Community > Posts By > tinam23

tinam23's photo
Fri 06/28/13 04:05 PM
Why is my profile picture sideways?

tinam23's photo
Fri 06/28/13 10:00 AM

Personally, I can have a crush on a man online. I can love many things about him, love talking with him and love the idea of him, but I can't fall in love with someone until I know them in real life. flowerforyou
I completly agree.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 04:16 PM

Married women, sometimes miss signs that their husband is cheating, when they are very happy in the marriage, with the husband.

Yes this is true. Ignorance is bliss.

And sometimes we fool ourselves. I think if you are around a really truly happy person, you can feel it. Joy can be felt. So can unhappiness.

yes. And they say " love is blind" maybe i just didn't want to see there was a problem. He was extremely happy and i did feel it but i realize it was when things were going well, like the finances ect. When things started getting tight i could see a strain come over him. He never really acted different towards me. But it was different. My god he spent the last week before he left fixing up the yard with new brick. Married it all in the back and put it just where it was gonna be put, just to leave? It didn't seem planned. Bought a grill. We just grilled out the weekend before. Its just baffling.

That does sound baffling. Do you know where he is ?

He's living with the OW about an hour away. He moved into her place 2 weeks after he left here. We've had very minimal contact. Which i don't mind. But the kids are Heartbroken. Well the younger 2. My oldest is so angry. They refuse to go over there and he was trying to get them to meet her after 2 weeks. After everything else. He's lost his fricking mind.

A Devil woman... and that will get old -- and he will miss his kids.

Yes he did lose his mind... its called infatuation. It could be temporary.

If you want him back, it might be possible.

But you may not want him back.
Yes she is a devil woman. They were "friends"at work for a year before they slept together finally 2 weeks before he left. She's 7 years older and has 6 kids. Only 2 live at home. The same age as his own. That kills mine. I don't think i want him back. I would like to think i wouldn't take him back after all this. He's out us all through so much. I hope to find someone better someday because i know i deserve that and have a lot of love to give to the right man.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 03:18 PM

Married women, sometimes miss signs that their husband is cheating, when they are very happy in the marriage, with the husband.

Yes this is true. Ignorance is bliss.

And sometimes we fool ourselves. I think if you are around a really truly happy person, you can feel it. Joy can be felt. So can unhappiness.

yes. And they say " love is blind" maybe i just didn't want to see there was a problem. He was extremely happy and i did feel it but i realize it was when things were going well, like the finances ect. When things started getting tight i could see a strain come over him. He never really acted different towards me. But it was different. My god he spent the last week before he left fixing up the yard with new brick. Married it all in the back and put it just where it was gonna be put, just to leave? It didn't seem planned. Bought a grill. We just grilled out the weekend before. Its just baffling.

That does sound baffling. Do you know where he is ?

He's living with the OW about an hour away. He moved into her place 2 weeks after he left here. We've had very minimal contact. Which i don't mind. But the kids are Heartbroken. Well the younger 2. My oldest is so angry. They refuse to go over there and he was trying to get them to meet her after 2 weeks. After everything else. He's lost his fricking mind.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 02:43 PM

What's with the "Women cheat too" arguement? The OP just wants help on how to get through this. I don't see what gender-blaming is gonna solve. Some just need to stop being bitter. It isn't a good look. The OP could be man, woman, but why would THAT make any difference? Her man cheated on her. She wants advice. She hasn't hurt anyone.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 02:39 PM

Married women, sometimes miss signs that their husband is cheating, when they are very happy in the marriage, with the husband.

Yes this is true. Ignorance is bliss.

And sometimes we fool ourselves. I think if you are around a really truly happy person, you can feel it. Joy can be felt. So can unhappiness.

yes. And they say " love is blind" maybe i just didn't want to see there was a problem. He was extremely happy and i did feel it but i realize it was when things were going well, like the finances ect. When things started getting tight i could see a strain come over him. He never really acted different towards me. But it was different. My god he spent the last week before he left fixing up the yard with new brick. Married it all in the back and put it just where it was gonna be put, just to leave? It didn't seem planned. Bought a grill. We just grilled out the weekend before. Its just baffling.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 01:10 PM

Nah. Men can't be trusted. We phuck anything that moves, gamble excessively, drink way too much......then go to church and get cleansed of our sins....and then repeat. Oops. I mentioned religion didn't I? :tongue: laugh

thank you

it takes many naughty nurse costumes to keep Fred at home
well our sex life sure wasn't the problem. He got it home plenty and however he wanted. And he still cheated. mad

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 01:04 PM

SOOOOOOOOO many people brag about staying with someone no matter what and then you find out that they were cheating. Screw that. If you are unhappy, divorce or break up with the person and go look for someone else with a CLEAN SLATE.

