Community > Posts By > notbeold

notbeold's photo
Thu 06/25/20 05:59 AM
I hope the powers that create have made several backups for this planet, because this version is corrupt almost beyond any salvage, and could only ever be a shadow of its former glory, even with human removal and intense reconditioning.

If you upscale magnitude, atoms - asteroids - planets - solar systems - galaxies - and so on, you must (human think) eventually get to an end magnitude that encapsulates everything that is, including any 'world creators' and their bigger 'universe'. Somehow, somewhen. But we will never see it, just as we will probably never find the finally, totally indivisible prime entity within any atom, because we are still cave men biologically and technologicaly.

And we would be looking for something we could recognise, where the truth may be unrecognisable, without further human development.

The 'creator' concept is a blinkering notion, and a dead end argument: who/what created the creator, and the creator of the creator, and so on - if you assume one, you must assume infinite creators, which is cumbersome.

I like the idea of efficiency of form being repeated: seemingly random scatterings of alternative universes, in all orientations and attitudes and strengths, and frequencies, (a bit like how we see the distribution of distant and near galaxies), all intersecting with no noticeable confluence. Like myriad radio/TV stations radiating from many points, in all directions, many different instances and versions of the same types of signals, which 'normal' humans can never see without special equipment.

I know AM, FM, short wave, long wave, LF, HF,VHF, UHF, microwave, TV, CB, and many other 'radio' signals exist within the same space at the same time, without affecting each other (FCC rules), so it's not a big leap to see matter based worlds ghosting eachother without being seen by the others.

A Sarah Lee layer upon layer cake stack of universes is unlikely, when seemingly random chaos rules, and not much in nature is straight, flat, parallel, and equally spaced, or even easily observed.

notbeold's photo
Thu 06/25/20 04:29 AM
They can con you for many days, have many photos, almost a profile, and even attempt to be like a friend, with long regular conversations over several days, but if they can't chat on here long, and keep asking to chat elsewhere, they're gone.
I mess with them, lie to them, shame them, and abuse them sometimes.
Some try the forums looking for suckers, but don't say much past 1 post.
Regulars on the forums are almost real humans.

notbeold's photo
Thu 06/25/20 04:09 AM
As soon as the Fascists can turn your income on and off digitally, in a cashless society, you can be a penniless homeless fugitive at any time, through no fault of your own, or by "accident", (by pissing off the sheep dogs of the day).
With no cash reserves under the bed, or wherever, and no one accepting cash anymore, you can't pay rent, make payments, buy transport or food or anything. You are an instant social outcast, with no visible means of support, then jail and slavery, and possibly worse.

Remember credit cards, so you wouldn't get mugged of cash, and so convenient, while the power and computers work. Only a few people got mugged before cards, then muggers turned to standovers at ATM's, and torture to get pin numbers, and skimmer machines, and fake ATM fronts, and muggings didn't stop, they just changed form, and meanwhile, the banks mugged everybody every month for the convenience - suckers.

BEWARE ! The convenience of cashless is much more convenient for the people in control. Digital currency is the thin edge of the wedge. BEWARE !

notbeold's photo
Thu 06/25/20 03:44 AM
Hair Bear Bunch. (The)

notbeold's photo
Thu 06/25/20 12:17 AM
Elephant's Ears, (a plant).

notbeold's photo
Wed 06/24/20 07:49 AM
It matters if they expect me to make any allowance for religion, like donating money to charlatans, wasting time on dogma, genital mutilation, not eating favorite foods, fasting, abstaining, reading fiction stories, listening to bores rattle on about their favorite book, statues effigies symbols posters, nodding politely at drivel, etc.
My energy is better spent elsewhere.

notbeold's photo
Wed 06/24/20 07:32 AM
Umpteen circus clowns that continuously keep exiting the van in a sequence, and then running off, only to exit again moments later, in a constant stream of rainbow wigs and giant shoes.

notbeold's photo
Wed 06/24/20 06:54 AM
Had to go to work.

Think of a closed system, where nothing enters or exits, eg. a simple refrigerative A/C system.
Theoretically nothing can enter the system (except by a breach with a valve attached), and nothing can leave.
Within the A/C system is a pumping system and a high pressure side, and a cooling circuit, and a restrictive orifice, and an expansion chamber/circuit, and a resultant low pressure side, leading back to the intake of the pump.

Although in operation there are pressure differences, temperature differences, velocity differences, and other elements of change and variability, there is a balance - or several balances within the system, depending on the phase of operation. The refrigerant gas is not more or less than it was at any other time, even though there is a lot going on within the system.

Sure it is entropic, and not fully closed since electricity provides external energy input to the system, and heat and coolth escapes, but disregarding that, within the greatly varying gas circuit all adds up to the same, no matter what it is doing.

