Community > Posts By > canucksfan94
Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Sat 07/13/13 04:53 PM
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Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Welcome To The Darth Side?
Morning (( canuck)) ha I need one of those... I would have quite a few beeps. ![]() Good morning 2KM... ![]() |
Welcome To The Darth Side?
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Am new
Welcome to Mingle2.
To add as friend, click the "Add as Friend" button on that person's profile. I'd suggest that you only do this with a girl you've actually made friends with in the forum, anything else is like going to the pub and buying a drink for the first girl you see as soon as you walk in the door without ever having any contact with her... that's just creepy and won't get you very far unless she's into that sort of thing. |
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Sat 07/13/13 05:23 AM
wow and my questins get hardly answered while some ****er with no pics gets all his answered what a ****ing elitist ****ing *** clown As you can see, I've backed off and your thread is all yours again. Looks like you've gotten mega answers from the lovely ladies of the Mingle2 population. ...and that's MR. ****ing elitist ****ing *** clown to you sir, ok? |
Hello, welcome to Mingle2. What are you looking for exactly?
Welcome to Mingle2 and good luck to you.
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Fri 07/12/13 11:13 AM
...others are very fixated on physical appearance... I would be too... damn, have you seen yourself? Hottttt!!!! Oh, wait, you were referring to from an ethnicity point of view... sorry. @myself: ![]() Ok, flirting aside: ...For example, Halle Berry is mixed race and even though we know her to be mixed race we identify her as black. It's all about perspective.. People will identify you as whatever you appear to be.. and not to be harsh but, more often than not, non-blacks will consider you black if you have an african american parent. Again, it's all about perspective. I actually think people that fit into a racial box based on physical appearance have it a little easier.. I.E Johnny Depp is said to have some african american ancestors but, clearly, we easily identify himself as european. Physically, I truly don't fit into any racial box. I don't appear black, white or hispanic so people are often very confused on where to place me just based on physical appearance. I identify as mixed-race but, culturally was raised in an african-american community and feel more comfortable identifying as african-american. I would never identify myself as caucasian although I was raised by a caucasian mother. Why should you fit into a box... When there needs to be a box, my box is 'other' as a form of silent protest. That is something especially prevalent in the US and I have to say (no offence intended to the Americans in the forum) that as a nation, it has got to be one of the most racist countries in the English speaking world. The fact that the terms 'african american community' or 'white community' or 'latin/hispanic community' exist is testament to this. I was raised to be aware of all races being equal and to assimilate cultures freely, so who I became as a person had less to do with what I looked like and more to do with what I became interested in as I grew up. As I mentioned before I have encountered racism and issues of people not being able to identify me for what I am and yes, more people have seen me as black rather than bi-racial but that's their issue not mine, I know what I am and I know how little it matters to me what I am ethnically and that's where my true freedom comes from... Freedom to be me and not be bound to sterotypes or expectations of a society based on my outward appearance. My sister and I weren't raised white or black, we were just raised modern day. |
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Fri 07/12/13 10:22 AM
I'm a socially oppressed white boy. Affirmative Action is holding me down. While I can see why someone might think of it as an appropriate way to jump-start the resolution of a long-standing issue, I think Affirmative Action is just as racist a system as the systems that led to it in the first place. Someone's ethnicity should have no bearing on what job they get or do not get and absolutely no bearing on what school they do or do not get into, just as it should have no bearing on how society perceives them or perceives their potential. You cannot solve the issue of oppression by being just as prejudice as the original oppressors but just on the opposing side of the scale... Prejudice is prejudice regardless and in any form is still a sign of immaturity, limited intellect and self hate. @dovebear: ![]() ![]() |
Friends (F.U.N. song)
There is a decent gaming following here and you'll find many anime fans here as well, so you're in the right place.
Welcome to mingle2. |
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Fri 07/12/13 07:56 AM
OK canucksfan...remember you asked.... :) you seem's too much info - too long for my taste anyway, normally I wouldn't even read anything that long and I did not read all of yours, but i'm just one person no woman wants a man to tell them how to dress, wear her hair or makeup...all u need to care about is that we look nice and u care about who we are on the inside and more and better photos look at cuddlemonster's sorry I feel like honesty is what u were asking for and I KNOW from your posts on here you are really nice so maybe tweak the profile to show it! :) good luck cowboy :) ...yes I did ask and I appreciate the honesty ![]() For the record ladies, I have no interest in telling a woman how to dress or how to wear her hair, I just think that there are so many girls today who behave like they were raised in a barn and have the taste in fashion to match. I've encountered so many like that in the country where I am at the moment that I just wanted to make it clear that those girls they need not apply... I just don't have time or the patience. I'll work on the profile. @CuddleMonster91: sorry to hijack your thread dude... ![]() |
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Fri 07/12/13 08:17 AM
@sweetestgirl11: You make a good point and even in my family it's apparent. My sister and I obviously look quite different but we also both look quite different from our father who is German with a family tree that can be traced back hundreds of years in Germany.
