Meanwhile, Russia has increased troops - estimated between 160,000 to 190,000 "in and around" Ukraine - from 100,000 in Jan As matters stand, if Russia takes over Ukraine there's nothing NATO forces can do about it because Ukraine is not a member. Next few days will tell. Nord stream 1 goes also through the Baltic sea in partly Swedish economic zone and the Swedish island of Gotland is and have been used when constructing both one and two by the Russians. There is no Russian troops on "mainland" Ukraine, only separatists. In Crimea there are and has always been Russian troops and Russian population going back to the war against Turks and British. You probably heard about Nurse Nightingale. In 1954 after the death of Stalin, Crimea was transferred internally within the Soviet union from Russia SFSR to Ukraine SSR. But locally this was never accepted and Crimea is considered Russian. The original population of Crimean Tatarians still remains there but has not much to say in the matter. Due to a lot of corruption and bad economy there is a lot of opposition against Ukraine state.Not only in Crimea but all through the south and south east. One should remember that the Russian people originally comes from Kiev and the first "Russian" queen was a Viking. So this is the Russian motherland really. For Nato to come there would be as popular as Canadians invading Washington. It will not be tolerated! If the idiot Biden get involved in any future war, is on his hands. At this very moment Ukrainian nationalist and separatists are shooting at each other and people are being killed! This blood is spilled by Biden and his allied Nato members who like a bullie at school give moral support to others to fight when there is no need. I think Biden needs a conflict to stem internal criticism against his administration. This have been a popular tactic among US presidents. Create an enemy abroad to release pressure from the enemy with in USA. With out a war he will not be reelected. And wall street don't want Trump back, so here we go! |
United states of America! Read the sentence carefully and take notice of the last word.
The founding fathers are turning in their graves because of what USA has become. It was not in their plan for the future. They fought a colonial power for independence. Yet now they are the biggest colonial power in the world today. Many presidents in the 20th and 21st century's have felt the need to be sly and pushed their economic agenda on to smaller countries in the disguise of "The helping hand" and deployment of troops to secure the situation. During WW2 Nazis confiscated a lot of treasure. At the end of the war those treasures was confiscated by the Allied forces. The US part was returned to some Europe countries in the name of Marchal aid. It was not aid! It was the biggest money laundering scam the world has ever seen before and since. Money was given with the condition that US goods had to be bought with the funds. Thus creating the golden 50.s in USA and fueling the nuclear cold war with money from killed Europeans. Even Swedens richest family the Wallenbergs managed to steel gold from Germany and to this day never gave it back to their distant relatives! The Russians just kept it and built mansions outside Moscow for high official in the Communist party. Now USA colonize the world for the greed of energy. Energy and time is the present worlds treasure! |
Stand With the Truckers!
Trudeau is a vassal to Biden and Biden is a joke.
There is no need for any restrictions any more. In Scandinavia we have lifted them and the rate of infections did not go up. Old week people still are dying, but if someone finds out a cure for death they surely will get the Nobel prize. It is no longer a matter of stemming the virus, it's about controlling people. I don't know if Canada has any amendments other then the right to carry a snow shovel, but surely it can't be illegal to park your car and go see a movie or something. If the parking space is badly chosen it's up to the local community to remove the vehicle and post a fine. Surely you can find a cheap junker car you want to get rid of right away to park in a bad spot and with leaking tires. LOL. I recommend not staying close to the vehicle since you might be shot or beaten by hooligans in helmets though. Bring a bike in the trunk. It's a rough neighborhood! Ps. Don't forget, not to file the vehicle title at DMW. |
Some years ago they did a test in Manhattan I think it was. They set up hidden cameras at a busy cross walk.
