Community > Posts By > rickdavis

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Fri 12/22/06 07:47 AM
thank you fine, i'll see you in the funny papers.

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Fri 12/22/06 06:27 AM
it took more balls to come back on here to say that i was sorry, but if
you don't accept it then you just don't have to, i did what i did, and i
am man enough to addmit my mistakes.

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Thu 12/21/06 05:41 PM
lol good one keep um coming guys i deserve it. did i spell cumin right?

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Thu 12/21/06 05:37 PM
the weight of the world
is love.
under the burden
of solitude,
under the burden
of dissatisfaction

the weight,
the weight we carry
is love.

who can deny?
in dreams
it touches
the body,
in thought
a miracle,
in imagination
til born in human-

looks out of the heart
burning woth purity-
for the burden of life
is love,

no rest
without love,
no sleep
without dreams
of love-
be mad or chill
obsessed with angles
or machines,
the final wish
is love
-cannot be bitter,
cannot deny,
cannot withhold
if denied:

the weight is to heavy

-must give
for no return
as thought
is given
in solitude
in all the excellence
of its excess.

the warm bodies
shine together
in the darkness,
the hand moves
to the center
of the flesh,
the skin trembles
in happiness
and the soul comes
joyful to the eye-

yes, yes,
that's what
i wanted
i always wanted,
i always wanted,
to return
to my body
where i was born.

allen ginsberg 1954

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Thu 12/21/06 05:14 PM
it seems to me that some people have never been in love, decause if they
were then they would know what love can do. i don't know of any law suit
i was only told about it like every body else.

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Thu 12/21/06 04:05 PM
ok whos next

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Thu 12/21/06 04:04 PM
hey you guys go to blinded here in general

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Thu 12/21/06 03:58 PM
i have to come on here to tell every body that was involed that i am
truely sorry, i made the mistake of falling in love with a girl that
talked me into doing things that i really didn't want to do, but the
pain that she has put me through opened up my eyes. i am truely sorry
for this. and i ask you guys on this site to forgive me. ok go ahead let
me have. and the bash is on

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Thu 12/21/06 11:54 AM
our lawyer said we have a case so we'll see

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Wed 12/20/06 03:48 PM
well spay and sillygirl, i'm about to get kick of this site because i
have to call a spade a spade, spay you are just jealous because i tould
you that i dont sleep with men and for little miss what ever i dont know
who the fuck you are and i dont even want to. for all i care you two can
go fuck yourselves. you dirty lieing sons a bitches fuck off

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Wed 12/20/06 12:17 PM
listen, i was a complete idiot for not takeing the time to get an
explanation on the post that sendingyoukisses had wrote, but i was not
alone every body on this site has a bad bad habbit of jumping the gun
and getting in where they dont belong now i want every body to know that
i am no single i am madly in love and now you can go ahead and bash me
and betty and any body that you want thank you for your time

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Wed 12/20/06 09:06 AM
lol, well thanks, thats all i got.

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Wed 12/20/06 08:58 AM
i have no pic. because i dont own a computer, i use the computers at the
public library and you cant up load anything here.

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Wed 12/20/06 08:55 AM
yea, i thought she said she had a hard time telling me, but she can tell
everybody else without blinking an eye.

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Wed 12/20/06 08:48 AM
well, i did sing off. and i took a minute to reflect, you guys are
right, not every body are players, so here i am ladys single, come talk
to me.

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Wed 12/20/06 06:49 AM
trust is so hard to give when the people you met are all players.

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Wed 12/20/06 06:46 AM
you see betty i knew i couldnt trust you

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Mon 12/18/06 09:55 AM
there was this man that travled to every state and who had went in to a
bar in every town, to prove that he was the toughest man in america and
could out drink everybody.

well, when he left the last bar he thought well hell now what do i do, i
proved that i am the toughest man in america and can out drink every

wait, he said, i havent been to alaska yet. so off to alaska he went.

when he arrived he walked into the first bar that he saw. he walked in
and bellowed, i am the toughest man in america and i can out drink any

well, the bartender said, come on over and we will see about all this,
the man walks up to the bar, and the bartender reaches under the bar and
pulls out a bottle that is covered in dust. the the bartender opens the
bottle and pours a shot, the man laughs and says, come on, i'm the
toughest man in america and i can out drink anybody.

the bartender says you sould be careful with this stuff its pretty
strong. the man laughs and says fill up the glass. so, the bartender
does. the man drinks it down in one drink and slams the glass down and
yells, there, now i'm the toughest man in alaska too. the bartender says
wait, you only drank, now you have to prove that you are the toughest

the man says, fine what do you want me to do? the bar tender says, first
you must go and fuck an escimo woman. the man laughs and says done, the
bartender say its not that easy, escimo women arte loyal to their man
and will fight to the death before cheating on their spouse. ok, the man
says. what next?

when you finnish that i want you to go kill the most feared animal in
alaska the polor bear, by this time the man was feeling a little kick
from his drink, he stands up and says, i'll do this and be back in an

one hour goes by two hours go by on the third hour the door to the bar
flyes open and there stands the man with his clothes all torn to shreads
with blood dripping down on the floor, the man stagers in and says ok,
wheres that woman that you want me to kill.

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Sat 12/16/06 01:52 PM
it is a sad situation. he will, in his time, find out that is why they
call it shit.

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Sat 12/16/06 06:56 AM
after getting dorthy back to kansas, glenda the good witch desided to
check out the land of oz and make sure that every one was happy. when
suddenly she heard some one crying off in the distance, so, glenda flew
down in her bubble to see what was the matter. when glenda arrived she
seen a little yellow toad sitting on a pond , glenda said to the toad,
whats wrong little toad? why are you crying? the little toad said, i'm
the only yellow toad in the whole pond and none of the other toads will
play with me. glenda says, dont cry little toad i can help you. so,
glenda takes out her magic wand and taps the little yellow toad on the
head. a poof of green smoke covers the little yellow toad. as the smoke
clears the toad looks around and says, i'm green i'm green. the toad
looks down and sees he still has a yellow prick. wait, says the toad. my
prick is still green, i cant hop around with a yellow prick. glenda says
i'm sorry little toad, but i dont do pricks, you are going to have to go
see the wizzard. so the little toad hops away to see the wizzard. well,
glenda , haveing done her good deed takes off in her bubble to finish
her rounds of oz. when she hears another cry, glenda swoops down and
finds a purple elephant, glenda says, whats wrong baby elephant? the
purple elephant says, i'm the only purple elephant in the hurd and none
of the other elephants will play with me. well, glenda says i can help
you baby elephant, and she takes out her wand and taps the purple
elephant on the head. a grey cloud covers the elephant, when the smoke
cleared, the baby elephant looks around and says, yra, i'm grey i'm
grey, the elephant looks down and says hey, my prick is still purple,
icant run and play with a purple prick, glenda says i'm sorry baby
elephant but i dont do prick, you are going to have to go see the
wizzard, the wizzard will help you, the baby elephant says, but i've
never been to the wizzard how do i get there? glenda says, thats easy
baby elephant just follow the yellow prick toad. follow the yellow prick