Community > Posts By > Dramatic Muffin
Is it me ….
Hi Blondey! It's nice to see you, my friend!
Totally agree with you about the forums. They're becoming a ghost town. I'm always hesitant to start a new thread because I'm afraid I'll get hit with the "There's already a thread on this topic" and then a link to a thread from 10 years ago. Then when you post in it, people complain that you're digging up old threads. You just can't win! Maybe we should all post a new thread. I'll do one, but it probably won't be very intellectual. |
Maybe River now? |
I have to hear your voice
That's not unreasonable. Why do you think you've been scammed so often? Have you started noticing similar patterns in those who scam you? They tend to become pretty easy to spot. Wishing you all the best.
Enjoying my day off RIVER!!! I'm so happy to see you, my friend! I hope you are well. |
Good tv weekend. Watching marathon of Las Vegas and Yellowstone. Going back and forth. We just started watching season 1 of Yellowstone. Pretty good so far! OT: Procrastinating. I'm supposed to be working on a presentation I have to give at the staff party next week. |
Nope! It's me!
Slim? |
message to your crush
Ten more days...
I may be spanking it. Wear eye protection Oh my word. |
Ghosting in chat
Edited by
Dramatic Muffin
Fri 06/02/23 08:09 PM
It's not ghosting after a few chats. Agree. I don't understand why people think they are entitled to an explanation when a person has decided after a few messages that they are no longer interested. I do think, however, that if you've been talking for quite a while (or know each other from the forums) that it is best to kindly let the other person know. |
Hot or not - part 3
Making s'mores over a campfire |
Pumpi? |
Break out a deck of cards and play Go Fish.
I wonder how she has been? Hi Pumpi! Miss you, girl!
Long distance is hard and rarely works out. But it can, if both people are really committed to making it work. What that looks like is different for everyone. For me, my partner and I video call on Zoom or Google Meets twice a day, in the morning and at night. We also watch movies and series together while we are on Zoom. We text a lot as well. Even though we are in different countries right now, we have regular visits. Both of us take turns traveling to see the other. Because of my work, I get a week off in October, 3 1/2 weeks off in December, 2 weeks off in Spring and 7 weeks off in the summer. We spend most of that time together. We sometimes travel on vacation together a well. He also visits me even when I'm working. This part can be tricky, because international flights are expensive, and 20+ hour journies are not fun. The jet lag is ROUGH, and it is always difficult to acclimate to an 10- or 11-hour time change (depending on daylight savings time). Although we can't be together for every holiday, we make sure we are together for Christmas and our birthdays. I also think you have to have an end game in the works. How will you end up together? Will one of you move to be with the other? If both partners are not equally committed, it will fizzle out. Physical touch is important in a relationship and it can be difficult not being able to reach out and touch your partner whenever you want. Make sure you're both all in before you do it. I hope it works out for you. Good luck!
Hi fabulous Crystal!
OT: Trying to order new vape pens, but the guy is not replying to my message. |
Enjoyable. I think you should add that you want a woman with a pickle fetish. I think you seem like a man who deserves a woman who loves pickles.
Kit Kat is the only one I know of. Are there others, Slim?
WhatsApp was founded by Americans. People in the US do use it, especially if they have loved ones who live in different countries. I communicate with my daughters and Mark with it all the time. It's just not used as prevalently in the US as other countries.
After living in a few different countries, I've noticed that a lot of countries do a pay-as-you-go top-off kind of phone plan, or have an inexpensive month-to-month plan that can end any time you don't top up. Most of those plans (in the countries I've lived in, anyway) do not allow you to call or text long-distance. So apps like WhatsApp are very important when you need to call or text someone in other countries. In the US, we have long-term phone plans (mine were always 2 year contracts) that often have unlimited data and calling. So it's easy to just call or text anyone. If you travel, you can contact your mobile provider and pay to add an international component for as long as you're gone and not have to buy a SIM card (most phones in the US are locked if they are part of a mobile contract anyway). WhatsApp is very important where I am now. Everyone uses it. Even my school has whole-staff WhatsApp groups where they send out important announcements. Each class has a parent WhatsApp group. Most businesses allow you to communicate with them via WhatsApp; I make all my appointments via WhatsApp. I think it's a great app. That said, if someone on Mingle was chatting me up and wanted to move straight to WhatsApp without getting to know me first, I would indeed see that as a red flag. The red flag isn't WhatsApp itsef--it's moving too quickly. |
Twoth picks I see what you did, there. OT: Gummi Bears |
"How are you?" isn't exactly a stimulating, engaging first message either so there's that. Agree. If you find the conversation lacking they likely aren’t for you. Probably best to move on. |