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BigD9832's photo
Fri 05/25/18 11:55 AM

Get a job!

BigD9832's photo
Fri 05/25/18 11:55 AM

And still thousands of miracles at Kathryn Kuhlman's services. Literally thousands.

BigD9832's photo
Fri 05/25/18 11:51 AM

It is evident that many have created their own god.

Whenever man gives God attributes that He doesn't have.

CLV 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial for teaching, for exposure, for correction, for discipline in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be equipped, fitted out for every good act.

BigD9832's photo
Fri 05/25/18 11:47 AM

CLV Mark 12:29 Jesus answered him that "The foremost precept of all is: Hear, Israel! the Lord our God is one Lord.

CLV Deut 6:4 Hear, Israel! Yahweh is our Elohim; Yahweh the only One.

BigD9832's photo
Fri 05/25/18 09:06 AM

CLV Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and operative, and keener above any two-edged sword, and penetrating up to the parting of soul and spirit, both of the articulations and marrow, and is a judge of the sentiments and thoughts of the heart.

The Word of God is "living" and "operative." Two words that some do not associate with His Word. We tend to think of the Bible as the Word of God. But it is not. The Bible comes from the Word of God. Yet it is incomplete...

CLV John 21:25 Now there are many other things also, which Jesus does, which, if they should be written, one by one, I am surmising not even the world itself would contain the written scrolls.

CLV John 20:30 Indeed then, many other signs also Jesus does, in the sight of His disciples, which are not written in this scroll.

CLV Num 21:14 Therefore it is said in the Scroll of the Wars of Yahweh: The gushing river at the terminus! And the wadis of Arnon!

CLV Jos 10:13 So the sun stood still, and the moon, it stayed, until the nation had avenged itself on its enemies. Is it not written in the Scroll of the Upright? The sun stayed in midheaven, and did not rush to set for about one robust day.

CLV Eph 3:3 for by revelation the secret is made known to me according as I write before, in brief,

So we "hear" His Word...

CLV Ro 10:16 But not all obey the evangel, for Isaiah is saying, "Lord, who believes our tidings?"
17 Consequently, faith is out of tidings, yet the tidings through a declaration of Christ.


G189 akoe ak-o-ay'
from G191;

hearing (the act, the sense or the thing heard).

So it is important that we have the living presence of God in our lives and that we "hear" what He has to say.

Also, in Heb 4:12 we see the word "keener."


G5114 tomoteros tom-o'-ter-os
comparative of a derivative of the primary temno (to cut; more comprehensive or decisive than G2875, as if by a single stroke; whereas that implies repeated blows, like hacking);
more keen.

CLV 2Tim 2:15 Endeavor to present yourself to God qualified, an unashamed worker, correctly cutting the word of truth.

The question is, do you have the living presence of God in your life?

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/22/18 02:25 PM

Sheol - The Jews define this word as...
It connotes the place where those that had died were believed to be congregated.

No punishment and no fire.
Literally translated it means "unseen."

Hades - It is the translation of the word 'sheol.' Unfortunately, it comes with baggage from Mythology of that time. Literally translated it means "unseen."

Gehenna - The Valley of Hinnom. This is a real physical place on Earth. It is a valley or ravine on a sulfur deposit. It was used by the Romans as a garbage dump. Garbage was burned from a fire much hotter than a normal one.

It has a sorted history and was used as a "Potter's Field" of sorts. Jesus used it in some of His parables.

Tartarus - Used once in 2Peter 2:4, it is translated as "jail," and relates only to angels, not humans.

There is no ancient term for "hell."

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/22/18 02:15 PM
From Tom4Uhere
The medical miracle I want to see is for a ten year amputee to suddenly wake one morning and find a fully functional limb.
An 80 year old with dentures suddenly growing all their teeth back over night.
For a God able to create the Universe, should be no problem at all?
Yet those things don't happen.

Of course, that is wrong. Things like that do happen.

How about an ironworker who lost his eye when a piece of hot iron shot out from that big pot? His eye grew back the next day. It's in her book and pretty well documented.

It doesn't bother me that someone might have a different belief than I do. What does bother me is when these people act as if they know what I believe. Invariably they are wrong.

Choosing to ignore your own spiritual nature is like a man who chooses to acknowledge that he has a left arm. No matter how many times you tell him he can hold it with the other hand, he looks at you like you are from Mars, and then has the nerve to act all indignant about it.

I have seen some very good examples of what we Christians call miracles here. And yet I am still hearing, "Where's the pudding?"

Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/22/18 08:30 AM
From msharmony
a JUST God would.
Just: legally correct
some people break laws and are sent to jail, some put on probation, others fined, and still others are drugged or electrocuted to death
God determines based on Gods law, the just end to our choices based on our conscious offenses and KNOWLEDGE of those ends.

Perhaps msharmony is suggesting that God needs to follow man. Because man does a thing does that mean God has to?

CLV Rom 11:32 For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

I don't see any Scripture from msharmony. So it seems her ideas here are not Scriptural.

And I still don't see anyone posting the Ancient term for "hell."

There is no "hell" in the Scriptures.

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/22/18 08:19 AM
From notbeold
I have experienced accidental electrocution and survived (probability be praised), and stuck my tongue on 9 V batteries, I don't need to see it. I just need to sense or apprehend it.

Surviving electricity is different from recovering instantly from a major medical condition like a brain tumor. cancer, or even the replacing of an eye. All happened at Kathryn Kuhlman services.

The proof is in the pudding.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/21/18 12:34 PM
From Tom4Uhere
Um, speaking of assumptions, I have no idea your sexual orientation and don't care. My focus is on meeting a woman. M2 is not where I look.

And yet you said...

You have bumps in the wrong places for me.
I truly don't care if you take interest in me at all.

It sounds like you had some ideas. I would prefer that you do not speak of my sexual preferences, no matter what you think of them.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/21/18 12:30 PM
From Tom4Uhere
Nothing is free if it has conditions or consequences attached to it.
This is free "if'..., is not "free".

This is the same twisted thinking that is evident in most religious doctrine.
I have free will as long as I;
Don't use it...

He is right.

But according to that way of thinking we are not free in the United States. We must pay taxes and abide by the US laws.

And when Jesus returns we will be subject to Him (1Cor. 15:27-28), very much like being a citizen of the United States.

I don't have a "hell" in my Bible. And we do not go to heaven at death according to the Scriptures. My belief, much like the ancient Jews, has no after-life. I believe that the Scriptures teach us we must have a body in order to have life. No body, no life.

CLV John 11:24 Martha is saying to Him, "I am aware that he will be rising in the resurrection in the last day."

Still, I prefer being subject to Him over the USA.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/21/18 09:09 AM
From notbeold
Without proof it is all as good as imaginary

Did I not provide proof?

BigD9832's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:53 AM


God speaks to us. Perhaps not all of us listen. The greatest reason why so many have converted to Christianity is due to this inner voice, and not because of any outward physical event or condition.

Having a spiritual life is much like thinking. Can you prove you are thinking? Do you ever "talk" to yourself in your head? Can you prove that?

Believing in God or not is a choice. It is also a conscious choice. A deliberate choice.

As such, I am not here to change the choices you have already made. But I am here to tell you my story.

I am sure you have heard stories from Christians that just missed that car, or how God got them a job, etc. And I am sure when you hear these you tend to roll your eyes. But there is something that God does via His Holy Spirit that can be pretty difficult to put in that class.

I was healed.

Yes, it was a physical healing and it happened many years ago. I was 18 at the time. I went to a Christain fellowship in Deerfield (Illinois, I am from Chicago). It was held in the township building on a Wednesday evening. Not sponsored by any Christian organization. I suppose you could call it non-denominational.

Chairs were set in a circle, with one chair set in the center. Eventually, I was asked to sit in the center. Those there all prayed and each said something as the Spirit moved. One lady walked up to me from behind and put her hand on my back. I felt a warm sensation there.

Later I learned that my back had been healed. I said nothing to anyone about my back problems. My mother made me stay home from school because I would be in such pain.

Some have asked about X-rays. There were some taken, 47 years ago. But I don't have them.

But I would direct your attention to Kathryn Kuhlman. I have been to her services and I knew a woman that studied under her for 9 years. What many people don't know is that at her services she had a group of doctors that would randomly select people from the crowd to examine, they would examine those leaving who claim they were healed and would follow up with another examination 5 years later.

I saw her at the Shrine Auditorium in California. It holds about 6 thousand people. It was full that afternoon and I would say, conservatively, about half were healed that day. There were all types of ailments. Brain tumors, cancer, polio just to name a few. At the end of her service, there was a huge pile of wheelchairs, back braces, and various other medical type paraphernalia.

Kathryn Kuhlman died in 1976. And with her died an era. No one in history that I know of was able to affect so many people.

I invite you to look her up and read about her. She had written a couple of books.

It might be easy for you to belittle what she had done. But I have known several people who were healed at her services. Their lives were dramatically changed.

A word of caution:

Invariably, whenever I talk about Kathryn Kuhlman someone brings up Benny Hinn. I was not talking about Benny Hinn. He had no connection with Kathryn Kuhlman other than mentioning her name. Please refrain from comparing what he does with what Kathryn Kuhlman did.

