Community > Posts By > CelibateLover

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Mon 05/27/13 07:57 AM
Hello and good morning over here. Hope everyone's having a good one so far; well see ya & God bless waving smile2

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Sun 05/26/13 12:35 PM
This is very good, short & to the point. Sorrowfully well spoken great job :thumbsup:

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Sun 05/26/13 09:49 AM

Hey there have a gr8 Sunday !!!
Thank you, you as well!!

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Sun 05/26/13 09:48 AM


Hey there waving

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Sun 05/26/13 09:44 AM
Edited by CelibateLover on Sun 05/26/13 09:44 AM
Hi Dav, what keeps me going is prayer, reading the Bible, prayer, fasting, prayer, living God's way, prayer, asking God to protect me w/ His Spiritual armor, prayer.... you get the picture. Prayer is one of the most powerful way to stay in touch God/ Jesus, if not the most powerful weapon against all adversaries. When I'm happy sad feel like getting revenge feeling guilty etc, the Holy Spirit instructs me to pause and talk to God about it in prayer.

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Sun 05/26/13 09:34 AM
Thank you, you too as well my friend :smile: God bless.

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Sun 05/26/13 09:31 AM

Poor in spirit in contrast to the spiritually proud and self-sufficient, theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom is not something earned, it is more a gift than a recompense. The beatitudes refers not so much to attitude toward people as to a disposition before God, namely, humility.
Amen so true. Also speaks of Christians probably cries the most in life cause so much is sacrificed and sometimes even our own families friends husbands (or wives) children etc for the sake of believing in Jesus. Do you remember somewhere in Scripture, it talks about the battle isn't for the swift or the strong but for the patient & dedicated ones (don't want to mix up words), Christians are always sometimes treated unfairly cause of our God, and we are probably the less attractive cause our Lord was unattractive. Once we really start to imitate our Lord through & through w/ the right heart, more trials & tribulations comes our way. If we were the worlds friend we'd be God's enemy and we wouldn't have many worries toward God and His Word. So we're blessed to be treated bad & looked down upon cause our Lord was and it let's us know we belong to Him. If we didn't we'd be cursed while being the worlds friend cause they want nothing to do w/ God. Hope this helps, God bless.

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Sun 05/26/13 08:57 AM
Thanks darlin'

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Sun 05/26/13 08:08 AM

Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam”: by Dr. Emir Caner

1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God
2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith
3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad)
4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom
5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity
6. Islam has a low view of Jesus
7. Islam has a low view of the Bible
8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world
9. Islam is divided among denominations
10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ

noway not cool noway , but God be praised on #10 :thumbsup:

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Sun 05/26/13 08:02 AM

World's largest religion?
Yes, Christianity is the world's largest religion (33% and has 2.2 billion practicing followers).

Has the most supporting evidence?
Yes, absolutely. Consider the following:

1. Jesus Christ fulfills over two hundred (200) very detailed, specific Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament. (You are more than welcome to research these 200 (plus) prophecies using the Hebrew and Greek and other resources.)

2. Forty-five (45) first century sources (28 Christian and 17 secular/hostile) confirm Jesus Christs' existence -- that He walked the earth.

3. Jesus makes 35 “I AM“ statements [30 in The Gospel of John and 5 in Revelation] (Gk. ego eimi) asserting His deity.
Two examples: “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born [lit. came into being], I Am.’" (John 8:58, NASB)
Jesus also said, “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I Am, you will die in your sins." (John 8:24)

4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication.

5. The witness of the Holy Spirit [God’s guidance] to Christians in their lives.

There are literally tons of other evidences (in various fields) which show that Christianity as the only practicle/viable/possible religion.
Amen! :smile:

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Sun 05/26/13 07:48 AM
Hey y'all, single God fearing mom of 1 by choice from Chester Co. ohwell

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Sun 05/26/13 07:29 AM
Nice to meet you. Just doing it for fun but could also learn something about myself...Ready, set, rate me! smile2

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Sun 05/26/13 06:57 AM
Hi there Lynn Leeds it's nice to meet you! :thumbsup:

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Sat 05/25/13 08:38 PM