Community > Posts By > Maikuru

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:05 AM

I find it funny what lengths people will go to when they can't stand they lost an election. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is an american citizen and like i stated earlier people really need to check their sources on their stories. If this was really a issue every news network would be all over it. Turn on you Tv....its not happening, which means these stories conservatives are spewing are more than like not true or are completely unsubstainiated. People need to learn not to believe every little email or story they hear, especially if its coming from conservative radio or the FOX news all have brains use them for God's sake!noway frustrated

Oh, please it is not about having "lost" we have all felt this way from the very beginning.....and if you are going to jump on conservatives....IF you REALLY want to be fair....look what the liberals have done to the conservatives....IF you want to be FAIR......which appears not to be the you go bashing FOX news....which, like it or THE top cable/news chanel in the US......CANNOT dispute that....and the conservative radio talk shows.....just compare Hannity's talk show to Colmes' talk radio.......HANNITY rules.........:smile:

So.....seems like you are doing exactly what you accuse others allegedly are are taking conservative statements totally out of context and making it sound like the total opposite of the point they ARE making -great trick of non-conservatives, non-Republicans and non-Christians, and obama supporters.....whoa


Oh come on Lindyy, thats a classic redirect. You CONSERVATIVES need to take responsbility for your mistakes. You cant go around blaming independents and liberals for your curruption and blatant mis-management of out goverenment. I got news for you sister Fox News and Hannity are the most biased biggoted news organizations in this country. Granted the liberals can be just as bad but to blame the other side for you being caught with your phants down is completely ridiculous and stupid. I at least know something about journalism and thats when i report a story i at least check my sources. So no in no way am i doing what i accuse others of. I at least try to be an informed voter and did my own fact checks instead of jumping at the first political ad or statement and drawing a conclusion. I have news for you Linddy not everyone who voted for Obama was liberal, non conservative, non-republican, or non-christian or black or hispanic. I am a white moderate conservative independent Taoist, Christian american man who proudly voted for Obama. Get off your pious high horse and realize something: The Repulicans screwed up and they no longer as a body represent conservative values. That is why they lost this election. When you screw up you suffer the consquences! Wake the hell up before you burn in it.frustrated

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 02:34 AM
That chart was Faith is nice but when faith is untested and not constantly challenged then it becomes blind faith. Blind faith ignores truth and evidence. Faith is to be tested and refined otherwise we will never reach the truth and we will never trully understand the universe around us or what lies beyond. Faith,Science and philosophy all share the same potential, but everything must be questioned and tested or we fail.:tongue:

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 02:02 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Wed 12/03/08 02:04 AM

i think ignorance comes with insecurity honestly .. but its not as simple as a one word answer. I think it def. has alot to do with how you're raised.

Heres a scenario .. Jane doe is beaten by her father from an early age all the way into her teen years ( plz ladies this is just for the sake of an example) She eventually starts dating guys and ends up dating the wrong people . after countless encounters she will eventually build this idea in her mind that all men are bad ..and without reading what i wrote previously about jane doe .. her feelings might sound ignorant because not all men are bad or created equal. so thats just an example how a person might develop ignorance for either something particular or just a ignorant mentality in general.

ignorance is a really tough thing to be passive about and it hurts alot of people .. but theres also alot of things that you can't necessarily say is ignorant because thats just the way it is lol.

Religion for example .. personally i find religion to be a hoax and sometimes i feel like people are ignorant for believing in a dogmatic figure, to me its superfluous i think its one reason why theres a lot of war and hate going on in the world . But its IGNORANT to say that religion is ignorance ... get it ?

Your right in the sense that ignorance can be subjective to the circumstances and influences surrounding a person or group of people. In this sense i believe as a people we are programing this ignorance into ourselves and our society. Religion itself is a double edge sword, it has been used for both good and evil. Truth as in all knowledge is like this. Eveything and everything one has the potential to do both, which in a since also says that ignorance is a matter of choice. Is this a paradox or is the nature of ignorance in humans so co-dependent on itself that one state of ignorance in turn perpetuates the other?

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:50 AM

I think that the difference between knowledge of facts--which is increasingly expanding beyond the capacity of many people to grasp--and knowledge of wisdom is essential. The choice of what things to be cognizant about is self-protecting, for the sheer volume of knowledge is impractical for the mind, and the hours of a real daily life.

As for comparisons of educational rates in various nations, the educational level is not so much of a variance in income levels as it once was. Productivity and profitability determine the value of education when it is applied; failing to be competitive productively zeroes the real value of educational success, unless one goes where the education's value is worth more money.

