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Giocamo's photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:54 AM
78 - 8...remember those numbers...that's how many house and senate seats...the Republicans will pick up...stopping Obama...the spread of Liberalism...and...the destruction of this what the Tea Party...and...most sane Americans will be voting for...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 10/20/10 08:17 AM
a few choice quotes from yesterday's show...Rush was on fire !!

"The Tea Party is rooted, as I like to say, in love: love of country, love of fellow man, and love of community. You won't find this kind of love on the left; you'll just find contempt and disdain."

"There's a story that says in early voting all over the country, white males are showing up in droves. Of course, isn't it profiling to notice this?"

"On November 2nd, it will be our time to deliver a message, and the message will be: 'You're fired, you failed, greedy, authoritarian elitist snobs.'"

"Within the realm of sanity, where is there room for any compromise with Marxism or socialism or liberalism? Where is the compromise with evil? In the context of right and wrong, how do you compromise with wrong?"

Giocamo's photo
Wed 10/13/10 09:38 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Wed 10/13/10 09:42 AM
as for my list ...I'll let you do the for why now...the government / Liberals usually get there agenda through slowly...over a period of years and years...and before you know it...more and more of our freedoms have been taken away...Obama...just tried too much...too fast...too soon...that's why he's going to get whooped...Nov this will help...

You know government has nothing to do when they get around to passing laws outlawing light bulbs! Oh, they’ve passed all the big, super important laws like prohibiting online gambling, tearing tags off of mattresses and how much water toilets are allowed to use per flush! Speaking of which, did the geniuses in DC ever consider MFS (multiple flushing syndrome) that takes place in the AWD bathroom precisely 47 minutes after AWD has him a heaping plate of the El Dorado Jack Fajitas at the Jalapeno Tree (the best fajitas evah!)? I can personally testify this does not save water!

AWD is proud to say his Congressman Michael Burgess is fighting back to keep our regular, dependable incandescent bulbs from the hands of those environmental wackjobs who would rather see us living in caves using candles for light. No, actually they’d rather see us dead.

Burgess said:

Thousands of American jobs have been shipped overseas as a direct consequence of this light bulb provision in the Democrats’ 2007 energy bill. Further, I have stated all along that exposing our citizens to the harmful effects of the mercury contained in CFL light bulbs, which are being manufactured in China, is likely to pose a hazard for years to come.

Great! So the Dims have made it to where I have to have a Haz-Mat team come in to change my light bulbs! And it’s not like we can trust the Chinese to make safe mercury CFL bulbs! With their track record, the light bulbs will come in white lead paint!

Congressman Joe Barton added:

The unanticipated consequence of the ’07 act – Washington-mandated layoffs in the middle of a desperate recession – is one of many examples of what happens when politicians and activists think they know better than consumers and workers, From the health insurance you’re allowed to have, to the car you can drive, to the light bulbs you can buy, Washington is making too many decisions that are better left to people who work for their own paychecks and earn their own living.

Exactly! Let me live my life! Let me ride in a car without a seat belt. Let me eat salt and saturated fats. Let me smoke if I choose. Let me turn on the lights without getting mercury poisoning. And for heaven’s sake, let me take a dump in peace and not have to waste 10 minutes waiting to flush the toilet 6 times after my El Dorado Jack Fajitas at the Jalapeno Tree!

I read this week where our non-Stimulus plan spent $800,000 to create a program to teach African men how to wash their units after sex. Just to be up front here, they originally planned to do the program based on AWD but $800,000 wasn’t enough money (if you know what I mean!). The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill bay-bah! But the point here is some pinhead Congressman was sitting around thinking “hmmmm…what else can we do to waste taxpayer money? Hey, I’ve got it! You’re going to love this! Let’s give Africa $800,000 to teach their men to wash their old fellas after doing the nasty! Oh, Pelosi’s going to love this one!” The morons in Washington are so far removed from reality they’d pay a million dollars to watch a goat piss! Why should they care? It’s not THEIR money!

Big government spawns bigger government. It never works the other way around. Stupid, power-hungry politicians spawn more stupid, power-hungry politicians. One flush turns to six! It should be perfectly clear to all that government is the enemy! And to think our Founding Fathers started a revolution over taxes on tea! Good thing they didn’t use that tea to wash down some El Dorado Jack fajitas!

Hey Washington, keep your hands off my Edison designed light bulbs, give me back my super flusher toilet and quit trying to ruin my life!

Giocamo's photo
Wed 10/13/10 09:20 AM
the Tea Party are Americans...rebelling against over reaching goverment...and...Obama's policies...they're saying...

" get your grubby hands of my healthcare "
" stop telling me what I can eat "
" stop telling me what I can drink "
" stop tellling me where I can smoke "
" stop telling what kind of car I can drive "
" stop telling me what kind of toilet I can use "
" stop telling what kind of light bulb I can use "
" stop telling me how to throw out my fuggin' garbarge "

we are Americans...NOT Europeans...and...we'll tell you exactly how we feel Nov. 2nd...

