Community > Posts By > Taffyta

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Fri 09/06/13 01:57 AM
tongue pierce...
A professor actually said "you have an angelic face, but when you opened your mouth to speak, I thought otherwise.", which ticked me off... grumble

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Tue 08/27/13 08:05 PM
If you have kids, win her back. If you don't, still get her back. yeah, she cheated for a reason, she's only human, but you also got married for an even stronger reason. If you want to be romantic, google it or watch chick flick movies about it like crazy, stupid, love. Better yet, talk to your marriage counselor. And if she walks away, ask her for the last time if she remembers your wedding day and how she felt that day with both of you at the altar. But be sure to open heartedly forgive her for what she did and forget about it. Cuz if you haven't, it will all just be brought back whenever you have a fight and history could repeat itself!

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Tue 08/27/13 11:35 AM

is this one of those please tell me how beautiful, hott, sexy, blah blah blah i am threads? huh

You betcha!!

Agreed, but hey, boys are being boys.

no photo
Tue 08/27/13 11:31 AM

Kool tattoo

How come i dont see the tattoo??? Am i blind already??

I don't even see a picture.

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Tue 08/27/13 10:11 AM

listening to mariah carey song I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS ,,very nice song i love it :heart:

are you a girl?

rofl rofl

I was thinking the same thing

rofl rofl

Nailed It!laugh

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Tue 08/27/13 10:06 AM
I want to hear out your opinion/s about this type of relationship. Could a gay/homosexual male love a real girl? And do you think it's real enough to last?

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Sun 08/25/13 11:30 PM
Thousand miles - Vanessa Carlton


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Sun 08/25/13 11:16 PM
Edited by Taffyta on Sun 08/25/13 11:17 PM

Imagine all your senses dying and skin rotting yet you are alive!!

Imagine losing your job,business,friends,boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife-they dies or just leave you for no apparent reason and no man approaches you again/no woman accepts your advances,no employer is interested in hiring you and no bank can loan you any start up capital!!

Imagine your money disappearing without a trace-yet you stay alone in the house and you know where you keep your money-no break in/entering...

Imagine carrying a pregnancy for 2yrs....

Imagine your loved one passing away,you burry them,only to find them a few days later,cultivation someone's land.....

Imagine getting married to a man/woman you didnt choose(but the wanted you)-and you actually have no idea you married them,and it takes you years to realise it....


- necrotizing fasciitis
- being an a** and f*ckng things up
- being robbed blind by your neighbor
- trophoblastic tumor
- Norman bate's syndrome
- arranged marriage with depression

no photo
Sun 08/25/13 01:37 AM
Edited by Taffyta on Sun 08/25/13 01:37 AM
Far Cry 3
Darkness 2
Dead island riptide

(all 360)

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Sat 08/24/13 05:59 AM
ok,. I`m one of those faceless people and the reason why I don`t hav a pic is that in my country, people might think your shady or a low life if you enter these sites, pardon for the patrons, so we opt to concele our true identity by being faceless. But i'm here for a nice convo so, so be it whatever you want.

no photo
Mon 08/19/13 07:36 AM

They are lovely. I esp love the 'bride' one...

Yeah, that one is quite dear to me :)

Ooh... Story time! Can you share a little about it?

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Mon 08/19/13 07:29 AM

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Mon 08/19/13 07:27 AM
Would you be offended if I tell you, you look like charice?

no photo
Mon 08/19/13 07:23 AM
And because most of you are correlating love with sex, does love really have anything to do with sex? Are you saying love ends up there?

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Mon 08/19/13 07:04 AM
Try far cry 3, it has graphics similar to dead island but it isn't a zombie game. Resident evil: operation raccoon city is also good, though it turned a little sci-fi-USB. =)

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Mon 08/19/13 06:53 AM
Have u played far cry 3 in 360? It's currently my favorite game.

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Mon 08/19/13 06:47 AM
True that