I think you may have a point with this one. So long as profit and productivity drives what makes education succesful then we will be looking at our jobs going overseas as well as the best teachers and educators. What saddens me even more is a sense that our society has lost basic skills like common sense, logic and street smarts. Respect for knowledge and wisdom as a whole seems to be lost on America. What can be done to reverse these trends?

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:36 AM
I find it funny what lengths people will go to when they can't stand they lost an election. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is an american citizen and like i stated earlier people really need to check their sources on their stories. If this was really a issue every news network would be all over it. Turn on you Tv....its not happening, which means these stories conservatives are spewing are more than like not true or are completely unsubstainiated. People need to learn not to believe every little email or story they hear, especially if its coming from conservative radio or the FOX news all have brains use them for God's sake!noway frustrated

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:19 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Wed 12/03/08 01:21 AM
Religous conservatives, die hard republicans and anybody suffering from dementia will continue to place bush and his republican croonies up on a pedastal. Kinda reminds me of the story of the golden calf from the bible and how God punished them to wander forty years in the desert.
I am a independent and i am more than willing to inform you religious conservatives that you are commiting political idolatry. You golden calf (the republican party) is smashed! Will you stand before the masses, people of faith and God himself and still stand with the currupt, immoral, deceitful and unjust. No the people will cast you out as they cast out the republicans. May you all come to your senses lest you continue to wallow with the pigs like the prodigal son.frustrated

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 12:53 AM
oh crap! Their on to us,,,, quick everyone back to the ships!:tongue:

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 12:45 AM
The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet are good starting points for western readers interested in Taoism. The Tao Te Ching is the heart and soul of Taoism, invest in a copy of it. Might i also suggest all works by Eva Wong and Thomas Cleary, you can find many of their works in your local library or through Shambahala publications. Some of my personal favorites are by Lieh tzu, Wen tzu, Chuang tzu and Huang Ti otherwise known as the yellow emperor. These will help you get an introduction to Taoism. As to buddhist texts might i suggest consulting a buddhist or buddhist temple. Remeber Taoism and Buddhism are two different Asian faiths and philosophies. One must keep this in mind when taking care to study both.:wink:

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 12:34 AM
We live in an age of instant news and where knowledge resides just beyond the click of the mouse. With all this knowledge available to us why is the united states so far behind other nations in education? What is it that is holding our students back? Is ignorance a choice like my grandfather suggested and we as a people are choosing to limit our knowledge and understanding? Or perhaps it something in our culture and society that persists in keeping us from reaching our full potential? Let me know what you all think.:tongue:

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/03/08 12:18 AM

I am in no way daring to assume anything, The (oh by the way its spelled Yin not Yen) Yin and Yang just simply recognizes that there are opposites in the universe that balance and maintain each other. It does not assume anything nor have i implied that i was there at the moment of creation. You fail to realize that by you stating there was a need to create that you therefore assume that the source had some kind of "personal conflict" or a "need" to create the universe.
This assumption in the question which began the thread dismisses any chance that there may not have been any need or conflict. I am simply stating your question proceeds to make an assumption about the nature of creation, which is something which cannot be assumed unless you were present at the time of creation. Your question is ultimately not logical, flawed and in the end questionable itself.noway

"Maikura" in the land of Physics any every and/or all actions requires a need purpose and/or reason to carry out that action

so can you explain why that logic doesn't apply to "The One" or the Yin and the Yang

I am not sure what physics books you have been reading but last time i checked "need" and "reason" are human concepts and last time i checked asteriods colliding never had a "need" or "reason" to do so. Once again you presume to understand things in human terms and concepts which are completely outside the realm of humanity. True physics has to do with the movement and interaction of objects not their thoughts, intents or purposes.... Think about it when is the last time you consulted a raindrop as to why it intended to fall from the sky. This action takes place outside of any need of purpose or any thought of reason. Your logic is terribly flawed.noway frustrated

Maikuru's photo
Tue 12/02/08 03:58 PM
Edited by Maikuru on Tue 12/02/08 03:59 PM

Who says there actually had to be any kind of conflict? I think the fallacy in your arguement is that you assume there was a condition in which there was a conflict that required creation. Think about it, your stating that there was even a need, who ever said creation was nesscary, perhaps you need to consider the viewpoint of an artist. Why would he create a painting? Becuase of some personal conflict he was having? Of course not the reasons could be numerous but in the case of an artist he was simply inspired to paint something. Your problem is that you are assuming what can not be assumed unless you were there at the time of creation.

