Mingle2, I hope you have a great time here...
It's soooo much fun!!!! Enjoy the forums...
I hope you find what your searching for…


Thanks so much for the welcome!

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:26 PM

Originally from Sioux Falls but have moved away for finanfial reasons. How are things back in Soo Foo?

Oops! Actually, I live on the west coast, and just wish I could move back to Sioux Falls -- still think of it as "back home" even though I haven't seen it in a few decades!

Where do you live now?

Oops again! I just checked out your profile. Wicked sense of humor ya got there!bigsmile

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:23 PM

Originally from Sioux Falls but have moved away for finanfial reasons. How are things back in Soo Foo?

Oops! Actually, I live on the west coast, and just wish I could move back to Sioux Falls -- still think of it as "back home" even though I haven't seen it in a few decades!

Where do you live now?

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 05:30 PM

I perv cause I care.

I care cause I perv.

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 05:27 PM

The "I believe what I want believe and hear what I want to hear" guy/girl.
They don't listen to reason and their mind is made up, no matter how wrong they are. You can show them documented proof of something and they still won't believe it. They live in a world made up in their own head.

frustrated So true it hurts!

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 05:17 PM
Funny thread. I perv, even though I am a nun.

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 04:36 PM

What is it that attracts you to guy?

Intelligence. Dignity. Honesty. Sense of humor.

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:36 PM

captain 11 rules......but I never did get the toy chest!!!!

Went to high school with dana dedrick, we called him captain 11 jr and he hated it

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:05 PM

are you chucky's loverhuh

Chucky is a bit tall for me. I like the elfen type.

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:00 PM

miranda3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:56 PM
Maybe it's the challenge. Takes a lot longer to get my hormones started these days.