sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 12:58 PM
Does anyone want to share some life saving, aggration saving ,or another
saving advice? I'll start. Say you're going down the freeway in heavy
traffic and there is no shoulder. All of a sudden the HOT light starts
to flash. Well, here's all you have to do. Turn your heater on to the
highest setting, the blower too. This will defuse the heat from the
engine into the interior of your car. It'll buy some time until you can
get to a service station or something to get help. Otherwise your engine
will blow up and maybe you with it.

sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:00 PM
OK, well poopoo onyou too.

purplecat's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:02 PM
that does work sushi it can be a saver if you didn't know...I can give
lots of cooking advise ,,as well as other advise..thanks for
tryin..couldn't hurt to try to be helpful.

sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:12 PM
Please do, Purple. I'm the type of cook who can burn water.

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:41 PM
Sushi I replied to this on youre accidentally done sight
basically I agree and make sure ac is off

tattoojrs's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:41 PM
Sushi I replied to this on youre accidentally done sight
basically I agree and make sure ac is off

herewego's photo
Mon 11/27/06 03:59 PM
i was stuck in traffic and my car overheated, no where to go but thru
the tunnel into nyc. 90 degrees outside, heater turned on full blast and
windows down trying to stay cool. it worked long enough to get into the
city and park and get the car cooled down and water back into the

wolfartist's photo
Mon 11/27/06 04:44 PM
I learned about that from my ex-husband, he knew a lot about cars. It
saved me a couple of times. I had a car that would overheat for no
apparent reason.It's a good thing to know.:)

purplecat's photo
Mon 11/27/06 04:46 PM
it works until you can get the repair!!!and sushi,,any thing you want to
cook,,I got the know how feel free to ask any time ,,I have cooking
papers as well as a nalural nack for cookin..

sushi's photo
Mon 11/27/06 04:47 PM
Ok folks, thanks. Now we need some other advice. Women know better,
but you guys who are trying to kill two birds with one stone should pay
heed. Those of you who took high school chemistry, should have stopped
putting pencils up your nose and paid attention. Amonium cloride, ACL
on the periodic tables (?) creates a deadly gas which will kill you
quickly if you're lucky. Therefore when cleaning that filthy potty, do
not put Comet, Clorox in the bowl and swish it around with a big spash
of Parson's Sudsy Household Amonia. It would be alot easier if you'd
just close the garage, turn on the engine, and sit there.
Carbon+mon+oxide will get you real fast. Now if you're a chemist, I
don't want to hear a word about my equations. Never could balance them
anyway. I passed 'cause I copied off my friend.