Community > Posts By > Ming

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Thu 07/21/22 02:18 AM
This makes perfect sense :slight_smile:.

Thanks :blush:

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Thu 07/21/22 02:16 AM
hey everyone


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Wed 07/20/22 04:44 PM
So true and more ppl should follow this

Hopefully they're gonna take a note of this.

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Wed 07/20/22 01:31 AM
I agreed the saying :
Because what's matter most is our MATURITY.

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Wed 07/20/22 01:27 AM
- Teach kid/s to be HONEST, have INTEGRITY, be RESPECTFUL and treat others well.

- Teach your kid/s to WORK HARD and earn their own way and not expect to anyone else to take care of them.

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Wed 07/20/22 01:21 AM
LOVE when you are ready...
Not when you are LONELY.

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Wed 07/20/22 01:15 AM
1. Push yourself to try to do something new.
2. Don't forget to do the first step everyday.
3. Always go back to the first step.