So too, the whole of everything is balanced within the 1 (whole) despite being in constant flux. The zero of 1 / 0 doesn't exist, except as a datum point of nothing.

I can't prove anything, and I'm not qualified to state anything with authority, I'm just flexing my imagination

notbeold's photo
Wed 06/24/20 05:35 AM
A microphone and beat box, so she can rap her monologue.

notbeold's photo
Tue 06/23/20 02:16 PM
The balance is within the 1, the whole.
You can not balance zero, except with zero, = 0 anyway.

notbeold's photo
Tue 06/23/20 06:30 AM
The 'The Truman Show' movie was based on reality. There really is a man in the moon, watching over you, with cameras everywhere. It's not made of cheese, but fabricated plastic, LED lighting, and control panels inside.

His (Truman's) boat was too small and was stopped by the edge, but a big ship would break through and go over the edge into space.

The edge of the world has lots of iron which attracts compass needles sideways, so a compass won't lead you over the edge.

notbeold's photo
Tue 06/23/20 05:39 AM
I'm thinking bigger scale, the THE UNIVERSE, where there is nothing outside of it except void, where that void can not be discerned. Including everything that exists anywhere at every level at any 'time', even anti-matter universes.

The 1 in the 1 / 0 duality.

That 1 is divided into innumerable sub parts like multiverses, parasimilar universes, infinite dimensions and space/time expressions beyond human comprehension, through infinite radiations, and molecules, atoms, and sub atomic things, and things humans have never observed or predicted.

All of that must find balance to exist totally contained within the 1.
There can be no more or less than 1, [totality], so MY 'net zero' means zero change to 1's value, although the components of 1 may be in constant change and/or interaction, even violently.

Yes all within that 1 is riddled with all manner of forces creating potential differences, polarities, clines over distances and times and concentrations etc..
All positives and negatives must balance within their space, but it doesn't need to be a fixed static balance, it can be dynamic and fluctuating and interacting with diverse and multiple other existing things, and notional things.

Pain and suffering, and joy and well being here may be balanced against pain and suffering, and joy and well being in an alien world we know nothing about, or spread across many.
Our attitude to the distributions of everything may make little difference to its distribution, including things like pain and suffering, and joy and well being. Everything involves energy, which can not disappear.

notbeold's photo
Tue 06/23/20 04:18 AM
Nautilus shells.

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 07:24 AM
Agreed that unfortunate suffering for benefit of fortunate is illogical in many ways, but ying is not independent of yang, and everything must balance, thus the apparent disparity. It is a local uneven distribution, in a net zero system.
Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything.
Even if each world or universe occupied a unique frequency, and never directly interacted, all must balance.
In at least one alternative, the roles are reversed, and the fortunate suffer; another both suffer; another both are fortunate, and varying degrees of difference to infinity. If one alternative is allowed, then all must be allowed, so then infinite parallel worlds.

I'm still in a parallel world, but I'm used to it now. When it first happened, waking up and having to do everything wrong handed was hard, but driving to work, and then operating machinery was a huge challenge.

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 05:42 AM
Who wants to be annoyed.

I'm feeling a bit, - can't really describe it, bored isn't right 'cause I'm not bored; more like I want an itch to scratch, antsy, idle. (really need a girlfriend, but eh)

I can get to know you, and custom make an annoyance specifically for you, and deliver it here free of charge, for your personal enjoyment, and everyone else's too.

I am experienced, successful, and have personal referees on this site; just ask anyone here how annoying I am. Even the scammers find me annoying, and they are experts in the field.

Is your blood pressure a bit low, do you want someone to blame for having a bad day, do you want your rose coloured glasses knocked off, longed for a secret enemy, need a target for negativity buildup, or just want something to complain about ? Any other reason for being annoyed is valid too, just explain it to me.

Apply within.

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 04:26 AM
ZAPPA records. I want the entire collection.
Is that a Sears poncho ?

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 03:58 AM
OK, but gently.

notbeold's photo
Mon 06/22/20 03:38 AM
Burglars with balaklavas, and breaking in tools.

notbeold's photo
Sun 06/21/20 08:00 AM
I didn't choose either of my examples, it happened instantly without thought.

1st was about 12 yo and I was about 14 yo; no thinking, just in awe.

2nd, came into view while walking, and my brain just stopped; no thinking then either. Just a need to meet her.

notbeold's photo
Sun 06/21/20 07:41 AM
Twice physically attracted to the point of love at first sight. Only me though, not the girl.

1st girl, still and always in love with her, waited decades for her, unrequited.

2nd, my jaw dropped and I stopped in my tracks when I saw her. She quit work 2 days later because of another D.H., and I never saw her again.

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