Hiiiiiiii .I m new here
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
New Member
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
Maybe it has something to do with the use of grammar
"Grammar" lol |
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
WOW, that statement is all kinds of wrong... but more power to ya for believing it. Does it help you?
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people. |
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
New member
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
Dat is probably correct! |
insight of love
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
And everyone new drops that word here: it takes them nowhere. Post a photo, fill your profile, write a blurb, and get to chat in the forums. Then good things may happen... |
NeW to MiNgLe2
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people!
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people! Good evening Astrid!
New member
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people!
Edited by
Thu 08/14/14 11:43 PM
"Mr. Spell check" lol It's true: it's all true!!!
And dammit the browsers can do it! I have a dictionary in Castellano and English! Now my grammar, that sucks a$$! And seriously, spell check... it's free... lol True story! |
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
Have you verified your email address yet? Everyone has to do it the once. If not, do this: You would go to whatever email you have listed here: and send an email to: with "verification" as the subject. They will take it from there :-) And no personal information on the forums, please! Could u remove the email address. Hit "edit" on your post. Thanks! |
Chit Chat
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people!
verification code
Have you verified your email address yet?
Everyone has to do it the once. If not, do this: You would go to whatever email you have listed here: and send an email to: with "verification" as the subject. They will take it from there :-) |
I'm a 46 year old man who's activily looking for a person to date, ultimately what I want is a lomg term commited relationship. One problem though, I have a military disability that causes me to limp at times and at other times I use an electric wheelchair, I can walk but I'm feeling awkward about mentioning it, when/how, this is all starting to impede my ability to meet people online and I'm concerned that I won't measure up. I've never felt this way before and I'd like your thoughts about it.
What should I do? Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people. I am gonna tell you, and I need you to take it well. First thing women like is a man who can spell. We all make mistakes, use a spell checker cuz "actively", "long" "committed" need corrections. Second, the lack of mobility is not an issue for people who love you. Be who you are, be confident about it, and show it. What are your strengths? Use them. Can u ride a motorcycle? Lots of people love that! Specially when they are gonna be hugging you, while on the back or your motorcycle, waiting for you to pick a place to stop for a bite to eat. Be who you are, play on your strengths, spell check (seriously), and join the forums here. Write well, honestly, and you may be surprise how many people email you to say "hey, I like what you wrote..." Best of luck brah! |
Hey! Just got here :)
Welcome, bienvenido(a), bienvenue to mingle2. Join the forums and get to know people.
Long Hair
IDK I love to have long hair... but my fur it's a pain: brushing, brushing, brushing... takes forever! True story!
The "cougar" word
I know several woman that hate it, but they keep looking for younger guys... so it applies! Soon as I tell them, it's "off with his head!"