Community > Posts By > GoBucks008

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 12:09 PM

A taker is a taker even if they do not ask.

yes true. she said he lives with his mom and dad and doesnt drive and makes 25$ an hour so he must have the money to blow. some men need to learn not to try to buy a woman it doesnt work

yanno I don't buy that he's 'buying' her .. usually if a guy does that he makes a move in a couple dates anyway

I'll stick with my original assessment :wink:

well he might have made I move she didnt say but she didnt hold his hand or kiss all I now he might have went in for a kiss and came up with nother

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 12:05 PM

A taker is a taker even if they do not ask.

yes true. she said he lives with his mom and dad and doesnt drive and makes 25$ an hour so he must have the money to blow. some men need to learn not to try to buy a woman it doesnt work

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 12:01 PM

I talked to a "girl" on here and she was telling me how she went and "hanged out" with a guy she meet from her friends IM and first they went to lunch and he asked her to go to a wedding so he get her a dress she needed one. they went to that then on the 3rd time "hanging out" they went to a food place and played Wii she told him she loved playing that and he went out and got her one they didnt hold hands or even kiss. then he asked to take her out to a baseball game. well he order her 2 t-shirts. they didnt kiss or hold hands and they werent on dates. dude was trying to buy her. but she is pretty much just taking it all she thinks he is ugly.

true story

Not too impressed with the girl then either .. that's just using him. No depth of character to do that pitchfork
she didnt ask him to buy her anything he offered and she took it

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:57 AM
I want a meat lovers pizza

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:55 AM
I talked to a "girl" on here and she was telling me how she went and "hanged out" with a guy she meet from her friends IM and first they went to lunch and he asked her to go to a wedding so he get her a dress she needed one. they went to that then on the 3rd time "hanging out" they went to a food place and played Wii she told him she loved playing that and he went out and got her one they didnt hold hands or even kiss. then he asked to take her out to a baseball game. well he order her 2 t-shirts. they didnt kiss or hold hands and they werent on dates. dude was trying to buy her. but she is pretty much just taking it all she thinks he is ugly.

true story

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:37 AM
he lied your way better then that love

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:35 AM
Hey Sexyflowerforyou

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:34 AM

Who are you?laugh

they call me buckeyes fan flowerforyou drinker

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:32 AM
miss me? flowerforyou drinker

drinker Beer
flowerforyou Flowers

which one do you like most??? Ladys?

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:21 AM
How do I make friends on here? I'm Zack live in Columbus my whole life and go to ohio State. sorry about the first bad part about going crazy with the post topic button I read the rules and I understand know most forums let you do want you want but I see this place has class and I have to be a good man on here

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:15 AM

no new messages buddy

Very well,

Then i will explain it here. Attacking/insulting other members is not allowed. Flooding the forums with pointless topics is disrespectful to others, and finally vulgar/offensive language is also not allowed. Continuing to post in this vein will get your account suspended.

Please see the forum rules for further clarification.

Thank you,

wow that was a low bow but thanks for the warning

Mark - Forum Moderator

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:11 AM
For all the help today my Great New JustSay Mingle 2 friendsflowerforyou

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:10 AM

Hi Mark..... I'm guessing he does not know you are a moderator. smokin

no I do no that I read the rulez but he idnt email me????? so why did he say check my mail? he is messing with my head?

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:05 AM
no new messages buddy

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:00 AM
yo kobe tell me

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:58 AM
I would

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:58 AM

How ironic! I reported you for swearing and insulting a member in another thread.

Did you read the rules, guy?

There is a difference betweem drift and hijacking. But there was no confusion on your swearing insult to that nice member in her thread.

oh well

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:56 AM
a guy named kelly?

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:55 AM

hey you hijacked my topic

What was your topic? Oh yeah, you didn't have one.

yes i did

GoBucks008's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:54 AM

hey you hijacked my topic

I mean you have like a hundred of them, what is one sacrifice for us?? Really now??

well she was reported I hope they get her I am in shock she hijacked my topic thats like saying hey you have 1000 planes lets hijack this one

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