Community > Posts By > tattoojrs

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 12/09/06 08:37 AM
The problem I've found is when you try to get into a forun if your not
in that click or group you get ignored but I will say I have gotten a
few responses not like the computer generated ones at other sights

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 12/09/06 05:15 AM
Wendy meaning my ex

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 12/09/06 05:14 AM
Good morning itc cold and wendy here in West Tennessee

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 12/04/06 10:53 AM
How about good old 12 year old Burbon and Coke
Anybody want recipt for california tea. Burbon of choice "Woodford

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:30 PM
Bad my wife and I split so I couldn't see paying rend when I was on the
road so I left
and I actually love it there

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:27 PM
Love is a babys first breath
Love is watching their first steps
love is hearing daddy for the first time
Love is their first nursery rhyme
Love is band on a scratched knee
Love is hearing daddy please
Love is a dress for her first date
Love is understanding when she home late
Love is walking her down the asile
Love is my grandbabys first smile
Love starts with a child

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:18 PM
Da bad guy I know you I used to live where youre from The dude who owns
Quoikdraw is a good friend of mine Been away about 1.5 years

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:11 PM
I guess I stepped on someones feelings I guess you cant eat a dish you

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:10 PM
Sending you kisses I didn't mean to leave you out but you seem very able
to take care of your self

tattoojrs's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:08 PM
I think adrift likes the sound of his own voice
Snacky your feelings and opinions are where you are in life
I guess some people WISH they could feel that way again

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:46 PM
tomorrow=another chance

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:41 PM
Sushi I replied to this on youre accidentally done sight
basically I agree and make sure ac is off

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:41 PM
Sushi I replied to this on youre accidentally done sight
basically I agree and make sure ac is off

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:35 PM
Hello newbie, I think they got the year on your birth certificate wrong

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 08:11 AM
It feels like we met yesterday
Now we havent any words to say
Time marches on , ask the clock
we touch ,I feel the shock
We hold each other once again
You are beautiful and I a hansome man
Please dont wake me from this dream
Its so real it seems
We've been apart these many years
O' I wish you were here
But you died those long years ago
I,m left with faded memories and dying slow
Father time be fair with me
Let me die before those memories

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:31 AM
Fanta why do you ask what you already know
we all want contact with someone
Even if its bad its still makes you feel

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:14 AM
I nor anyone else can tell you how you feel.
Youth has the benefit of a untainted heart
I'm jealous . Dont let any one keep you from sharing besides I like

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:09 AM
I guuess thats why Wrote the poem , it sarcastically shows how we easily
say what someone wants to hear and they act like we want them to act but
in the long run .
The truth is in person to person contact .
This is a good place to start but its just a start .
thnx Joel

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:32 AM
Hello how are you
I fine
I think I'll write words you want to hear
I'll listen and be your perfect dear
Where is my truth or do I lie
Dont tell the truth I'm much too shy
Can you feel me thru these lines
I can tell by your prose and rhymes
Will you love me forevermore
Yes I'll love you as the sands meet the shore
Will you be mine
Yes I'll believe that line
Now lets tell the truth
Are you sure you want mto let those deamons loose
These words should burn the page
White lies have become our stage
So lets meet face to face
Now I see you arent so great
You said in my picture I looked FINE
Yes now I see you where the light shines
Good-bye forevermore
This ship has left the shore

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:40 AM
Say hello to good bye
she left now your not alive
you think the world was her
in truth was she here ? are you sure ?
did she even say hello ?
good bye was all she would show
now you are here to live again
fallen like so many men
stand up and be tall
speak truth thats all
do this and you shall find
there is true love that forever will shine