Giocamo's photo
Fri 10/08/10 01:14 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Fri 10/08/10 01:14 PM
once again...only Rush can make a serious point through humor...on his show today...he was commenting about how uninspired...beaten...whinning...Obama has become lately...still crying about how bad things were when he took Rush said that Obama needs a new slogan...hence..." Win One for the Griper "...LOL.....

Giocamo's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:19 AM
he inherited it ?...last time I looked...he was a Senator for 4 his he was a part of the problem...well...he was elected to fix it and he's made everything worse...

Giocamo's photo
Thu 09/30/10 08:01 AM
Obama is the worst president this country has ever seen !!!

Giocamo's photo
Thu 09/23/10 08:14 AM
definitely a Fox fanatic here...exposing and defeating Liberalism on a daily basis is a good thing...

Giocamo's photo
Mon 09/06/10 08:32 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Mon 09/06/10 08:36 AM
There is a time limit on welfare and also unemployment.

No welfare recipient can sit at home on welfare since the 1990s and there has always been a work search program associated with unemployment

Obama took that provision out of the Welfare Reform the first few weeks of his God awful administration...look it up !!

Michael D. Tanner is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the author of The Poverty of Welfare: Helping Others in Civil Society and other books.
Added to on February 13, 2009

This article appeared in the New York Post on February 13, 2009

ShareThisMuch of the "stimulus" bill is devoted to a backdoor undoing of one of Washington's greatest achievements of recent years - welfare reform.

One of the most important changes of the Clinton-era reform law was replacing the individual entitlement to welfare with a block grant to the states. In the old system, the more people a state signed up for welfare, the more money it got from Washington. The block grant broke this link, creating an incentive for states to help people become self-supporting.

But, as The Post's Charles Hurt has reported, slipped into the stimulus bill is a provision establishing a new $3 billion emergency fund to help states pay for added welfare recipients, with the federal government footing 80 percent of the cost for the new "clients."

Plus, the bill would reward states for increasing caseloads, even if the growth came because the state had loosened its requirements for recipients to work.

Michael D. Tanner is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the author of The Poverty of Welfare: Helping Others in Civil Society and other books.

More by Michael D. TannerThis is radical change. States that succeed in getting people off welfare would lose the opportunity for increased federal funding. And states that make it easier to stay on welfare (by, say, raising the time limit from two years to five) would get rewarded with more taxpayer cash. The bill would even let states with rising welfare rolls still collect their "case-load reduction" bonuses.

In short, the measure will erode all the barriers to long-term welfare dependency that were at the heart of the 1996 reform.

And this is just for "cash assistance" welfare, or TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Yet the bill also dramatically expands other forms of welfare.

For example, it would spend $87 billion to subsidize state Medicaid costs. As a result, still more of the middle-class would be shifted on to welfare.

It also boosts spending on food stamps by 12 percent to $16.5 billion; hikes funds for the federal school lunch program by $150 million; adds $500 million to the Women, Infants & Children nutrition program, and even throws in $50 million for the surplus-commodity (free government cheese) program.

And it gives income tax "cuts" to people who don't pay income taxes - payments that are, in fact, simply another form of welfare.

[T]he measure will erode all the barriers to long-term welfare dependency that were at the heart of the 1996 reform.
By some estimates, the stimulus bill contains roughly $250 billion in welfare spending, another $6,700 for every poor man woman and child in this country, along with the erosion of the 1996 reforms. It can be counted on to "stimulate" the loss of another generation to welfare dependency.

Since Lyndon Johnson declared a "war on poverty" in 1965, this country has spent nearly $10 trillion on that cause. Yet, 44 years later, the poverty rate remains perilously close to where it was. By now we should have learned that throwing money at the problem doesn't work.

As a state senator, Barack Obama opposed the 1996 welfare reform. As a candidate for president, he praised its results. Where does he stand now? Does he really want to return to welfare as we knew it before 1996 and put millions more Americans on the public dole

Giocamo's photo
Mon 09/06/10 07:32 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Mon 09/06/10 07:34 AM
Impeachment is out of the question..

He is going to insure that no one with as little practical experience or qualifications will ever be elected President again..

I want a 4 year record... A lasting impression..

Smart guys that give good speeches are great for the Senate, not the White House..

that should guys that " read " speeches...this guy can't think on his him the c and the t...and he still couldn't spell cat...or he'd blame

Giocamo's photo
Thu 09/02/10 11:20 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Thu 09/02/10 11:22 AM
gulp !! !!...from Public Policy Polling...

We'll start rolling out our Ohio poll results tomorrow but there's one finding on the poll that pretty much sums it up: by a 50-42 margin voters there say they'd rather have George W. Bush in the White House right now than Barack Obama.

