What Think About Illusion?
Illusions can be fun but Delusions often cost you your sanity. If you think this words a fun it’s okay. But if you think like this we are doing everything with preconditions, So where is the place of humanity and love between us? Have a more important things About our conscience, we killed this day by day. Fact of Fun. |
What Think About Illusion?
Many times in life we do things that are against reality. And that is what we interpret in different ways. With these comes humanity, maya conscience and many more things that we shouldn't do even then. All in all, we are discussing what goes against reality and the anxiety that arises from it. In fact, it has become the norm in our corporate world.
What Think About Illusion?
Stimulus, that is, an interpretation that contradicts objective reality as defined by general agreement.
What if there is no belief in a religious creator ?? Would you agree that commonsense and conscience can exist without faith . ![]() But we didn't know our parents when we were born on earth! It was your parents who told us when we were growing up. And that is what we have believed and accepted. So we want to move forward together by cherishing the beliefs of the people without looking at the race or religion separately. Religion belongs to everyone in the world. Thanks |
We are born as human beings on earth it is a mercy of Allah for us. We are thankful to our Creator. But have we been able to fulfill his purpose? For that purpose he sent us into the world. I don't think I've done anything! One thing here is our conscience! Man can only do wrong when he kills his conscience and himself. Commonsense .. this is a common thing for us! We are becoming more and more selfish and greedy so the commonsense between us is not working. There is no university in the world that can teach you conscience and commonsense. The only lesson we can learn is that when we fear our Creator, we will believe that all sins will be judged after death. In this short life, we make the world more beautiful with love from everyone's side. Make proper use of your conscience and common sense. I wish everyone a long life. Thanks Everyone.
Trust in a relationship
first trust the person, then start the relationship. saves time. Sorry for this! Is there any such chemical? With which the human heart can be tested? His faith can be tested! I tell you this because you are a chemical engineer. I believe that whoever believes in God can never deceive people. If you want to believe, trust him so much that he is ashamed to break your trust. We have to trust someone or something. Otherwise, our lives will be ruined by finding faith. Thanks |