"Maikuru" aren't you assuming the same thing about the creation of the "Yen and the Yang" unless you are saying that you were present at the moment of creation ...also an artist creates because of a conflict they have within themselves or why would they have a "need" to ...besides an artist is controlled by "want" and "need" a God or "The One" supposely don't have such desires hence the topic of this thread

I am in no way daring to assume anything, The (oh by the way its spelled Yin not Yen) Yin and Yang just simply recognizes that there are opposites in the universe that balance and maintain each other. It does not assume anything nor have i implied that i was there at the moment of creation. You fail to realize that by you stating there was a need to create that you therefore assume that the source had some kind of "personal conflict" or a "need" to create the universe.
This assumption in the question which began the thread dismisses any chance that there may not have been any need or conflict. I am simply stating your question proceeds to make an assumption about the nature of creation, which is something which cannot be assumed unless you were present at the time of creation. Your question is ultimately not logical, flawed and in the end questionable itself.noway

Maikuru's photo
Sun 11/30/08 12:57 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Sun 11/30/08 12:59 AM

I see what your saying now, sorry for the confusion. I have studied many religions and faiths. As a Taoist I personally believe in the concept of the transfiguration of the Tao/Wu-Chi into the ten thousand myriad things or everything in our universe as it were. The One creates two: Yin and Yang. The two created the greater and lesser four. The four produced the eight trigrams and the eight trigrams created the sixty four heaxgrams this continued on into the creation of the ten thousand myriad things-our universe. What is Tao? you might ask, I cannot in words define the Tao. You find it spoken of in every faith in some form or another. Semantics really. What you call God I go as far as to compare Tao with your christian ideologoical view that is called a god or holy spirit. For me all comes from this and will return to this. From nothing comes everything and in everything there is nothing. I not sure what version of the Bible your faith derives from but if you read in Genesis you will find that God before creation took counsel with God before creating all things. If i am not mistaken this counsel would indicate a conference with others with the self that was God. Father, Son and holy ghost or perhaps even the angels or more. I respect your views and as i see it my views and your views do not conflict. All is One and One is All. Everything is connected. I am you. You are I am. Creation in my view is a collective effort of the one source.

"Maikuru" the Tao still comes down to that basic question ..why would "The One" have a need to create the yin and the yang unless there were conflict within "The One"

Who says there actually had to be any kind of conflict? I think the fallacy in your arguement is that you assume there was a condition in which there was a conflict that required creation. Think about it, your stating that there was even a need, who ever said creation was nesscary, perhaps you need to consider the viewpoint of an artist. Why would he create a painting? Becuase of some personal conflict he was having? Of course not the reasons could be numerous but in the case of an artist he was simply inspired to paint something. Your problem is that you are assuming what can not be assumed unless you were there at the time of creation.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 03:52 AM
There have been a multitude of faiths whose methods for conversion included terror and fear. Such behavior often clashes and goes against the faiths' founders original teachings and has resulted in many instances in human history of oppression and brutality. Thankfully i have not seen any people being burned at the stake in our country for their beliefs yet. Let's all hope we can keep religious fanatics from reverting to such primitive methods....

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 03:29 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Sat 11/29/08 03:36 AM

President Bush attacked Iraq and Saddam hussein for the simple reason that he believed Saddam was a threat to the world.Anyone who watched news on a daily basis would certainly agree.Saddam invaded Iran and Saudi arabia.He gassed thousands of Kurds.He launced missles into Isreal and called for it's destruction.He said he would give any suicide bombers family $10,000 dollars for each dead american they killed.He also ignited all his oil wells resulting in one of the histories greatest environmental diasasters.He was a crazy unstable dictator and a threat to the world.Saddam was also very cruel to even his own people.There has been well documented cases of torture rooms.His former financer had his hands cut off because the Iraq economy was going downhill.

Alot of people say this was a illegal war.This is not true.Nato approved almost with a majority for us to invade Iraq(China and Russia rejecting of course).Many countries also helped and continue to help with this war.Few people say they missed Sadaam.You will find few people that wised he was back.People now have freedom.When Saddam ruled the only job position a woman could work was a teacher.Now women are in government positions.Iraq currently has a 68 billion dollar surplus.

Although I am no fan of George bush there is no doubt in my mind he has done a good job considering the circumstances.After this is all over is this not the closest we have come to world peace?

