I am widowed also. He was the love of my life and I miss him so much. I date but long to for it to be Jerry there , holding me and kissing me. I want him back so very much but I know that is just a dream. I hate this being alone stuff though and so I will continue to search for signs of him in new people. We had talked about what would happen if one of us died and he said he did not want me to stay alone. My reply was that once you have the best it is hard to settle for less. I did not think that day would come though. I feel your loss and your pain and I know what you mean about no one knocking down the door. You hang in there and know that you arent hurting alone. There are lots more of us out there..........
I just want
No way Dude!!!! It is what we are all looking for . I hope one day you find it .