They had an actor who deliberately jail walked to see how many people who would follow him crossing the street against the red light. When the actor was dressed in a business suit and with well kept hair and beard a lot of people broke the law followed across the street. But when the same actor was looking like a home less person no one followed. So what does this experiment say really? Do people follow a leader blindly? Is a business man more reliable only because his attire? Is a homeless persons brain drugged up and not reliable? What person is more stressed and thus likely to jail walk? Why didn't anybody else cross the street first? I would like to make a comparison with the animal kingdom. Picture your self a raging river on the African Savannah full of hungry Crocodiles and a heard of Wilde beast about to cross the river. For generations the Wilde beast has followed a healthy matriarch across the same spot for hundreds of years. Every year many Wilde beasts ends up as Crocodile food at that spot. This year local humans has built a bridge across the river close by. A young Wilde beast finds the bridge and starts to cross the river. But only very few follow it across safely. Why, because all species are creatures of habit and it will take generations to change this behavior. Humans are no different. We look at TV and some official person says we need to do something and the majority follows without thinking. For me it's scary! I know what humans are capable of when they act like mindless zombies. History is full of examples. What can we do to make the human race more advanced and critical in it's mind set towards authority? Education, yes maybe, but the children has teachers and those teachers were also taught, thus situation don't change. If all decisions were made in solitude after lengthy contemplation's with "all" facts available, many mistakes could be avoided. But is there time for that in the modern world? I don't think so. No time to be a modern Simeon Stylites on a pillar.Then I guess the future will be the same as history has been. Poor our future generations! |
The Russian threat is just propaganda and actually no one would be happier if Russia cross the border then Nato and their financial backers. The reason for this latest media scam is to provoke and rally common man to believe a new war is imminent and stem any protests(No more Vietnam protests). Main target is to take over Ukraine's economy wich is one of the largest in Europe. The western risk capitalist wants to take over the Ukrainian banking system and also Russian in the long run. There is few places left in the world where they can expand and exploit people. As for Germany and now retired Merkel they are the ones who started this mess by supporting Ukraine's neo nazi movement in to power some years ago. It goes way back to Germany having interests in Ukraine between before WW1 and WW2. In German view they are just slaves and can be used and controlled. I don't like Putin, but in reality he is the only person alive that keep capitalism in check. He is the better of two evil and as long as western politicians are blind about facts, I hope he lives a long life. Longer then mine! Ps. By law in many countries it is illegal to mention a certain race in any negative manner, so I don't point any finger in that direction even though it would be justified Ds.
I wrote on Facebook about the subject Januari 2020.
Unfortunately most people already were really scared by the media hype back then so it was difficult to get the message through. Now when Facebook is under censorship it is not possible to use it. A Norwegian scientist has discovered 68 cases of anti bodies from blood samples taken in Norway before the first official case in Europe in 2019. it's understandable that governments keep any information about thisfrom the public. We have seen the US blaming China and no other country wants to get the blame now. The Swedish health general stated not long ago by "mistake" on national TV that Covid 19 was a Corona virus just like many other cold viruses. More then 2 years of lying and still some governments try to restrict their population. It's important to understand that it's all about the money like the old ABBA song states. We have now had one international "crisis" after the other. Global warming, Arabic spring, Covid 19, lack of crude oil and the latest propaganda about Russian invasion of Ukraine. All this is pushed by the media to get the stock exchange to fluctuate. Small time investors and governments loose a lot of money on this and the rich get richer. Be sure that a new "crisis" will happened fairly shortly after the stocks have rebounded. The US might feel the need to intervene in Venezuela or Turkey will crash down on the Kurds in Syria. North Korea will suddenly be threatening the whole world or Russia will help an old Sovjet republic against a muslim uprising. But most likely the price of Wheat will yet again explode on the US future exchange, like it did before the Arabic spring and create a huge fake shortage that will create civil unrest in poor countries and high inflation's and higher interest rates that benefits the very few filthy rich. They have already succeeded to do that in the western world with the help of Covid 19! The court in HAAG should prosecute some individuals for crimes against humanity. |
I am 6 foot 4 inches or in proper language 193 cm. In my life I had good use of my height. Running through the woods is an ease, just as long as I watch my head from low branches. The negative part is that tall people have shorter life span than shorter people. If I could go back 40 years I would not want to change my height. I would not want to change anything about my body. I would change my behavior though as a young man and I would spend more time in politics and try to change what the world have become today. Maybe 40 active years in politics could have changed something? My country has become a civil servant dictatorship and politicians has no longer any real power to change anything here. I am in all purpose an Anarchist today. Most of you don't know the meaning of that though. How condescending! OK in your opinion. Most people confuse Anarchy with Anarchism. I suggest just a quick check on Wikipedia. This is off topic, but a few political ideologies has been disqualified due to mad men in history past. How ever Anarchism has been killed of by propaganda not a mad man. |
I am 6 foot 4 inches or in proper language 193 cm. In my life I had good use of my height. Running through the woods is an ease, just as long as I watch my head from low branches. The negative part is that tall people have shorter life span than shorter people. If I could go back 40 years I would not want to change my height. I would not want to change anything about my body. I would change my behavior though as a young man and I would spend more time in politics and try to change what the world have become today. Maybe 40 active years in politics could have changed something?