With all the war and genocide going around the world, we are a far cry from anything remote to world peace. Peace is initated through the people in reforms and change in their government not by acts of blantant agression. Bush has only done what he and his war hawk friends thought was best. His lack of diplomacy smeared America's reputation with the world. Do some things require us to go to war? Yes some things like an outright attack on us demand a response. But to instigate conflict prior to all other measures is foolish and a diservice to our armed forces. I will remind you that the only reason the war got approved is becuase of faulty, misleading and or complete lies in intelligence. When the reason you go to war is a lie, you are the one who is viewed as the terrorist not your enemy. Don't get me wrong i am proud of what the troops have accomplished and that Saddam is gone, but i fear some of our troops dyed thinking the reason Bush,Cheney and Powell sent them to war was the truth. Last i checked still no WMD. May heaven bring this war to a successful conclusion and bring our troops back safely.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 03:16 AM
What text or version of the bible i should say are you referring to sharpshooter? Many christians follow many texts. I would encourage those of the christian faith to research and remeber when the bible was first assembled. When Constantine became christian there were already many various sects of christianity in existence. He had to form a council know as the Counsil of Nicae to determine what christians should believe nearly 300 years after christ. The very first bible as we know it today was a mixture of scriptures in Greek,Hebrew and Aramaic. Now i am about to say something which may offend some but please realize this is my personal belief and not something i go around preaching. The Bible is often referred to as the word of God or the Divine. I have come to the conclusion that the bible in its various forms is the work of men inspired by events surrounding them and many of the texts left out of the bible were as well. Does this mean the bible is not of the Divine? I don't believe that I or anyone else can make such a judgement. I just would like to make the clarification the bible was written and assembled by men. Whether or not the Divine was involved remains to be seen.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 01:20 AM

<quote>imagine that. The penguins were born that way.<quote>
Are you suggesting the behavior is genetic?
Nature or Nurture?
I going to lean towards nurture when it comes to how the males want to take an egg.

Scientific research is showing that humans are born gay. That is why I said the comment about the animals. It's been there all along just like with humans.

I find it the comparisons interesting. The penguins want do gay people.

Has science isolated a specfic gene or a part of the geneome that allows it. If so who has done the research and where? Also if not that would still go towards my arguement that it is more nurture then nature that promotes it.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 01:07 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Sat 11/29/08 01:11 AM

I believe in being open about myself and honest with people. Diabetes and the complications that i have developed becuase of it are a very serious and important part of my life. If someone can't handle that, i certainly don't want them as a friend much less someone i would date or marry. My former fiance left me when i suffered a insulin reaction and ended up in the hospital for two weeks. We had been together two years and were engaged to be married. Then she decides she can't handle it and leaves me. I would rather weed those kinda people out right away. That's why its in the first sentence of my profile.

RedHen said it better than I probably could. It was her loss. I'm sorry that happened to you.flowerforyou

You are not your diabetes though. Diabetes is part of you.

You and red hen are right. Diabetes does not determine who someone is. It is simply a part of my life till there is a cure or its complications lead to my demise. It has influenced the type of person i have become but i view that as some of my better qualities and characteristics. In the end diabetes is just a part of my life and i believe those who choose to be around me should be willing to accept and or deal with it. I will be overjoyed if there ever comes a day when i am cured and can take it off my profile.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 12:59 AM
<quote> Right on! I am glad you are still with us, and that life has come around. Your story moved me, 10 years ago I would not have understood.

I use to never think about death, or suicide and it use to never occur to me why people would do this . . . . and sometimes life really throws a curve ball.
Constant pain, no hope, no help, no one cares . . . . it adds up . . I understand, NOW I understand, didn't use to, but now I do.

8 years of constant pain was almost enough. Your never the best person to make life or death decisions when you are there in it up to your eyes.<quote>

Your right jeremy when things get that bad, your not in any position to help yourself much less make an intelligent decision. Desperate times make people desperate and do desperate things. Its human nature. My hope is that people care enough to help others out of such times.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 12:33 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Sat 11/29/08 12:36 AM
<quote>imagine that. The penguins were born that way.<quote>
Are you suggesting the behavior is genetic?
Nature or Nurture?
I going to lean towards nurture when it comes to how the males want to take an egg.

Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/29/08 12:26 AM

I have a rather personal genetic condition that I won't disclose here.

But I will say that there is a 94 % chance that my offspring will inherit my condition. It's one of the reasons why I put "no" under "want children."

It has always been disconcerting to me that so many women want to have kids. My mindset involving this, over the past year in particular has become quite stringent. I know that given the option, I will not budge an inch in my decision to not have kids. I guess I may well die alone in this case.tears

I believe that no one should have to hide anything about themselves for fear of rejection. You have made a choice in your life and are entitled to it. Their are many people who are unable or unwilling to have children. That should not been seen as a deal breaker in any kind of relationship. So keep hope.