Community > Posts By > Houlgrave

Houlgrave's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:02 PM

These reviews are the bomb! New blogs are always fun to find. :)

Houlgrave's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:14 PM
Queen and Queensryche pretty much do it for me when I'm feeling 80's. XD

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:42 PM
From the moment I reached out to hold
I felt a sound
And what touches our soul slowly moves as touch rebounds
And to know that tempo will continue lost in trance of dances
As rhythm takes another turn
As is my want I only reach
To look in your eyes...

Sound Chaser by Yes

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:31 PM
Fun. New friends, Dating interested ladies between 18-26, and enjoying stuff before I head on down to Witchita Falls for college.


Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:27 PM
What a coincidence, I also happen to be Texan. Must be fate that I'm posting here tonight! :O

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:25 PM
Well, if being careful is a real concern for you, I recommend a .45 calibur for 100% safeness in any situation. XD

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:22 PM
"Don't tase me bro!"

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 07:01 AM
I skulk in shadow as my comrades revel in death and plunder, lashing out to strike only when there is opportunity to seize.

Houlgrave's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:54 AM
Nice t' meetcha Jose; we could always use more sensible people on this site. XO

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:49 PM
Nice, but hmn, the title reminds me of a certain place-

Have you read Book 7 of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King?

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:44 PM
Greetings and salutations to all my fellow humans. drinker

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:42 PM
Frost* - Milliontown

26 minute long song ftw!

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:22 PM
Lol. I can't stay in my hole forever ya know!

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:21 PM
I didn't know Hell was so crowded up with friendlies. :O

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:20 PM
Frost* - Black Light Machine

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:17 PM
Well, the problem isn't that there is a shortage of nice guys around...its just they are all hiding in their holes between work-days like me. XD

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:59 PM
Edited by Houlgrave on Tue 07/29/08 08:01 PM
Well, I'm just particularly fond of epic stuff; The Prestige, Batman Begins+The Dark Knight, Fight Club, The Seventh Seal, ect. I love all kinds of movies though. XD

PS: I live in Texas. The Midwestern State I'm talking about is a small liberal arts college in Witchita Falls. A nice quiet place to get my **** out of the way and maybe get some of my stuff published. :)

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:56 PM
Dream Theater not metal? They aren't traditional sure, but they certainly fit into one of several metal subgenres; neo-progressive metal and power metal are but two that come to mind.


Saviour Machine
Pain of Salvation
Between the Buried and Me

There's quite a few others as well, but the above should give you guys the general idea. :)

Houlgrave's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:50 PM
Name's Derek, 18-year old aspiring author and upcoming Mass Comm. major at Midwestern State. I am a fan of metal, progressive and classic rock music, enjoy learning about stuff just for the hell of it, and possess an eye for interesting/awesome filmwork.

This site seems really cool; I will enjoy getting to know everyone. :)