Topic: Hurricane Gustav
irishlass's photo
Thu 09/04/08 06:40 PM
How did everyone make out? I am fine and the house survived, minor damage. Gustav seemed to have done more damage the more inland it got.

Korndog's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:18 AM
Baton Rouge got hit pretty hard...

lots of tree damage to houses and power lines....some minor flooding of the Amite and Comite river and low lying areas...

They've just about got the power back to where there's no bad lines at the open gas pumps anymore...I think I heard yesterday that they were up to 60% restored power.

there are still areas in the city that will be without power for a couple weeks they say due to the extensive tree damge to lines...

I personaly didn't get any damage...just no power for 5 days...but I had either an extention cord from a neighbors generator or a generator I borrowed from my step father when his elec. was turned back on...and I was fairly well stocked on all the essentials so I did better than more than a few people I've seen...

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:31 PM
I was far enougha away, shreveport, just some rain

irishlass's photo
Mon 09/08/08 06:28 PM
Glad to hear you both made out well.

Just keep hoping Ike keeps on the the path they are predicting, although that would be bad for Texas. I just want to get off of the 12 hour shift.

cajunmale's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:52 PM
I was blessed with a tree throof and still fighting fema