lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:37 PM

only one line of rolling heads for me... (LOL)

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

KICKFACE!!!!! just like

OK, so, that was lame....I tried to be

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:32 PM

or perhaps just understand better the way the brain works. chemicals, transmitters, pathways, pleasure receptors, disease processes..

if the "average" person only truly used 10% of their brains...

well I mean Ive seen braindead before...and we can control many things..but ya cant fix a dead brain. nor can you stop the degenerative diseases of the mind.

Watch a movie called "A Beautiful Mind"

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:31 PM

I saw a thing on the science channel a couple of days ago

they had a monkey on a treadmill. As he walked he got treats. lots of electrodes attached to his brain. The electrical impulses were simultaneously controlling a robot on a treadmill in London

when they turned off the treadmill, the monkey stopped walking but continued to keep the robot walking in order to receive more treats

the implication was for paralyzed people to control limbs and such using brain impulses

That would imply that there are parts of our brain that we still need to learn how to use.

there are...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:29 PM

if in doubt that your brain is being used...try having a pet scan or a MRI...

I dont think psychic abilities are attributed to brain usage.

ie....ive been staring at this glass of water for 20 min...and I cannot make it move.

lack of chi, focus,....and general know how...I can't do it

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:27 PM

I hate to be the guy that pee's in anyone Wheaties but as we learn more about the brain we have discovered that we use the whole brain. That old saying that we use only 10% of our brain is pure mythology presented by early researchers due to a lack of progress. What they should have said was, we only understand how 10% of the brains works . .. then they would have been accurate.

We are making more progress in the last 10 years then we have made in the last 2000 in understanding cognition


I still believe that there are unused parts of the brain....while there are aspects of each part of the brain that are used, it is not impossible that there remains parts unused.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:23 PM

I agree that there are
so called, "super-human powers", telepathy, telekinesis, etc
But I don't believe anyone will ever "find them in the brain", any more than they will find them in the heart or the lungs or the big toe. I don't believe they are "findable" in any physical or material sense at all. I think that the very act of using a materalist paradigm to attempt to describe or manipulate them is self-defeating because their intrinsic nature is not material.

I see your perspective on the matter, but, I have to "stick to my guns" on this....
It is impossible for me to believe that we don't have the ability with in our brain to do awesome things....those that were killed for witchcraft...I believe they found some of the seemingly unfindable aspects of the mind....and the people were so small minded that it was beyond their rhelm of understanding...they knew only what they were told....and believed in the same way of those who taught them....

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:17 PM

If you compare the brain with an iceberg, the conscious part of the brain is the top of the iceberg. The rest is subconscious.
If we could call it up at will, there would be a lot more we could do.

And, I think with practice and time we will be able to access it. Some people can now and have in the past. Perhaps this is what evolution is?

I believe that this is, what meditation is about.
Still the conscious mind to be able to access the unconscious. seek inner peace, and knowledge of the subconscience mind....not an easy quest, but brings you to a greater understanding....

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 10:30 PM
Edited by lovemeifyoucan26 on Thu 11/20/08 10:32 PM
It is said that we will only use an average of 10% of our brain before we die...

It is my opinion, that it is the unused 90% lies the ability to do things most concider to be impossible....the things which seem so far fetched that they seem like a fantasy and nothing more.

The so called, "super-human powers", telepathy, telekinesis, etcare lying in the untapped resources of our brain...

Biblically speaking, we are told that God does not want us to know all that there is to know, as it would "blow the human mind"...Provived the Bible is truthful, this could explain how Jesus performed miracles...using some sort of deep meditation, he learned how to "breech the barrier", and reach into the unused 90%, and realized that now anything is possible...and anything that actually was not possible, he would just say that we are told not to put God to the test....

I am not saying the Bible is false...I am using it to illustrate the point at hand...

There are alot more details involved in how I came to this conclusion...much to detailed, and long to type into here...quantum physics plays a part as well.
This is a general outline of the conclusion.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 10:12 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

Sir! put down the binoculars, and step away from the window....and pull your pants back to say

OMG .. I'm dyin over here

Its ok! I know CPR.....Quick! whats the number for 911???!!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

those heads look like a quarter toss target....or are they laughing cause they know they are going to get rich on people thinking it is actually possible to hit the target

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:06 PM

Well the Pete Man would tell you that that is not real country music and more like Hank Williams Sr is real country.

Real country? about...

Tom T. Hall....Farron Young....Buck Owens....Gene Autry....just to name a few

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:03 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

Sir! put down the binoculars, and step away from the window....and pull your pants back to say

OMG .. I'm dyin over here

Its ok! I know CPR.....Quick! whats the number for 911???!!!

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:01 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

you were normal til you put the horns on darlin

which is why he needs to pull his pants back up, ma'am

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:57 PM

The Dance by Garth Brooks and In my daughter's eyes by (damn I am not sure)

Believe that was Martina Mcbride....could be wrong though...been awhile since I heard it

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:54 PM
Edited by lovemeifyoucan26 on Thu 11/20/08 08:56 PM

Miranda Lambert

shes hot

Agreed....but...just eye candy....I don't like the women who are super hot...I like attractive, down to earth women...The women who make up the 6-8 range....they are the ones I am looking

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:53 PM
Edited by lovemeifyoucan26 on Thu 11/20/08 08:53 PM

That is a tough one. Gotta go with Garth Brooks' The Dance. Trisha Yearwood's Bus From St Cloud, Lorrie Morgan's Guess You Had to Be There, Dixie Chicks' Sin Wagon, Trick Pony's Pour Me, and new by Rory and Joey Cheater, Cheater.

Garth has many good songs....personally...I like George Strait the most....Best Day...

Then again, I love ALOT of is almost impossible for me to narrow it down to a single artist/group to be my favorite...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:44 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

Sir! put down the binoculars, and step away from the window....and pull your pants back to say

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:42 PM
Who is your favorite country singer, and what song of theirs is your favorite?

After that...what are some of your favorite country songs in general?

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:40 PM

def voices, one of the hardest bass lines to learn to play

or inside the fire is a great song too

actually, ALL of Disturbed's songs are great

How right you are...very few groups can make all of their songs good...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:37 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just stopping in to say work for the next 4 knows what will happen...I don't plan on being here you and good night.....Elvis has left the building....

Peace....bigsmile drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: tongue2 winking :thumbsup: waving shades rofl rofl rofl rofl

not sure why I am rolling on the floor laughing...oh well....

why? it was the Elvis line .. LMAO

LMAO.....local mental aide office?

I discovered something last night....but I don't know what it was must not have been to important....or was it too much gin in my Mt. Dew?

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 11/19/08 03:17 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just stopping in to say work for the next 4 knows what will happen...I don't plan on being here you and good night.....Elvis has left the building....

Peace....bigsmile drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: tongue2 winking :thumbsup: waving shades rofl rofl rofl rofl

not sure why I am rolling on the floor laughing...oh well....