Our father has blue eyes and very dark hair (well it was before it went all white) and I have dark hair and brown eyes. My sister has blonde hair and blue eyes and looks a lot more like her mother who is Dutch while I look more like my mother who is not your typical Senegalese either. We're both of mixed-ethnicity and I first realized just what that really meant when I had my DNA profile interpreted, which prompted my sister to have hers done. Without going into all the detail, the interpretation of origin for me in order of dominance is Khoisan, Hallstatt, Alpine and West African other. In my sister's case, in order of dominance, she's Dalofaelid, Alpine, Hallstatt and Nordic other. So in summary, we're siblings, very different genetically and both mixed, but in our family, that doesn't matter at all, it's just another fact like, water is wet, or fire is hot. I wish the rest of the world would see it the same way and I think it would start if people would just look inside themselves to see what they're truly afraid of. After they deal with those issues, they'd realize there was never really a problem with the next guy after all... it was internal all along. |
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Fri 07/12/13 07:03 AM
My approach is always friendly and respectful, i say hello, ask how they are doing and give them a compliment, this site seems to be dead for people from BC. Feel free to send me a message sweetestgirl11 and see for yourself how nice i am. I'm in the same boat but I guess time will tell. There are a few people around from BC I've met including a few girls but many of the west coast girls I've seen that I found attractive/interesting were 'not seen for more than a month' or something. I grew up in BC for a part of my life, went to school on the island at one point and I've always felt at home in Vancouver so I've tended to go for West Coast girls plus I think the hottest girls in the world are from Van but that's just me. @sweetestgirl11: Same question about the profile? Do you see anything wrong with mine? |
Wow, just though i would say that no site has ever made me fell as unattractive and unwanted than this site :( constantly getting no replys or being rejected. I wish someone could please tell me what is wrong with my profile. Just be patient dude... I've emailed a few girls myself and gotten the same thing, if she's not interested now, maybe she'll change her mind when she sees more of you in the forum. In the same token, be careful what you wish for, I've been here less than a week and already had a crazy stalker. |
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Fri 07/12/13 06:32 AM
Fortunately the issue has resolved itself as time will eventually lead us to just one universal race based on continued inter racial reproduction.. Within a few more generations the distinctiveness of one race will have merged and a more integrated one will prevail.. I agree with you but I've also seen how that prospect has scared some people like we're a threat rather than just a step towards the inevitable evolution of mankind whatever that eventually ends up looking like. In the same token, I truly believe (and hope I'm wrong about this) that human nature will lead us to find some other reason to segregate ourselves and to hate each other. As a species we just don't seem to be able to help ourselves. When race is no longer an issue, will it be religion, class, the wealth divide, culture and one's country of origin? Someday I hope I can be proven wrong and John Lennon right. "Imagine all the people living life in peace, You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will be as one." |
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Fri 07/12/13 06:42 AM
Hi, I've had an interesting experience recently and it's made me think about an age old topic that clearly still will be an issue to those around me at least through-out my lifetime.
I'm bi-racial (White German father, Black Senegalese mother) and I've spent most of my life either having to explain how my white half-sister is actually my biological sister or how I'm not white and not black but something completely different... I'm 'other', deal with it! Throughout my life I've either been too white to be black or too black to be white or just simply the cause of confused looks on other people's faces. ![]() As an adult, this doesn't matter as much as it once did as I just see myself as a person and not a racial identity but when that does come up, it's either an uncomfortable subject for some people around me or it's just plain silly the way people make my ethnicity into an issue. I'm currently living in a society that considers itself 90% black and which I accepted as a statistical fact until I lived here and realized that it's more like 95% bi-racial and these people have so many issues with their own racial identities, there is actually a voluntary apartheid system at work! I personally think their entire nation needs therapy. I've in many cases had to be the 'black guy' or simply the 'West-Indian guy' (even though I was born in Germany and have no West-Indian ancestry) to make it easier for people to just move on to the next thing. My sister and I agreed that we would just be 'cousins' in situations where it would make it easier for other people to accept us and this was because of an awkward incident that happened when we were teenagers... something we still laugh about today. The reality is that it speaks poorly to the socio-evolution of the species when we have to resort to something like this. When will the day come where the genetic make-up of a man is no more important than the colour of his SIM card or his USB cables? My $0.02 worth... what do you guys think? (I don't think I need to say this but I welcome the opinions of all races) |