top men over 40
More of a dance, "Turd Tampers Tango"
Say Something Vague - part 9
Where? Just wondering.
top men over 40
looking for top men over, relation,love Is that going to be a $hitty relationship? ![]() ![]() |
I think it is outrageous that anyone thinks that they have to sell themselves out and become a sexual or financial doormat for another person. You don't want to be the bottom of the barrel you have to lift yourself up with good choices. Maybe that is staying in school or returning to school, stopping nasty habits, living within your means, and maybe putting your wants behind your needs and even thinking ahead about long term needs. I find it ridiculous that any non custodial parent does not pay child support and be required to provide shelter, education, and medical care or be subject to the same punishments and leans. No parent should be held hostage in dysfunctional or abusive relationships and no parent should be working two and three jobs when fast food franchise owners swim in wealth. People need to vote not only on a ballot but also with their dollars. Much of the reason that people are exploiting others is because they are being allowed to. No people can use you if you keep your drawers up and your wallet closed. If more people would demand that honesty and responsibility be a bottom line and kick to the curb, and leave at the curb, those who are not demonstrating such responsibility then you would see a turn around of behavior. If someone can't get laid, can't get freebies help, can't get a drivers license if they neglect their responsibilities and because they choose to be a bum, neglect their kids, and break the law with real punishments then don't kid yourself they will modify their behavior. What knocks me out is the scammers and the Frog Prince Association All Stars just continue to go unreported, ignored or be temporary diversions on the down low when they clearly have track records that show what they are under the guise of privacy or just letting other people "do their thing" with impunity. But I guarantee you if some good looking newbie comes on her flashing T&A&$'s the mailbox will melt down before anyone asks even the most basic qualifiers. yada yada yada boo hoo hoo Won't it be wonderful when I run the world and all this is straightened out? Hey if ya can knock yourself out. If the single gals want to have better options (guys too if you want a gender neutral post) they have to raise the bar rather than give up. Those with experience , and success, will tell you " You only have the value you stamp on your own behind." you can chose to kiss a hundred toads if you want to try it , probably all you will get is warts, but you can also choose to ignore that concept and step over the toads and date better candidates when you weed them out. Is it easy ? Yea actually it is if you stick to some basic criteria that suggests they are at least trying to be worthy. Now that you have got it all figured out let me know how it ends. |
Smart TV's Are Watching You
Do we need to give them something worthwhile to watch? ![]() [/quote Are you suggesting a little reverse porno of sorts? ![]() ![]() |
Does anyone know where there is reliable data on how many refugee's have entered Europe this year?
could it be you?
Lunatic's now there you go! Nothing like a night out in the full moon. Camping, partying or just observing the crazies. Yee haw
Too Early for Christmas?
I was led to believe that it was 12 days before and after that the tree went up and was taken down. As in the song, on the 12 days of Christmas, maybe that's just a British thing. Oh hang on, that's to do with Advent. And no that's not a British thing. That's the 'official' way according to the bible. What bible do you use? If you know anywhere in the bible where it says to celebrate Christ's birthday or that he was born in the middle of the winter, please give me the scripture. |
could it be you?
Happy mingling to you also!
I need help
Well, are you writing to people? Do your messages consist of more than “hi, how are you?" For sure, by golly! Are you rich and going to die soon? |
I think it is outrageous that anyone thinks that they have to sell themselves out and become a sexual or financial doormat for another person. You don't want to be the bottom of the barrel you have to lift yourself up with good choices. Maybe that is staying in school or returning to school, stopping nasty habits, living within your means, and maybe putting your wants behind your needs and even thinking ahead about long term needs. I find it ridiculous that any non custodial parent does not pay child support and be required to provide shelter, education, and medical care or be subject to the same punishments and leans. No parent should be held hostage in dysfunctional or abusive relationships and no parent should be working two and three jobs when fast food franchise owners swim in wealth. People need to vote not only on a ballot but also with their dollars. Much of the reason that people are exploiting others is because they are being allowed to. No people can use you if you keep your drawers up and your wallet closed. If more people would demand that honesty and responsibility be a bottom line and kick to the curb, and leave at the curb, those who are not demonstrating such responsibility then you would see a turn around of behavior. If someone can't get laid, can't get freebies help, can't get a drivers license if they neglect their responsibilities and because they choose to be a bum, neglect their kids, and break the law with real punishments then don't kid yourself they will modify their behavior. What knocks me out is the scammers and the Frog Prince Association All Stars just continue to go unreported, ignored or be temporary diversions on the down low when they clearly have track records that show what they are under the guise of privacy or just letting other people "do their thing" with impunity. But I guarantee you if some good looking newbie comes on her flashing T&A&$'s the mailbox will melt down before anyone asks even the most basic qualifiers. yada yada yada boo hoo hoo Won't it be wonderful when I run the world and all this is straightened out? |
Yeah right lol. Welcome to mingles. Do you think he is a lion tamer or a lying b@&tard? ![]() ![]() |
angel sally
who typed that the one on the left or the one on the right : ) Be nice ! You may want to double date sometime. ![]() ![]() |
Ive been on and off for three years plus with online dating. I have yet to meet a man that matches his profile. Many of the profiles indicate that they are seeking a relationship, but their actions are purely sex driven. The deception, the disappointment, its just weighing down on me. I just want to share my huge heart with a man who embraces it for the long term. Is this just no longer available? A fantasy I have to give up.on? All you can do is soldier on. "Sometimes, Before you meet the handsome prince you have to kiss a lot of toads" Good luck! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sympathy For France
First France, then Europe, is this a sign of the future? My condolences.
Go naked. Works every time. Is this the new Ann Landers," Good Old Joe's Dating Advise" ![]() ![]() |
Well I will say "Happy Solstice". Not just to be ornery, but that's what I figure it's mainly about.
Why do women want a man
Ooooo why do I need a man? Well they are very entertaining. Useful at times I could do with one right now for a secret mission. Who is keen? Does this mission include any undercover work? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It can do depending on how you want to do it Sounds like a job that is only limited by our imagination ? ![]() ![]() |
Why do women want a man
Ooooo why do I need a man? Well they are very entertaining. Useful at times I could do with one right now for a secret mission. Who is keen? Does this mission include any undercover work? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
are they also going to label the products produced by the Palestinians? Oh, wait, Palestinians don't produce any products and never have unless one calls suicide bombs, rockets and death products. But hard to put labels on those, huh. ![]() ![]() European Stupidity on Steroids! ![]() I think Europe has more to worry about than Israeli Products being sold there. It's the Muslim produced violence they should worry about. ![]() And the muslim produced politicians in the future. |