Community > Posts By > countryboy23461

countryboy23461's photo
Thu 11/08/07 02:47 AM
ok right the education level in Aussie land sucks i know ive been there done that, go look for some opals or something, and yes this is my f**king country and im damn proud of it and all my citizens

countryboy23461's photo
Thu 11/08/07 02:41 AM
and Miss know it all from a nother country what are MY LIMITATIONS PLEASE TELL ME IM DYNING FOR SOMEONE WHO KNOWS to tell ME what MY LIMITS ARE

countryboy23461's photo
Thu 11/08/07 02:39 AM
send them all back, if you want to live in my country, just because yours is a POS then get the hell out, i fought for the CITIZENS of the USA not for some half ass lazy mexican to come here because he'll work for 5.00 an hr and cut some poor AMERICAN CITIZEN outta a job

countryboy23461's photo
Wed 11/07/07 08:51 PM
war is terrible no one really knows how it wikk affect a person until put in that situation ppl that have never been there(lawmakers) think that thay may over look the problem and it will go away, i came home with a disoder called PTSD and a few others from my 2 years in a combat zone luckly the military takes care of thier own, now im a fully functional person that thinks we need to take a stand for our protectors of freedom

countryboy23461's photo
Tue 11/06/07 01:50 AM
people who rant and rage about stupid ppl should take a long look at them selves everyone of us had done something stupid or retaded or just plain screwed up in life, noones perfect. and lay off the Pres. you think you can run a country? then shutup and run for Office, otherwise leave it to the men that the great peple of the United States of America have chosen, you dont like them, then vote and help change it into your ideal government quit b***hing and take action...

countryboy23461's photo
Fri 09/21/07 02:46 AM
Do any of the tards that post bogus stuff on this site about bagdad being nuked think anyone will believe them? look b4 anyone goes on an on about bagdad being nuked, just stuff it! been there twice, my father goes over there all the time. aint nothing but a bunch of camel dead people and lots of sand.

countryboy23461's photo
Wed 09/19/07 01:57 AM
does that mean that the whole balance has to be paid or just whats past due? i guess ill have to wait for his email to see if he's behind on the dagum thing

countryboy23461's photo
Wed 09/19/07 01:55 AM
thanks thatd be awesome but yes as a tow truck company owner i know that you can repo a vehicle of a Service but only with a court order.

countryboy23461's photo
Wed 09/19/07 01:48 AM
Hey yall i went out with some friends tonight, and came back to find that my roomates jeep was missing, (he's on deployment) and i contacted the local police and they said the jeep had been repo'd so i have a few questions, how do we get the jeep back, or is it to be just actuioned off? someone please tell me, i do have power of attorney over the vehicle. someone pleae help me out

countryboy23461's photo
Tue 09/18/07 10:37 PM
here for the time being

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 11:23 PM
thank you simple man god someone can see the trees thru the forest

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 11:02 PM
ok so i think i worded my intentions wrong its not like im sitting around the house waiting for a knock on the door, i still talk to her everyday and she said that she still wants to communicate with me, i dunno if shes having a hard time deciding on who or what tp do

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:56 PM
yeah all the creepies are out!

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:50 PM
yeah still alive and screaming

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:38 PM
im not sure when he ex called it off, but i know that i have only had one person in my life rock me to my core like this, and i mean in the way we connected. that person is my ex wife whom i was married to for 2.5 yrs and ive never hit it off with anybody like this before we had so much in common it was almost scary but....................................................

countryboy23461's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:59 PM
yes i am back, to ask the members of justsayhi a question, please be honest, so here goes. i met this girl on here, we talked for about a week and we really hit it off, like on everything, from the hobbies we share to the number of kids we want to the gender of them we ever have siblings that are the same age. now last night she tells me her ex called her and wanted to try and work things out, that he'd made a huge mistake by letting her go, she told me that he broke up with her because of the distance which is like 3.5 hrs drive time. she told him that she'd give him one more chance and thats it, that she didnt want to sit around and play games, this she told me this afternoon. my question for the members of justsayhi is, do ya'll think i should wait and she what happens or keep on moving???? please help a good ole boy out


countryboy23461's photo
Sat 09/15/07 06:23 PM
I'm leaving justsayhi. I found what I was looking for and now it's time for me to move on. I'd like to say thank you and g'bye to all of you that have said a few nice words or showed respect for those of us that have served in or are serving our Great Nation, GOD Bless the United States of America, may we never fail or fall or be overcome.

formerly EN2(SW)(CJ) Lester Drew, L
United States Navy

countryboy23461's photo
Sat 09/15/07 06:15 PM
it cant be explained man i had a girl that i was engaged to cheat on me with a guy that treated her like total **** and then she married him and i treated her like a queen just like i was raised to

countryboy23461's photo
Fri 09/14/07 05:56 PM
yes sir been there done that did 2 combat tours in the triangle of death in good ole Iraq and im still here

countryboy23461's photo
Fri 09/14/07 05:53 PM
either that or drive a big truck !!!!! with a cb so know where the cops are .....j/k yall