Community > Posts By > Michael40

Michael40's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:28 PM
Finding someone on the internet was not the greatest idea I ever had. I was on here almost a year ago and for some reason decided to try it again. I did meet a lot of people and dated a couple times. It was fun for the most part.

This time around just seems more difficult. Most of the woman on here aren’t even here for dating and get upset when they are spoken to. Many of the others have outdated photo’s or no pictures at all. That leaves such a small percentage of people that are likely to be who they say they are and in the dating/relationship state of mind. I was actually here for dating or a possible relationship. This is afterall a dating site…Right??

For that small group of people out there that are truly looking for a partner. I wish you all the luck in the world. I know a couple of very sweet people that have found their significant other from this site. I know one couple that is actually getting married. You know who you are…Congrats to you both.

As for me…I’m tired...Tired of reading all the negative stuff written on here… The I hate guys threads…And all the fighting…(Yes I do read in the forums) This just isn’t the fun site that I remembered. I’m a bit disappointed...

Good luck to those who still have the dreams and are willing to do what it takes to make them come true.

No comments are necessary

Michael40's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:21 PM
Wandering down the road,
Searching for a home.
Where time stands still,
A reason to no longer roam.

Following the path,
Knowing not where it leads.
Looking toward the sky,
Forging through the trees.

There was a place,
A vague picture in my mind.
A feeling of serenity,
Something left behind.

What where the reasons,
The cause of this unrest?
Maybe a dream that has died,
Some old forgotten Quest?

Surrounded by friends,
Always feeling alone.
Missing that place,
That feeling of home.

Michael40's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:14 AM

Waiting for her arrival,
Searching far and wide.
From the highest mountains,
To the oceans tide.

My heart thrown out there,
For all to see.
Like a beacon calling out.
Like a crying plea.

I have looked into the eyes of many,
I have held a few.
She alludes me...
Lost without a clue.

I know her spirit,
I have seen her in the night...
She whispers on the wind,
Then she takes to flight.

I may never know her,
This angel I seek.
I know she is out there,
Although it looks bleak...

Michael40's photo
Thu 08/07/08 06:23 AM
Thank you Flame:smile:

Michael40's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:58 AM
Thank you

Michael40's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:34 AM
Fastened to this place,
Like anchor it holds me.
My soul wants reprieve,
To leave this prison of mine.

I used to ride the wind,
Now it just blows past.
It ignores my wishes,
To be swept out on to other lands.

The sun watches over,
yet it to will not answer.
The four corners call fiantly
All I can do is listen.

Someday these bindings will fade away.
Someday the wind will carry me again.
Oneday the sun will shine as it once did.
For now...All I can do is sit and wait.

Michael40's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:17 AM
Deep loving eyes
Dark flowing hair
A smile that stops my heart
A look that shows her Love
A kiss that freezes time.

That is all I long for,
A single moment.
One that takes your breathe away.
One that merges with your soul
And becomes a part of you.

What is Eternity?
Eternity is a memory that never fades.
A moment that lasts forever in your soul.
A feeling that moves your heart.

A man has many hearts,
Love of family…Love of friends
Love of Life…Love of God
Yet a womans True Love is what he seeks and rarely finds.

Michael40's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:16 AM
Just a bunch of stuff I wrote when I'm in the mood for writing...I'm not an experienced writer I just write how I want. If you like it Great...If not...Well...Afterall it is titled "My World"

Your soul still lingers by my side.
why will you not leave..........
I once loved you with everything that I am.
Now I just need you to go away....

I see you in the middle of the night
You take over my thoughts and dreams...
Please leave me alone.......
I need to move on...........

When you did what you did you carried me with you...
And part of your soul became attached to mine...
You became a permanent scar to my existence...
An eternal lesson.................

The woman that I knew has departed....No where to be found...
Yet she will not give me peace...Please go....
My own soul screams for forgiveness, for a reason...
What did I do to deserve this endless torture? Really What did I do?

I will say Good bye once again
in hopes that you will depart in the night...
There is only one favor I ask.....
Please take all the memories with you,
I can't stand to look back anymore.....

Spring 2007

Michael40's photo
Wed 08/06/08 03:14 AM
The Core of a woman

Longing for acceptance,
She is fragile and she is strong,
In search of happiness,
Knowing what is right and what is wrong.

Her soul is aching, yearning...
When she is alone she cries,
Is she good enough?
Heaven knows she tries.

She knows the way,
She can do it all,
like a pillar,
No one will make her fall.

She is never good enough,
She is pretty??
Something is missing,
A feeling of self pity.

Feeling out of control,
Yet guided by her heart,
She searches for happiness,
In these dreams she will never depart.

At the very core...
At the center of it all,
Her heart yearns for Love,
True love...for this she will take that fall.