Community > Posts By > uyi123

uyi123's photo
Sat 04/05/14 02:54 PM
Bible is not just a Book in the hands of his children, it's his very words and they are written in the heart of the believers, but an ordinary book in the hands of the unbelievers. Deut 30:19, God gave man a choice, either to choose Life or Death, or to choose Blessing or Cursing, and he said, choose Life so that you and your children may live. He was not referring to the live we are living here on earth, he was talking about the everlasting life, a life without end with him.
I don't blame anybody on what they believe, or who they accept, some are inherited from their parents, why some don't believe on anyone.
There are only two kingdoms, "Light" and "Darkness", Kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan. that is why He said, "I am the way, the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me" Jesus didn't live the world with any religion, he only left with a relationship, He want to have a relationship with you today. Anyone who needs, Love, Happiness, joy, peace, companion and a friend. Then you need Jesus,all he ask for is just a trial.

uyi123's photo
Sat 04/05/14 12:51 AM
JESUS is not a half man nor a half god, he is God himself,john1:1,3,10. he existed before the creation of this world, he was the creator himself. col 1:16-19. There are 3 in one God, The father, the Holly Spirit and the Son, also called the Word. The bible is not like other book written by man's was inspiration from God through his savant.

uyi123's photo
Wed 04/02/14 02:59 PM
Thanks for your reply.
No matter what you may say about me or my God, it does not change who he is, he still loves you anyway, because JESUS is LOVE himself, he has already express it by dying for your sins trying to save you if only you will accept him.

uyi123's photo
Tue 04/01/14 03:50 PM
I know JESUS to be the son of God, in john 3:16. He came to this world to restored man back to God, by dying for the sins of this world by shearing his blood for the remission of sins, three days later he resurrected and he is alive today.In john 14;6, He said I am the way and the truth and the life,no one comes to the father except through me. Act 4:12, salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by wish we must be saved.john 1:1-5, made us know He is God,and verse 12 made us know only by believing and accepting him as your God you will be his son too.

uyi123's photo
Tue 12/10/13 11:11 AM
Many people don't really understand the word "LOVE" i mean God kind of love.
LOVE- Forgive, no matter what happen, Jesus did, after he was crucified.
Stephen did, after he was stoned.
Joseph did, after he was sold to slavery.
Hatred, Jealousy, envy,unforgiven, are not a product of love.
1john 3:18, says, let us not love in words, but in truth and in action.

uyi123's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:07 PM
"Love is the greatest"
Without Love, there is no forgiveness. Even after he was crucified, He said Father, forgive them. Because he still loves them no matter what they have done.

uyi123's photo
Wed 11/27/13 11:59 AM
1john3:1. Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.

uyi123's photo
Tue 11/26/13 05:55 AM
John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, and who so ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting Life.

uyi123's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:00 PM
1cor 13:13.And now these three remain: faith, hope and Love. But the greatest of these is love.
Matt 22:36-39. Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?
Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
John 15:12. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

uyi123's photo
Sun 11/24/13 05:50 PM
John 14:1-3
1.Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.
2.In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you so, I will go and prepare a place for you.
3. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that were I am there you may be also.

uyi123's photo
Sun 11/24/13 05:37 PM
John 14:6
Jesus said unto him, I Am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me.

uyi123's photo
Wed 11/20/13 10:30 PM

This is also in the minds of the majority of women and men, even ones who call themselves Christians!!!! And living together before marriage, no big deal either, met someone all for it., just very sad. This worldly world I can't take anymore.

There are many religious fraudsters in the church today.
Do as i say but not as i do. They are just hypocrites.
You shall know them all by their fruit/foot.
Welcome to Mingle2.

Bible warn us to be ware of dogs in phil 3:2, there are people in the church today who are there for different purposes, some are there to seduce christians and even the pastors by their dresses, why some men are there to entice and deceive the ladies just for sexual motive. 1thes 5:17, told us that if we sow to the flesh we reap corruption, but if we sow to the spirit we reap everlasting life.

uyi123's photo
Sat 10/19/13 01:32 PM
Thanks big brother,God will bless you, favour you and give you break through in all round. Thanks for loving the truth.

uyi123's photo
Fri 10/18/13 02:54 AM
The bible says "The fear of the is the beginning of wisdom" The bible says "you shall hear the truth and the truth shall set you free" let me tell you the truth. Many churches today will not tell you the truth, because they don't want people to live their church, they will not tell you about the fear of God,if you don't fear God then you are not wise Proverb 1:7. Prov 4:7, say get wisdom and get understanding. In the book of Job 28:1-28, the angel of death and hell where discussing on where to find wisdom and understanding, in verse 28 they concluded that the fear of the lord that is wisdom and to depart from evil that is understanding. For those who might ague that hell can't speak, go to revelation 20:13-14, after hell has given up those who live in it, then it was cast into the lake of fire, so it was punish as well. Seek your own salvation with fear and trembling, because it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Heb 10:31, and this is why you should fear God,Heb 12:28-29. The benefit you get if you fear him, psalm 33:18,34:7,"Protection". So, if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But, let him ask if faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind, James 1:5-6.

uyi123's photo
Wed 10/16/13 08:45 AM
Thanks, God bless you all.

uyi123's photo
Tue 10/15/13 07:44 AM
There are people who called themselves christian or believers today, but, not living a holly life. Every believers quest is to make heaven, but, many try living a holy life by self effort, 1cor 12:3, without the spirit of God, you can't live a holy, and without a holy life you can't see God. Heb 12:14.In Rom 8:1-14 and Gal 5:16-26 explain the fight between the flesh and the spirit, but when the spirit that raised up Jesus christ from the dead dwells in your mortal body, He shall also quicken your mortal body by the spirit that dwells in you. Rom 8:11.
When the Spirit of God lives in you, He will help you remove the habit of sin from your life and help you build the fruit of the Spirit,Gal5:22-23, which is LOVE,Joy,peace,long suffering,Gentleness,Goodness,faith,Meekness and temperance.
Rom 6:22, the end is everlasting life.

uyi123's photo
Tue 10/15/13 06:00 AM
Thanks,God bless you.

uyi123's photo
Sun 10/13/13 10:33 PM
If you have anything bordering you, I am here to help out.

uyi123's photo
Sun 10/13/13 10:25 PM
You don't look at people to serve God, salvation is personal with fear and trembling. What you look at for in a church is weather they preach the true world of God, bible said you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.