Community > Posts By > Mafomagic

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 01:36 PM
Blocked?? Oh crap !! I honestly didn't know that. What the f*** did I do? No wonder, that answered some ?s. I am sooo sorry. Thank You !! Where do I send your flowers?frustrated frustrated frustrated

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 01:26 PM
"She's so hot I'd eat the corn...". Whoa !! I prefer "I'd crawl barechested across 5 miles of broken glass to smell the exhaust of the truck that delivered her jeans" OR my all time favorite "She's got the whites teeth I ever wanted to come across" but those are for an entirely different post.

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 01:10 PM
"Beauty is on the eyes of the beholder" Me eyes behold beauty. How can I decline? Would a new friend care to chat?

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 01:00 PM
Lynann: For a small fee, I can shoot the P***k.pitchfork

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:50 PM
I can only think of one thing that's scary and wonderful at same time and I would man up and hope I can still chase her around the kitchen table 50 years from now.

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:40 PM
"my friend was,like,really,mad..." . Similar to " I like him/her,I just don't like LIKE him/her so it's not a date Date date." WTF?

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:36 PM
"call me when you got no class"rofl one of my all time favoritesrofl

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:32 PM
"Pot calling kettle black" I dont get it. Isn't pot usually green?

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:57 AM
"If it wasn't for me....." you're right it wasn't for you it was for me

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:49 AM
"hard as a rock" rofl Damn another note to self::angel:

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:46 AM
Note to self: no more "my bad"

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:41 AM
"If I had a dollar every time...." Well,apparently you don't cuz u r not sharing

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:36 AM
"No,that's not a knife in my pocket" - oh, you mean HEAR cliche not RESPOND with cliche. my bad:oops :laughing: :laughing:

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:09 AM
It's a tough call. One should post a self portrait if they're going to introduce themself to the world. In my case, the dog was a helluva lot cuter - and not even my dog. Borrowed camera from sister, went to upload and thought "what the hell". With that in mind, guy/gals that outright lie on the profile is B.S. I have never been married and have no kids, I'm still new to these sites and it's a bummer to find out that somebody viewed me and assumed I was B.S.'ing about my marriage status and other things, so in that respect I have to agree with JuliaA. Image isjust that: an image. There is a message button to ask something. Isn't that we're here for? As for the rules go: when uploaded puppy dog, I checked general guidelines, said nothing about had to be me. I know my glasses are old, so if I missed that rule leet me know and I'll repost picture

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 10:49 AM
:laughing: :laughing: reminds me of the person that wrote "They say attitude is everything, I've had an attitude for years and got nothing. I don't get it.":laughing: :laughing:

Mafomagic's photo
Thu 09/04/08 09:51 AM
For entertainment purposes: Gents: "Why the buy cow when you can get the milk for free?" Ladies :"Why buy the pig when you can get the sausage for free?"

Mafomagic's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:11 PM
World of Warcraft?? I wish, couldn't get the damn computer to run the 10 day free trialfrustrated

Mafomagic's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:02 PM
Yeah, quarter and nickel, that was easy - I figured. different riddle? no coins?

Mafomagic's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:57 PM
Does the use for duct tape post earlier count? She never did answer if the napkin smelled like chloroform

Mafomagic's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:43 PM
Attention defici--- Oh look something shiny