BigD9832's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:16 AM
From Tom4Uhere
aw yer just funnin me...right?
Bumps in the wrong places...get it? know, bumps in the wrong places...

I am a man. Because of that, I have no interest in you, in that way. I am not here to meet a woman. I have a girlfriend and we have plans to marry.

I am not gay. There was some type of mixup when I first signed up. But as I am an older man and not really here to find a mate, I pretty much ignore all that.

Your assumptions are wrong, as most assumptions are. And if you research religions like you do the sexual orientation of others, I have lost interest in your posts already.

Have a good day.

BigD9832's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:10 AM

From iam_resurrected
we have a beginning.
we are conceived.
typically live a life where we can make our own choices and choose our own beliefs.
and if we are found written in the Book of Life, we achieve eternal life with God.

so, somewhere along the lines, there is always a beginning.

if God being all knowing, would have created the Lake of Fire at some point, knowing the Adversary and entities would be cast into it along with death and hell. therefore, even this destination had a beginning for its purpose.

Yes, we do have a beginning. Which only serves to prove my point. We do not live forever. We are not "eternal" in this form. You could say we live for an eon. And by the same token those who are cast into the Lake of fire will not be there for "eternity," but for an eon.

We could say that everything that has a beginning is eonian, and not "eternal."

We might also say that the only thing that can be described as "eternal" is God. He existed long before we did. He has no beginning, and we do.

So it seems that for the most part, your "Jewish" bible is accurate, as long as it translates 'aion/olam' as "age." But when it steps out of the role of translator and becomes an interpreter, then it loses what the Scripture is saying and yields to man-made doctrines.

CLV Rev 20:10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.

This verse also tells us who will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And people are not included. There is nothing that says we will share the same fate as the beast and the false prophet.

CLV Rev 20:15 And if anyone was not found written in the scroll of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.

If we can stay away from the assumptions for a moment...

If we are cast into the Lake of Fire, it is certainly not for "eternity." Not according to the Scriptures. We might just take a quick dip in that pool. Just long enough to burn the dross off from the gold.

Once that is done, we take our place in God's Kingdom, because in the end...

CLV 1Cor 15:28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.

All in all. Which means no one will be missing. Everyone that God ever created will be part of His New Heaven and New Earth.

That is what the Scriptures say. All these other theories are man-made and cannot be supported by the Scriptures.

CLV Rom 11:32 For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

There is that pesky word "all" again.

It seems that you choose to ignore those verses that do not support your ideas. Some Bible verses can be twisted to mean what you want them to. But it takes a real seeker to accept what the Bible says, and not try to make it say what is more comfortable to you.

I thought you were a seeker. You can see past the false doctrines of "trinity" and "hell." And I get that we are taking this step by step. So I have faith that you will eventually see that God's plan will include all mankind and not just a select few.

BigD9832's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:09 AM

From iam_resurrected
we have a beginning.
we are conceived.
typically live a life where we can make our own choices and choose our own beliefs.
and if we are found written in the Book of Life, we achieve eternal life with God.

so, somewhere along the lines, there is always a beginning.

if God being all knowing, would have created the Lake of Fire at some point, knowing the Adversary and entities would be cast into it along with death and hell. therefore, even this destination had a beginning for its purpose.

Yes, we do have a beginning. Which only serves to prove my point. We do not live forever. We are not "eternal" in this form. You could say we live for an eon. And by the same token those who are cast into the Lake of fire will not be there for "eternity," but for an eon.

We could say that everything that has a beginning is eonian, and not "eternal."

We might also say that the only thing that can be described as "eternal" is God. He existed long before we did. He has no beginning, and we do.

So it seems that for the most part, your "Jewish" bible is accurate, as long as it translates 'aion/olam' as "age." But when it steps out of the role of translator and becomes an interpreter, then it loses what the Scripture is saying and yields to man-made doctrines.

CLV Rev 20:10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.

This verse also tells us who will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And people are not included. There is nothing that says we will share the same fate as the beast and the false prophet.

CLV Rev 20:15 And if anyone was not found written in the scroll of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.

If we can stay away from the assumptions for a moment...

If we are cast into the Lake of Fire, it is certainly not for "eternity." Not according to the Scriptures. We might just take a quick dip in that pool. Just long enough to burn the dross off from the gold.

Once that is done, we take our place in God's Kingdom, because in the end...

CLV 1Cor 15:28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.

All in all. Which means no one will be missing. Everyone that God ever created will be part of His New Heaven and New Earth.

