kids they can make you laugh
my son who is in 2nd grade came home from school as normal, did homework,gave him dinner,than bath. while taking a bath he said his ear felt funny, so i told him to stick his finger in there & wiggle it a little, then tug on the ear-lobe thinking a little bit of water was in there. later his mom(late as usual)came to have him spend the night. again ,he started to say his ear felt funny, so this time not being lazy i looked in his ear,& for the 1st time i got scared, because there was something in his ear. luckily mom had tweezers, & what did i pull out...the eraser from the tip of a pencil. thank god for the tweezers, because i`ll i had was pliers. needless to say after the crying(i wasn't, but felt like it), we all we`re laughing