Community > Posts By > Korndog

Korndog's photo
Sun 09/28/08 08:53 AM
Hi Sara...nice of you to drop in

Korndog's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:06 PM

Korndog's photo
Sun 09/21/08 06:16 PM
I'm not an ex Bommer....


Korndog's photo
Sun 09/21/08 06:03 PM
I know you....waving

Korndog's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:16 PM
When the dealer mentioned the free year of Sirius service if I bought my truck I thought to myself ..."eh...nice,but I doubt I'll get it after after the free year.."

5 months later...I'm hooked on it.

Korndog's photo
Thu 09/11/08 05:19 PM
Hey bud,good to see ya....waving

Korndog's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:18 AM
Baton Rouge got hit pretty hard...

lots of tree damage to houses and power lines....some minor flooding of the Amite and Comite river and low lying areas...

They've just about got the power back to where there's no bad lines at the open gas pumps anymore...I think I heard yesterday that they were up to 60% restored power.

there are still areas in the city that will be without power for a couple weeks they say due to the extensive tree damge to lines...

I personaly didn't get any damage...just no power for 5 days...but I had either an extention cord from a neighbors generator or a generator I borrowed from my step father when his elec. was turned back on...and I was fairly well stocked on all the essentials so I did better than more than a few people I've seen...

Korndog's photo
Sat 09/06/08 04:49 PM

Hey everyone...

I made it through Gustav...

Now we're just hoping that Ike doesn't go where it's being forcasted to the gulf which means we're gonna be at risk again....

One major storm a year is enough!!!!!

This makes my 4th since 1992...

Rita(a month after Katrina,if you remember)

I hear ya'll caught a good bit of Gustav there in Red Stick, Keith. Hope things are getting back to normal. (I lived in Baton Rouge when I was little bitty and have family down there still).

Yeah we got it pretty bad....there's power to about just about everywhere but a few hardest hit areas/ neighborhoods in BR where the tree's and limbs really hit the power system bad...and some of the smaller rural areas south and west are still "dark"....but we went from nearly everyone with no power to about 60% power restored here in town so I'm pleased with that effort...

But unlike Katrina where our state and local governments sat back and waited or did nothing but freak out...our governor,
Bobby Jindal has taken charge...and was proactive before, during and after the storm getting supplies,evacs ordered,curfews established...actually we're still under a 10pm -6 am curfew...

As bad as our last governor handled Katrina...this time was just the opposit...

FEMA's still dropping the ball a little and water are/were readily available but ice and tarps that were promised were slow in comming....the one thing they aren't doing this time is handing out money to any Tom ,**** or Harry who walks up and says they were "affected" by the storm...

Korndog's photo
Sat 09/06/08 05:41 AM
Hey everyone...

I made it through Gustav...

Now we're just hoping that Ike doesn't go where it's being forcasted to the gulf which means we're gonna be at risk again....

One major storm a year is enough!!!!!

This makes my 4th since 1992...

Rita(a month after Katrina,if you remember)

Korndog's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:13 AM

Danny, you need to get that metal plate removed.. it was for that "other" place....:wink:

Keith! Good to see ya you big stud!

Ooops, i quoted the wrong quote....oh well!

Good to see you too buddy....

Korndog's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:11 AM

and I know YOU!!

hiya keith, how are you?

Just fine...except for that hurricane bearing down on us here in Bayou country...but I'm prepared as one can be.all thats left is to sit and wait.

Hope thing are going good for you and th yours Lisa

Korndog's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:17 PM

hello and welcome to your new home Keith

Hmmmm....obviously you know me.waving

Korndog's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:08 PM
I know you.....spock

Korndog's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:33 PM
I know you.....

Korndog's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:28 PM
Baton Rouge....

Korndog's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:23 PM
Got mustard?