Independents hold that view by a 44-37 margin and there are more Democrats who would take Bush back (11%) than there are Republicans who think Obama's preferable (3%.)

A couple months ago I thought the Pennsylvanias and Missouris and Ohios of the world were the biggest battlegrounds for 2010 but when you see numbers like this it makes you think it's probably actually the Californias and the Wisconsins and the Washingtons.

There's not much doubt things are getting worse for Democrats...and they were already pretty bad. Somehow the party base needs to get reinvigorated over the next two months or there's going to be a very, very steep price to pay.

Giocamo's photo
Mon 05/03/10 08:56 AM
never agreed with any of his ideas or policies...I'm from Chicago...and...I know exactly what Obama...Emanual...and...Axelrod are all about...they're fuggin' scumbags !!...the three wisemen...Moe, Larry, and Curly...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 03/10/10 09:22 AM
here's what the MobFather would help...if you'd listen to his show...

"Well, if doctors are not permitted to opt out of the government insurance pool and so forth, Medicare, Medicaid, whatever it is, and if they're not allowed to establish a private practice with private sector patients paying their own way, then I'll go to Costa Rica."

Well, that has been turned into I'm going to leave the country for Costa Rica and move there if Obamacare passes. I've had all kinds of reporters: "Are you serious? Do you really mean this?" So I've had to patiently explain today to people who do not bother to stay informed on this stuff what the genesis and the primary context of my comment was. I said, "Look, there are insurance companies who don't want to be put out of business." We've talked to them on the program. I've talked to them privately. They are establishing health care clinics with quality doctors in places like Costa Rica. They're going to continue to sell policies to people who have the ability to fly down there and get treatment. If I have to get thrown into this massive government health care insurance business and end up going to the driver's license office every day when I need to go to the doctor, yeah, I'll go to Costa Rica for treatment, not move there. So they're just in a tizzy out there, between Costa Rica and Eric Massa. So -- (laughing) -- it's going to be a fun day. Heck, it already is a fun day.

Giocamo's photo
Thu 03/04/10 08:53 AM

this is probably grossly exagerated at any rate a group of us were treated the same way for having Friday prayers on Capital Hill, if we can't have our prayer in the open they can't either.

to quote my hero Archie Bunker...God don't listen til Sunday !!...:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Thu 03/04/10 08:12 AM
I'll let the Mobfather sum this arguement / debate only he can...from yesterdays show...

"It really is time for Republicans to stand for the people who are paying for all of this, and that's us. Government is not supposed to be about redistribution and subsidies and payouts and bribes and kickbacks to union people. It is supposed to be about promoting a healthy society and freedom for the individual within an ordered system called the Constitution."

Giocamo's photo
Wed 03/03/10 08:41 AM

so, not only is there a house plan, senate plan, and presidential 'plan', there is also a specifically democrat and specifically republican plan? Wow, no wonder politics in high school seemed like alot of wasted energy. Its not a team that works for america its several teams who work to outdo each other.

it's called protecting our Liberty from more government control...

Giocamo's photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:44 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Mon 03/01/10 10:44 AM
last time I looked...he was in the Senate voting for every piece of spending legislation...inherited this mess ?...he helped create it !!...when Bush left office...the budget deficit his last year was $454 billion...and...unemployment stood at$1.4 trillion and 10%...Obama has been a fuggin disaster...and...ALL the polls show copy and paste friend...laugh

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/24/10 08:00 PM

Considering that racists make excuses that make themselves believe they are not racist. Do you ever think they will fess up?

Republican/conservative party house most of the racists in this country because their ideals go well with a racists ideals. I know that sucks for the unracist republican/conservatives but they are the only ones who can clean out their party of the racist sludge.

wouldn't that be " non-racist " ?...:wink:

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/24/10 09:35 AM
from the MobFather...from yesterdays show...Rush was on fire !!

" This is not even a health care plan. It's just another phony promise. Typical Barack Obama, still out there hustling hope and change."

"Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, a new business asking a bank for a loan and submitting a plan without a budget that extends at least three years out. A banker would throw you out of his office, especially now. Obama has submitted talking points. He's calling these talking points a plan."

"You talk about costing a whole lot of money and really endangering people, where are the hearings on climate change fraud?"

"We could assign a single reporter to virtually every cabinet department and every czar in this administration to follow them every day, and we still could not keep up with their efforts to corrupt this country."

"If Obama cannot control bank bonuses with a direct liaison to the industry called the pay czar, if he cannot control bank bonuses going up, when he set up an office to do just that, why do we assume that his health care reform proposal will reduce costs or do anything that he says it's going to do? We shouldn't."

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/24/10 09:31 AM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:
I beleive Tiger said awhile back he was a republican!!!!!! You are condoning one of your ownlaugh laugh

you need to re-read what I said...I said " Liberal "...anything goes...the Obama vote was in reference to the fact...that if you're a sure as fugg didn't vote for McCain...even though in my eyes...he's pretty close to a Liberal...

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