about hawaii
what months wood you think wood be best to go to hawaii ?
about hawaii
so you wood think for us the best time wood be in the mid or late summer time to go,
about hawaii
you need to read it there are a few questions there just read
about hawaii
i have been to hawaii a lot of times but it's only for work so my next time i go i like to take my girlfriend but i wood like to go up there for 2 weeks but not sure what is the best time to do this in the year, i wood like to see a lot and do a lot but with out all the people, and i don't went it to cost us a lot to go,
can you help me out some |
gay marriage
how about sweden or russia and france countrys like that can gay people get married
gay marriage
thanks that helps some
gay marriage
and i have google it and no help
gay marriage
so what states will allow it to just like to know
gay marriage
i wood like to know what countrys will allow gay men or women to get married, i am gay but don't know if we can get married i know only a few states in the usa will allow it but what about the other countrys,
about being pregnant
what is your experience with being pregnant,
like what did you feel with it? how long was your labor? what was it like to see your baby for the first time? |
this is about my sis ok
First of all, this was extremely difficult to read. Second, I don't know where you live but corporal punishment is illegal in the states. Third, I don't believe that they fingerprinted a purse that was taken out of a highschool locker. we live in russia were corporal punishmen is allow in school, so sorry if it was hard to read or understand i was confuse with it to |
this is about my sis ok
this day my sis went to school like normal and she is 17 years old if you like to no, but my sis and her friend were going to class and her friend ask her to hold her handbag for just a min and she give it right back, and the two went to gym class together and went right into the locker room and got there school uniforms off and into there gym uniforms and her friend put all her clothes and handbag into her locker and lock it then the two went to class, and after gym was over all the girls went into the locker room and my sis friend locker was open with all her clothes and handbag gone, so she went to the teacher and told her, her things were gone from her locker so the teacher told her to go and report it to the principal so she did and he gave her some old clothes to wear after she got a shower, but the principal said that he was going to take care of it, but then this girl or boy seen the lost handbag in my sis boyfriend locker and went and told the principal about it, so after all the kids went into class he went and open the locker and there it was the handbag so he went back to his office and call the boy in to see what he no's about it, he did not no about the missing handbag at all so he is clean, then this kid said that he or she seen my sis with the handbag, so he call her in to question her, so she went into his office and was ask a lot of questions about it, but he said to her at the end if the real person that done it does not come out that it will be all on her because a lot of people and kids seen her with the handbag, so they was going to wait for 2 days to see if the real person comes out and confess to it, and the principal got finger prints of the handbag and there was only my sis and her friend prints on it, then my sis freak out and did not return to school for a week because she was scar that she was going to get into truoble for this, this last monday she return to school and the principal seen her and got her into his office and the real person has not confess about it as of, so he call my dad to come in to see what the school was going to do with her about it, the principal said that she can be suspended from school for 2 weeks or be suspended from gymnastics and get 20 swats, but it was up to my sis to decid what her choice was going to be, she decided to be suspended from gymnastics and get 20 swats, is this right
every kid is different i have a son and yes he gets a spanking every now and again when he acts crazy he gets multipl warnings but in the end he knows whats gonna happen and how to stop it! after i spank him i dont yell tho bc he got his punishment! the spanking i feel isnt to hurt its more to suprize ( this is just my opinion) after one smack ive got his attention so i talk calmly to get him to calm down and i talk 2 him about y he got that spanking! the taking things away works some times! u as the parent have to assess the situation and provide the right punishment! sumtimes i can turn off the tv or take his book or toy and he got the point other times u have to be more creative! the most important thing is... and many parents on here have said it is... u need a routine and quality time!!! your friend was really young and things like patience and knowing what is appropriate and what is over doing it comes w age and time i dont know any 16 yr old that i feel really has the patients or maturity for a kid (doesnt mean there arnt any) but the kids acting out and its obvious the "whos the parent and whos the kid" line hasnt been put into place yet!! Good luck tho for the childs sake! just remember bad kids are rare bad parents and too many!! will i think my friend she is doing better now she had to end up spanking, but is doing much better from it |
men only please
Bit her on the butt, a complete stranger, 1978. "The Godfather" a beer bar on South Evans St. Denver. i think biting a women is mean |
men only please
In public, walk up to her butt-naked and ask her if I could borrow her clothes. ![]() i think that wood be funny to see |
men only please
a squirt gun kept in a ice filled cooler and go to the beach squirting women who are sunbathing with their bikini top undone ![]() ![]() that wood be funny i think |
men only please
pull her skirt up wood be funny but embarrasing
men only please
i think i am being silly to ask this, but men what is the most embarrasing or naughty thing you can do to a girl or women,????
girls only please
for me i am on only for friends men or women, but i am in a relationship but we are not married so
girls only please
so friends are the best for some and love for the others