That is what the Scriptures say. All these other theories are man-made and cannot be supported by the Scriptures.

CLV Rom 11:32 For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

There is that pesky word "all" again.

It seems that you choose to ignore those verses that do not support your ideas. Some Bible verses can be twisted to mean what you want them to. But it takes a real seeker to accept what the Bible says, and not try to make it say what is more comfortable to you.

I thought you were a seeker. You can see past the false doctrines of "trinity" and "hell." And I get that we are taking this step by step. So I have faith that you will eventually see that God's plan will include all mankind and not just a select few.

BigD9832's photo
Sat 05/19/18 08:40 PM

From Tom4Uhere
Hey BigD,
I hope I hope you don't get offended by this but ummm...
You have bumps in the wrong places for me.

I really don't know what you mean by that.

I am sure we all are here for entertainment purposes. I am not sure what you can accomplish other than that.

BigD9832's photo
Sat 05/19/18 08:34 PM

Romans 16:25 CJB
Ephesians 2:7 CJB
Ephesians 3:9 CJB
Colossians 1:26 CJB
Hebrews 9:26 CJB

It seems your Bible translates the term 'aion' as "age." That is, until it comes to Rev 20:10. Why the inconsistency?

And what manuscripts were used in this "Jewish" version? You say they were not Greek? Perhaps Latin?

"Eternity" has no beginning. So if there is "eternal" punishment then those who are experiencing that would have been doing so For long before this age. In fact, the only One who can experience "eternity" is God. Is He not the only being that is eternal, no beginning and no end?

And just how can you account for the various "eternities" mentioned in Rev. 20:10?

It seems your English version is more of a mystery than an answer.

BigD9832's photo
Sat 05/19/18 11:53 AM
Edited by BigD9832 on Sat 05/19/18 11:54 AM

More examples that should not be ignored.

Scholars use three methods to discover the meaning of an ancient word.

1. Etymology, Lexicography, and Usage.

1. Etymology - Basically it is tracing the meaning of a word back to it's origin, or, in our case, at least to Biblical times. Many Christians consider this practice to be evil, simply because they don't know how to do this, and misuse it. Many seem to think that if a word meant something a few hundred years ago, we should be able to use it for Biblical words. But this is not the case.

The word "hell," for example, is from the KJV. In that English version, it means "grave," "pit," and "hell." Some seem to think that these words are interchangeable, and can be used in any verse. But just because the KJV has it's own rules doesn't make it right.

For example, the Ancient Hebrew term 'sheol' is the place for the dead. It is where the soul goes after death, in a figurative sense. There are no bodies in 'sheol,' only souls. And no spirits either. Therefore it cannot mean "grave" or "hell," as "hell" implies a certain type of soul.

2. Lexicography - This word simply means to look it up in a Bible type reference book. A lexicon, concordance, or whathaveyou.

In the earliest dictionary (Hesychius, 400 - 600ad) the Ancient Greek term 'aion' means...

"The life of a man, the time of life."

I am not sure this can be applied to the Bible, but it might fit very well in Plato's writings.

BigD9832's photo
Sat 05/19/18 11:25 AM

From Tom4Uhere
No, but you obviously haven't seen most of my threads or replies either.
If you had, you wouldn't be asking me... why?

No, I haven't. But I am new here. Several of us have come from Datehookup, which has recently closed down. I know my profile says I have been here since 2013, and I have. But I mostly stayed at datehookup and pretty much did not visit this website.

But if you keep posting here I will keep an eye out for your posts. At least for now.

From iam_resurrected
the Jewish version uses the term forever. and who actually knows what an eon to God is? definitely neither of us, nor anyone trying to explain the word eon. the Lake of Fire was designed for the Adversary and his entities to suffer. a JUST GOD would make the adversary suffer for manipulating His creation the same amount of time that He will exist [which is eternity - forever].

Paul defined 5 eons. An eon is an age. That seems pretty simple, doesn't it?

If your Jewish version uses the word "eternal" or "eternity" or any of the other synonyms, then it is wrong.

Eternity has no beginning. You can't say, "from now on..." with "eternity." If someone is being punished they will have always been punished, from the beginning of time, if there is such a thing. No one can be sent to an "eternal" punishment.

But an "age" or "eon" has a beginning and an ending. It might be a thousand years, like the Millennium. Or it may be several thousand years. But it does have an ending. And a beginning.

Also, you have not answered the question I posed to blake.

CLV Rev 20:10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.

The term 'aion' is plural here, as in many places in the Bible. I use this as an example.

How can there be more than one eternity? But there can be many eons or ages.

So that is two points you have yet to address.