I think most men stay faithful if given the chance.
AMEN! Could not have said it better myself.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:47 PM

Do guys really stay faithful in a relationship ? or yes ?
excellent question mad

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:26 PM

Well, at least you can look at your self in the mirror and know you were true and loyal. Sounds like its his loss.The cut is deep and will need time to heal. Your a very lovely woman and God will reward you with a true love this time for real.Stay who you are and best of luck to you!
Thank you :smile:

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:13 PM

I don't think anyone here suggested that one gender had a monopoly on cheating. The OP is female and had a bad experience with her husband, so she's approaching it from that POV, that's all.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:08 PM

Relationships are always a gamble and you never really 100% know someone.

I was in a 8 year relationship and ended up in the hospital. While in, my ex broke it off, told me when I came home that I had a month to get back on my feet and find a place to live.

Life goes on. Disgruntled? Maybe. Given up? Nope :)
Good for you!Good attitude.:smile:

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:02 PM

That does make sence. I've had a few come off way too quick with the sweet talk and saying what they think i want to hear. Just be real!
Lol you sound a little bitter yourself. Interrogate her till she cries dang. Lol


Just push your quote button then, some you need too scroll up and write under the last

and if you send it you can just push edit and go back in right away

Lol bitter! WHO ME bitter.

"No sweeping exits or off stage lines, would make me feel bitter,or treat you unkind

No really I was just trying to turn you gay..well your herd of the scared straight tactics that they do for

troubled yourths, ya! right well I do that for woman, such as yourself its could scared gay!serious

Im like the closer pitcher in baseball. But now David has brought forth new evidence that apparently

Woman can now cheat and be deceitful aswell. I guess its not concrete evidence but if I can take your

word a can take his, and besides I've seen him when he's not dressed up in the Alf suite.

So yes someone should be themselves but I was talking latter aswell, like saying "I love you but their

not treating you accordingly, then don't get sucked in to the sweet words.
LOL Hey not a bad idea. forget men all together drinker And yes David women do cheat do unfortunatly. :cry:

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 11:49 AM

I think a lot of people stay in relationships they are in out of a sense of duty. especially if kids are involved or they simply don't want to hurt their partners, my own personal opinion honesty is always the best policy, if you are no longer in love with your partner it is better to set them frees to find somebody else, we all have had break-ups in our lives sometimes we initiate it sometimes are partners, the very worse thing one person can do to the other person is cheat, cheating is unacceptable period
Exactly! That's exactly what i told him. Marriages end. It sucks. But if he wasn't happy he should came to me maybe we could have worked on it. If not then that's that. But he could have left before he let it get to the point where he crossed the line and cheated. Too much.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 10:43 AM
Some days I believe I don't need a man to be happy and there i take it back. Like when I come home and im used to sharing how my day went and have no one to tell. Or during rainstirms which was always cuddle time or the worse. Bedtime. Its little things for me because im an affectionate person and want someone to share it with. And it feels lonely not having it.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 08:42 AM
Oh i paid attention. He was very good at hiding his feelings. I don't see how i can be wrong about how happy he seemed. Always holding my hand even in the car. Very affectionate even in public. Even others were shocked because they said we seemed happy and would have never thought it. We were stressed out finanacially and i wasn't able to work for a time due to certain things here and there and he said he felt the burden all on his shoulders. I did mention counseling. I didn't see how he could just leave without even trying. No i don't want him here if he don't want to be. I deserve someone who loves and wants me as much as me them. I just really hope he hasn't ruined any chances.

tinam23's photo
Thu 06/27/13 08:29 AM

I think a more practical answer to the question is that people need to be more tuned in and aware of their spouse's feelings.

If you were married for 15 years all the while believing that everything is fine and you are both 'happy' and you suddenly find out that your spouse has not been happy "for a very long time," then I have to say that you probably have not been paying attention or you are not tuned into your spouse's feelings.

This could only mean one of two things. Either your spouse is a an expert at hiding his true feelings or you are so absorbed with yourself or something else that you are not paying attention.

A person that good at hiding his feelings is probably a psychopath or sociopath. If that is not the case, then it is you, not paying attention to the clues.

tinam23's photo
Wed 06/26/13 04:54 PM
Very good point! :)

tinam23's photo
Wed 06/26/13 04:53 PM

ANY stranger is hard to trust at first, but if you feel you won't be able to trust a man ever again, then maybe dating isn't the right choice. All I'm saying is why bother with men, if you feel negative about them? Not every guy is an a$$wipe. You just happened to be one of those who had a bad experience. If you give yourself time to recover from it, then you may feel more ready to trust, after a few month or whatever. If we go around thinking ALL men will do the same , we might aswell give up. Time is a great thing. flowers

tinam23's photo
Wed 06/26/13 04:21 PM
That is absolutely true. But in MY case it was a man that cheated. So I am just worried if ill be able to trust a man that i let in my life again. Im sure its the same for the the man when the woman cheats. I was just stating my situation.

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