Man, speaking of honesty, I didn't read through the whole thing, I skipped through, but I think I got your main point. My humble advice is simply to concentrate on yourself. Do things that make you happy, don't rely on someone else to "complete" you and once you become the man you feel comfortable with, women will automatically and instinctively notice you. Things will start happening all on their own. But it doesn't happen overnight. The key is simply to have patience while you transform yourself into that man women just simply find attractive even if they don't know why. But it's a never ending process. And you have to accept that fact. Even when you think you've reached your full potential, there's a whole other level of women to mesmorize.
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Sat 11/08/08 05:43 PM
Dude, first of all, like all these guys already mentioned, we as men are many, and they are few. The ones we are attracted to are even less. For every one message you send, a girl potentially receives 20 or more. The other thing, you said it yourself, you're a nice guy. Don't be a nice guy; be unique, be different, be interesting. Nice guys are a dime a dozen, but truly interesting unique young men are a handful. Become one of these and women will notice. I'm not your typical "nice" guy, and I don't put all my eggs in one basket. This website is only but one of many ways of meeting women. Get out in the real world and explore those opportunities. This site is a learning tool and you should use it as such. I don't belive in luck so I won't say "good luck" to you, however, I will say be confident that you have a bright future ahead.