My country has become a civil servant dictatorship and politicians has no longer any real power to change anything here. I am in all purpose an Anarchist today. Most of you don't know the meaning of that though. |
The personal cell phone numbers of the swedish bikini team. I don't think I'm asking for much ![]() If you are thinking about the movie "Dumb and dumber" Only one was actually Swedish and you don't want her number now! Trust me on that! She divorced Paul Anka a while back claiming inreconcilable differences having have to perform marriage duties in the mornings. But who would want to do that on Anka anyway. |
Don't like it, It's stupid, If someone contacted me after such an automatic message was sent to them, I wouldn't understand what the heck the person was talking about in the response.
Do mother's teach men to ...
My answer to the original question. For what do you need a mother then, if not to nurture children's needs.
A mother who tries teach her sons feminine chores probably don't have a daughter. I come from a country with high equality between the sexes and with generations of feminine logic in education. The result is the highest divorce rate in the world! A man can vacuum and wash dishes but 99% of women will not service the car, clean plumbing etc. OK a metro sexual man in an rented apartment maybe it's right to expect more house work from, But not if the family own a house. |
What is love????
I don't think science have found an answer to that. Love and faith of a God, I would consider both are related. If you don't have a critical mind, both are easy to obtain. If you on the other hand are objective and analytical in personality, you will always find something wrong with the concept. Maybe the lack of testosterone makes it easier to love and be spiritual.
That would explain why women fall in love for the wrong reasons and younger men desires to fornicate everything that moves. As a young teenager I had an emotion towards a girl for about a week. After she ridiculed me it has never happened again. My logical mind have decided it was a hormonal response from outside stimuli at peak hormone levels. I can understand the need to label it love. If I am right we have probably all felt it as teenagers and are all desperately trying to find it again. But will likely not find it. Destined for ever searching a myth instead of building relationships on better grounds then "love". |
Here we go again!
Now that the first country Denmark says that they will lift the corona restrictions and it looks like Norway and Sweden are heading the same way. Media and politicians feel the need to focus elsewhere. For a week now they have started to scare people about the Russian/Ukrainian conflict. It's not a new conflict. But suddenly WW3 can start. Russians are shaking there heads in disbelief and think the west has gone crazy. But the filthy rich needed the stock exchange to drop so that they can scam small time investors yet again. When will regular people learn not to invest in stock I wonder? And also governments should stop doing it.
I don't understand how filthy rich people can sleep at night with all the suffering they inflict on humanity? |
What is love????
Old fashion I see! Setting your self up for trouble, if you don't sample a bit before the wedding day. Just a friendly suggestion.
What is love????
Love the emotion, is an something that people confuse with desire for the most. As for Americans they love everything and are abusing the word. One can't love a pizza or a flower! They should learn to use the word like instead.
why do people cheat
I cheated once! My girlfriend decided to be a Cop and moved away for a year. I didn't know what to think about that and when a school teacher brought me a whole cake for helping me with her car, my character became flawed. Next women who brought me a cake was a Cop and then I remained faithful even though she was beautiful like few others. I dodged a bullet there, later my girlfriend and her started working together!
I think there are many reasons for cheating. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it can change things to the better. People tend to stay together to long in relationships that don't work. Mostly relationship fails because they are not on the same page together in the book of life. And want different things at different times. |
"Your stupid!" When I refused to go buy a covid test for my 18 year old son. He is not even sick. Just don't want to go to school!
Now I have to wait until afternoon to get a "Hej" from a sales person, to replace today friendliest phrase. |
Yes they do! And the money the industry generates is huge. Unfortunately dating sites don't want to stop it. They get a lot of gorgeous profiles that attract new members. People can't resist a wink from a photo model! Or a guy in uniform!
Where would you move to..
To a warmer place but not hot and humid.
Inside EU due to my socialist government confiscating my pension if I move outside EU.To much trouble to have to go back twice a year to collect. Take out cash and smuggle it on the plane. If you have a Swedish bank account and you use it abroad for long time they will cancel the pension. Italy, Bulgaria and Romania at black sea coast, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Ireland, Hungary, Åland, Skåne and Blekinge in Sweden, Denmark preferably Bornholm, France, Cyprus. Just as long as I don't have to see deep snow I'll be good. |
Women who looks for younger men puts me of from contacting them. Two reasons I fail to comply with their demands and it's just immature and stupid for a women to engage in a serious relationship with a ten year younger man. It will not last 99% of the time. Better for them to just write " I am tired of little blue pills swallowed down into a pot belly. And want to get laid and feel attractive again".