sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 08:25 PM

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:06 PM

I sure hope there aren't many people on here that won't befriend a married person. I came here because of a reason/or reasons and most or ALL of you have been there before. I just thought it might be nice to have some one or everyone to talk to about things from time to time....maybe there IS someone out there who will understand that......
I do! I do!

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:04 PM

Most single people don't want to talk to married people... I guess it's envy?

No not envy, but I don't come here to chat with married people... I come here trying to meet someone...Married people who hang out on a dating site tells me a lot about their marriage...If I was married I wouldn't be cool with my wife coming to a site like this at all... Thats just me, to each their own though..indifferent
Don't you have any married friends? What is so wrong with talking to married people? I don't care if my friends are single, married, engaged, whatever. What difference does it make?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:03 PM

Most single people don't want to talk to married people... I guess it's envy?

No not envy, but I don't come here to chat with married people... I come here trying to meet someone...Married people who hang out on a dating site tells me a lot about their marriage...If I was married I would be cool with my wife coming to a site like this at all... Thats just me, to each their own though..indifferent
I'm with you, that's what myspace is for smokin
myspace is crappy and filled with stupid kids. If someone enjoys the forums here better, who does it hurt? A forum is a forum, whether it's on a dating site or a social networking site. And by the way - do you think people never get dates from Myspace?

I am single but I am not looking for dates. I am just here for the forums. A married person could be doing the same thing, just as Becca is.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:57 PM
My booty call went and got married on me, the rat! And he is being faithful to his wife.

I guess I should start interviewing for a new one...ohwell

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:56 PM
On the top of my window it says "Mingle2, Free online DATING"

Does that mean that single people who are not interested in dating shouldn't be here?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:20 AM
not since 8th grade

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:19 AM

insecurities manifest in many ways
agreed. And young girls are typically much cheaper than red sportscars.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:17 AM
BTW - Becca - you are on the right site. We are not all here trolling for mates. Some of us just like to talk to funny people.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:14 AM

And to those who don't want to see people who are happy in a relationship, I don't know what to tell you......anywhere you go you will see couples together. But spending your time under a rock won't open you up to the possibilities of a relationship of your own. My best friend told me more than once, and it finally sunk in.....YOU HAVE TO BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF, BEFORE ANYONE WILL BE HAPPY WITH YOU!!!

I'm thrilled with, its the dating world that has me annoyed. My problem seems to be that I am SO secure in who I am it intimidates men for some reason. I refuse to play stupid or bow down. It would take an emotionally strong man to be with me, and accept that I dont' need him to save me.

So does this mean that I "played stupid or bowed down" to be in a relationship???????? No way in Hell would I ever do that, it is because I am emotionally strong that I have become ready to be in a relationship. I don't need a man to save me and I wouldn't look for one to do that.

If you can't be happy for other couples then you can't be happy for yourself because what happens the day a relationship opportunity opens up for you? You seem to look down on couples, and that is just sad. Even in my most down of days, have I ever NOT felt happy for people who have found love.

I never said anyone else did, I just said I'm havin a hard time findin someone who doesn't expect me to. I don't look DOWN on anyone, but after a while you get tired of bein so happy for others and nothin happenin for you. It IS a jealousy, yes, but something I stifle on a daily
you have totally hijacked this thread laugh laugh laugh

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:07 AM

I hate to sound like the green eyed monster has gotten ahold of, but I really truely LOATHE seeing married and attached people on here. If you're not single, myspace has forums too. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for that, but seeing someone on a singles' site so happily married or attached just makes me want to scream. Seeing the things I want in my life be given so abundantly to others just makes me feel more single.... something that doesn't even bother me usually on a daily basis...
Where does it say that this is a single's site?

And don't you encounter married people at work, in your neighborhood, at family gatherings, etc.? They are everywhere.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:04 AM

I personally would be livid if I found my husband on a dating site..even if his friend invited him here, I'd be mad at that friend too for even suggesting it.. when my husband could IM with that friend or pick up the phone... just me though JMHO
what if he was here just for friends? Why would you be mad at your husband for talking to his friends?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:02 AM

Yea, I'm married.
I've had second thoughts about coming here.
A good friend talked me into it. She's been here a while.
Many of my ex-website friends are here. I'm finding them slowly.
But, it seems as though no matter where I turn, I'm getting the feeling I shouldn't be here because of my marital status.

Who else is just here for ****s and giggles?

Well... The site is for single people. But there is a married option for status I think. No offense... But I've had a few problems with married people on here not being honest about it. But I think you're gonna be okay.
where does it say this site is for single people?

Why do they have a married option if that is the case?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:59 AM

Do you all think single moms are more compatable with single dads? My friend told me about someone else I know that said she woudl onle date a guy with a kid. Is that typical?
guys with kids are much more likely to understand your devotion to your child and not feel jealous or threatened by it. People who don't have kids sometimes don't get how much of a 24 hour job parenting is.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:57 AM

Why do people think that their decision to send an e-mail somehow obligates the other person to respond?

It doesn't.

No it does not obligate them .. but the foremost reason to respond i would say is common courtsy now is that too much to want .or do people just get ignored in person if they talk to you and they are not your type.?think
If someone is standing on the street waving at everyone who goes by, am I rude if I don't wave back?

and we would not be waving at everybody
it would be a select person or few people singled out with direct eye contact.
My point is that some people send out mass e-mails in the hope of getting a reply from someone, anyone.

I am not going to be guilted into validating that behavior. I have no obligation to reply and I am not rude because I don't. I think people who send out form e-mails are rude. They dont' want to meet me- they just want to meet somebody.

Forgive me if I don't fall on the floor and bow in gratitude.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 08/06/08 03:08 PM
I thought I saw you driving a backhoe in Conewago Township this morning.

I have to lay off that crack pipe!

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 08/06/08 03:02 PM

i tried
then when i went for help i heard that there were legal issues involving the forums and they cracked down hard

yep sure's a HUGE mess over there.

Lot of the 'old timers' got deleted...or locked out of the forums
When a site starts harassing it's older and most active members you have to wonder what their agenda is. Why don't they want members? I know I would log on just to see certain people. So when they mysteriously disappear, it is disheartening. And it isnt' as if these were rude or nasty people.Just frequent posters. I don't get it.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 08/06/08 02:59 PM

Oh, I got you, you were trying to get help here. I was totally lost.

I was lucky my rating was high and I got certified quickly, but I e-mailed like crazy at first and posted regularly...
but they don't let you post until you are at 80%. And who are you going to e-mail if you can't use the forums?

I had problems there too - I asked for help from admin there about how I could get my rating up - they said they couldn't tell me for security reasons. I sent another after that and they ignored it. I have been at 58% forever.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 08/06/08 08:52 AM
Now they don't let you post there until you achieve an 80%"quality rating" which is based, I think, on how many e-mails you send and respond to, etc., how many friends you have. But if they don't let you post in the forums, how do you make friends and who the heck is going to send you an e-mail? I have been 54% since the day I joined, months ago.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 08/06/08 08:43 AM

Why do people think that their decision to send an e-mail somehow obligates the other person to respond?

It doesn't.

No it does not obligate them .. but the foremost reason to respond i would say is common courtsy now is that too much to want .or do people just get ignored in person if they talk to you and they are not your type.?think
If someone is standing on the street waving at everyone who goes by, am I rude if I don't wave back?

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