Dog Distruction!
borrow husky? no prob. recommend 21 year old cat,though. He makes the dog look like an angel
the worst
not offended, but definitely tip my hat to ya, didn't see that one coming. KUDOS:
Dog Distruction!
Husky chewed every friggin laptop powercord, cell phone charger cord, playstation cord, numerous cats,moles,chipmunks,mice and a small child from Ohio
Hotel Riddle !
Two coins face value = $.30 and one of them is not quarter, what are the coins?
Hotel Riddle !
Thank you !! Heard it before,couldn't remember exactly how it went.
Uses for
Hold on..gotta draft in the living room
Uses for
phase 2 after the pick up line "Does this napkin smell like chloroform?"
Must respond to a beautiful response I have a 7 yr old blue eyed female husky, a beagle type that was literally dumped in my lap by neglectful neighbors(have no idea anything about him except he is obviously alot happier now) and my prize. a 21 year old cat (yes 21) that is healthier and crankier than me- I know I just had him checked. Wouldn't trade them for anything.
Red,Blonde & Brunette
Supposed to sound like "Doggie style"
Beat This Blond Joke!
just returning the
Red,Blonde & Brunette
Blonde,Red Head and Brunette are waiting in their doctor's office awaiting the results of the sex of their unborn. The redhead says " I bet I have a boy because my husband was on top", Red Head replied,"If that's true, I'm gonna have a girl, cuz I was on top" and the blonde cried, "I'm gonna have puppies!"
the blonde
fastest anyone can go during sex: 68 any faster have to turn around. 77 better cuz you get ATE more: 88 better cuz u get ATE twice. How about a 68? and I'll owe you(her) ONE.