Community > Posts By > jw2bmamylee

jw2bmamylee's photo
Tue 10/21/08 03:31 AM

Conversation is a two way street. Awkward silence generally means the two respective parties trying to communicate have little in common. Loosen up and go with the flow. Relax and let your true self shine. Nobody wants to talk to a wall. Open up and share what's really going on behind that facade and you'll go far.

i always be myself =], i'm shy, but i warm up quickly depending who you are.

I always try to make a laugh, as it says in my profile, but it just doesn't seem that humor enlightens her =\, idk i could be wrong i did just start talking to her.

And to HellKitten: I have a lot more confidence than what i use to have, trust me!! =]. I'm just inexperienced when it comes to talking to girls that i may possibly like, i guess, lol.

Anyawys, i keep my options open, yuh know? If one doesn't work out, there's more fish in that invisible tank i got next to that nice stack of $100 dollar bills =P

jw2bmamylee's photo
Tue 10/21/08 03:29 AM

It helps if you have things in common, same movies, music, food, etc. Maybe you're both in school? Both hate rain? I don't know, it just helps if you have common ground. If you're too different from someone, it does make the conversation difficult. I had to stop talking to a guy (not from this site) because he was boring. All he did was criticize his family and agree with everything I said. Which means he was stupid and boring. Anyway, good luck to you, if she's not the one, hopefully you can find someone else. Cheers.flowerforyou

funny thing is we got quite a bit in common. one issue is she can barely hear me (stupid phone!), and another issue i find with people is that their "true colors" don't show until after a little while of talking. She seemed really cool at first, but after a while it just seemed she was a bit more...moody i guess you can say. not sure what to make of it.

jw2bmamylee's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:18 PM
I've been in contact with this girl from on here, and I told her already that I'm shy and at time i just don't know what to talk about. Apparently she said it's not working for her or for me, but she seems really cool.

Why is it so hard to find something to talk about? Any suggestions on how to keep a conversation going?

jw2bmamylee's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:36 AM

Stick to your guns of what you prefer if your friends do not respect that then they are not your true friends.

which is exactly what i told them. they called me "stupid" and "not fun" for not drinking, and doing drugs, and i just said that i actually enjoy my life, not throw it out the window....

but hey like you said, that's them and i'm me. i chose to be this way because my parents raised me right. i want them to know they can have one child they can be proud of =].

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:29 AM

not drinking.

i made a promise to myself not to drink or smoke or do drugs or anything like that in my life, and my brothers (who do drink) said the real test was when i turned 21. It wasn't easy with everyone just putting alcohol in my face, but i lived up to that promise and i've gotten over that hump.

it feels good to be 21, now i hope my birthday wish of a girlfriend comes true (no, that wasn't the one i wished for blowing out my candles, i can't tell you that one! hehe!).

why do people find it so hard that others don't drink or smoke or do anything, though? It's like it's a crime O.o

i don't drink and it was easy for me to avoid drinking when i turned 21.of course my brother in law did make me buy him a 12 pack on my birthday though

my idiot friend expects me to buy him alcohol now that i'm "of age". i told him i'd kick his arse before i bought him beer :P

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:01 AM

not drinking.

i made a promise to myself not to drink or smoke or do drugs or anything like that in my life, and my brothers (who do drink) said the real test was when i turned 21. It wasn't easy with everyone just putting alcohol in my face, but i lived up to that promise and i've gotten over that hump.

it feels good to be 21, now i hope my birthday wish of a girlfriend comes true (no, that wasn't the one i wished for blowing out my candles, i can't tell you that one! hehe!).

why do people find it so hard that others don't drink or smoke or do anything, though? It's like it's a crime O.o

First off! Happy 21st!:banana: :banana: ,
The best High You will ever get is life clean and sober!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

actually, my first high is life which includes my family and my lil dude (my nephew ;). )

then being sober =D

but thanks, and apparently this post has just found me someone to be interested in...she randomly IM'd me on here and said she read my post and my profile and thought i was cute =o!!

w00t ^_^

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:42 PM

Congrats on making it through and keeping that promise to yourself.:thumbsup:

why? i usually don't get to compliment myself on much, figured this would be my one thing :P

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:21 PM

not drinking.

i made a promise to myself not to drink or smoke or do drugs or anything like that in my life, and my brothers (who do drink) said the real test was when i turned 21. It wasn't easy with everyone just putting alcohol in my face, but i lived up to that promise and i've gotten over that hump.

it feels good to be 21, now i hope my birthday wish of a girlfriend comes true (no, that wasn't the one i wished for blowing out my candles, i can't tell you that one! hehe!).

why do people find it so hard that others don't drink or smoke or do anything, though? It's like it's a crime O.o

sounds like you was very tempted if it wasnt easy with drinks in your face, so your not "over that hump" yet. your only 21 and you got MANY more years of temptation to go through

ok so i guess i wasn't "tempted", but just having them shoved in my face was like "ok just do one so they leave you alone", then i knew i had to be strong, esp. for the people who supported me in my decision not to.

You're flowerforyou

Does it feel good to be 21?

no....means i got responsibilities now....haha just playin'. yeah, and it's the one time i actually felt i turned the age. unlike when i turned 13, 16, 18, and 20. i actually FEEL 21, and its a good feeling :)

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:51 PM

will you go with me to get my 2nd one lilbug?

Ya betcha darlin'...I'm there!:smile:

good deal, we'll get one together =]

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:51 PM

Still likes going for dryer rides at the laundrymat. there room for two? :wink:

ESPN's latest sport sensation

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:49 PM

Happy 21st birthday. :banana: :banana:

thank you =]

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:49 PM
will you go with me to get my 2nd one lilbug?

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:48 PM

happy b-day and i think it's great that you're a straight shooter! don't let anyone pressure you into anything...stay healthy :banana:

i live by living my days like its the last, and don't really care about what others things i should be doing to make myself look cool =].

and thanks!

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:46 PM

on my 21first birthday i was home taking care of my daughter, i did buy one beer and that was it.

i promised this girl when i lived in buffalo to buy her my first and last purchase of alcohol

thats bc i liked her...but she lives in NYC now and im back in my hometown...still talk to her on occasion and told her i'd live up to that promise =D

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:45 PM

I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but I am too skeerrerddd!

i was too, until one day i said screw it. i went, and i hate needles more than if i can get one, you can!

i'll admit the wrist burned a little, but the rest is fine and the time you're in the chair or w/e goes by quick, especially if you have something to read.

Will ya come with me????!!

yes, i'll even hold your hand :P

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:42 PM

i want to dye my hair blue =]

If that's want ya want...go for it! :banana:

i don't know how to dye hair =[....that's the confession....sad

Call me...I walk ya through it...:smile:

i don't have the money to get the stuff right this moment...haha!

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:42 PM

I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but I am too skeerrerddd!

i was too, until one day i said screw it. i went, and i hate needles more than if i can get one, you can!

i'll admit the wrist burned a little, but the rest is fine and the time you're in the chair or w/e goes by quick, especially if you have something to read.

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:41 PM

maybe they're jelous, like me

i know i'm jealous, and i don't even know you!

and thankies for the b-day

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:40 PM

i want to dye my hair blue =]

If that's want ya want...go for it! :banana:

i don't know how to dye hair =[....that's the confession....sad

jw2bmamylee's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:38 PM
yeah but i hear once you turn 21 the thrills gone and its not fun anymore so people stop drinking

unless you're stupid like my brothers =P

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