Community > Posts By > Sherry4ever

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Wed 06/19/13 03:34 AM
Edited by Sherry4ever on Wed 06/19/13 03:35 AM
I wouldn't say am 20.. Am 18.. An still a virgin? It's no problem? It's better then having sex with someone u don't like isn't it? N iam not really ugly iam wha most will call a beauty? It's not about those stuff at all it's u know bout if u feel ready for it then u should do it with ? .. Be it on wedding nice or simply a guy u really love? U should give ur virginity for someone u wanna love n live with the rest of ur life :)

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Sat 06/15/13 10:08 AM
n yea i guess u are right. i dated someone after getting dumped by the one i had loved for 4 years just to get over him fast ... n it ended with a 3 years relationship..i bet he could see i wasnt 100% in love with him..yea i did love him a lot...but i had never really quite got over the other one.. but i loved him most so dont get why he broke up .. its weird ..... but i think i got over them both now anyways... so any tipz for new love? i mean when i love someone i like really love him,..but i dont quite get how to show it so the one m gonna end up loving wouldnt think i love another or might be afraid i would break up.....orr something?.....

iam messed up myself i guess they arent the only ones ..

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Sat 06/15/13 09:34 AM
ok guys ...i got a A in math as well on math C n hope i will get A on mathB as well exam soon (nervouss :I)..... anyways u should had got an F tho :P i mean i said i was in a relationship with someone for four years n a relationship with someone for a half year.. so i started going out with someone when i was 13 .. after being friend for 3 years ..and it wasnt really a serious relationship at first i mean we just had fun? n he was 15 anywas so no pedo... we grew up n it got more serious...umm n well i know he is a virgin because we talked like 24/7 even if he lied i would had noted......

n yea the guys i had been dating...well one of them is a jehova witness n the other one was a muslim...i wouldnt had minded switching for them anyways since am atheist ...:)
..and i know too that it wasnt fake love or anything..i mean we still talk as friend.. n they are having a hard time getting over me. .. love is weird...i mean why can ppl love someone n when they still love that one they kinda break up? i just dont get it

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Sat 06/15/13 02:58 AM
Love is love if u Fall its game over :p..

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Sat 06/15/13 02:25 AM
They both loved me and they are both "Virgins" n over 20 years ... I had a relationship with someone for 4 years n the other for a Half year ... I dot quiet Get why they say am too good but when i was with Them tey were hell jealous n Never let me do stuf cause they were afraid they Will Lose me.. So i Always stayed with Them.. But they both broke up.. I mens i did everythibh for Them.. So dont Get it.. N i do know they arent after sex

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Fri 06/14/13 06:46 PM
Nah too lazy dosnt matter anyways

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Fri 06/14/13 06:36 PM
Whas a mod? :)

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Fri 06/14/13 06:32 PM
Iam 18.. This site made me 34 :/ weird can't change it

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Fri 06/14/13 06:14 PM
How do u guys love ur gf/bf? I don't quite get it cause whenever I love someone n we start going out then end the relationship by saying they afraid to lose me someday cause am too good? I mean iam not really sure if an doing anything wrong to make them feel that way.. I had had 2 guys in my life and they both dumped me n said that (well I didn't have them at the same time tho hehe) .. Anyways how do u guys show it? N do u think I show it in a wrong way? I mean I keep telling them I loved them n stuff like that .. I cared a lot bout them n always remembered stuff.. Don't get wha iam doing wrong :( .. Iam trying to find new love but I don't wanna make the one I would love feel like he would lose me or something ..:(

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Wed 06/05/13 04:30 AM
Well I do wan online love.. But it's hard to find a good person heh.. I had been in love once with someone for 3 years.. Online.. I still can't get over him 100% .. That's why m trying to find other love

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Wed 06/05/13 04:24 AM