Community > Posts By > doulas4life

doulas4life's photo
Wed 09/11/13 01:11 PM
wow maybye noone on here lives near me

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:32 PM
Jesus is apsolutely coming back with blessings and judgments, rewards and wrath. Search for the signs mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the book of revelations, and it should paint atleast a vague but acurate picture of when He is coming back, by the way some signs have already come to pass so the time of His return is coming very soon.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:21 PM
NO apsolutely not. Jesus is the Son of the living God, He is not Ceasar. Anyone who tries to convince you my savior is something besides the Son of the living God is lying to you. Most likely they are lying because they do not want to face the truth about the fact they are a sinner, they also do noit want to face the fact they will be judged. Please for your own sake do not listen to the lies, acknoweldge Jesus who created you, and loves you, ad wants to give you exceedingly abundantly more than you could think or ask.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:13 PM
as a christian weomen, it is important to find someone that shares my heart for God. My life is centered around my faith in Jesus, and there can be no genuine connection between me and a unbeliever. Plus as a follower of Christ I am instructed not to be unequally yoked.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:07 PM
Hope to find other God fearing people around lake Havasu City, Arizona. I am new here and could use some godly fellowship.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 07:04 PM
Marriage is a really big deal to God, I believe marriage is symbolic of Christ covenant to the church, and symbolic of Christ relationship with the church. The groom being symbolic of Christ, the bride being symbolic of the church. God said the marriage bed was undefiled; not the engagement bed, if you truely believe God exist honor Him with your life, not just your lips.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 06:52 PM
The Bible does encourage weomen to dress with modesty and propriety. A godly weomen should dress modestly and try not to stumble a brother in Christ. I am a God fearing weomen and as such I do not wear short skirts, or midriff shirts, or shirts with a low neck line. However I see nothing wrong with wearing make up, so long as it's done tastefully. The real issue here is sin, instead of blaming weomen for the way they dress, blame sin. Look at the sin inside your own heart before you decide you blame the way a weomen dresses. Let me leave you with this thought do you would think weomen would dress that way if men werent impressed by it? Mens evil hearts have a lot to do with why a weomen might dress like that.

doulas4life's photo
Sat 09/07/13 06:33 PM
honesty, humility, and reverence for a thrice holy God. Nice, gives me confidence you are legitimately saved. I love that instead of boasting about your credentials, you started talking about the fact your a sinner.