xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Thu 08/07/08 06:58 PM
haha yeah something like that, I dont like blatancy in my poetry. Its like a poetic acid trip

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Thu 08/07/08 06:35 PM
The shadows are still laughing.....

daily habit by now
waiting eagerly for the day they stop

silence kills though
the laughter helps keep lividity.

The funny thing is friends,
youre not paying attention to a word i say


and the beautiful thing is the wondrous sheep that are people go out and get themselves a cake.

such a waste of oxygen

Keep laughing shadows
at my expense

my words are but Soylent Green

I am a man of my words, so you know what that means

a reality sets in my mind

I am Soylent green......


no no no


Such a great idea, a great dream

but my voice is that of a character on mute

lips moving but people keep watching and eating,
please God not my eyes

my eyes, where have they gone? is this the price of being soylent?

Shine o star, shine brightly

For I am blind, and will not find my way

I laugh so hard, along with the shadows as usual. Thank God I cannot see them

Just keep laughing and eating

soylent green tastes like a treasure, tastes so beautiful

Just laugh it all up,

soylent green sounds so funny, was a horrible book though

the noise is so harsh......

please get out of my mind, out out out!

the laughter seems to coalesce with the screams

just one loud demonic noise


This is the price I pay

"things will get better soon"


but for now, the coalition is very demeaning to my cycle of sleep. or lack thereof.

kill it all, burn it

I am juts a screaming voice with no eyes

"It is better to destroy, than to create what is meaningless"

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Wed 08/06/08 11:54 AM
I was in a bad car accident, and was knocked unconcious and turned blind for a few weeks

Id have to say,

the dark is actually my biggest fear lol

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:25 PM
You are officially amazing

BMTH is freakin amaizing

one of my favs right now is carnifex

but i still love me some Bring Me the Horizon

"for stevie wonder's eyes only"

hahaha amazing song

im a drummer myself and im tryin to learn it haha, fun stuff right?

check out carnifex man, and also Red I Flight,

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:07 PM
Idk? haha Just felt like posting something random

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:06 PM
Sadly, I've delt with the same thing before, still deal with it at times. What I did? Eat, thats cool

But try to make it somewhat better

eat better things

I used to be bulemic for the longest time (til i realized i liked food too much haha), so I know how it feels to eat and eat and hope it gets better but it doesn't so you eat more

its a huge catch 22 ya know?

just do what i did

buy bags of apples, carrots and such
munch on those

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:00 PM
Tell me what you think of me?

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 08/05/08 02:58 PM
That was really beautiful =] almost like a lullaby. Very peaceful and just calming all around, thanks for this =3

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Sun 08/03/08 10:37 PM
Okay, you guys are gonna like this one =3

Gangsta's don't die, they get old and move to Miami by We Speak Texan

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Sun 08/03/08 07:42 PM
how do you mean?

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Sun 08/03/08 07:04 PM
just pay attention to the way i use my words, sort of a triumphant sarcasm

its a way to acknowledge defeat almost but take it in stride as to not let it get to you

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Sun 08/03/08 12:03 AM
So tell me, I need some feedback, what do you think?

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:39 PM
No no no, not again
this cant be happening

Lying so peacefully
slight tension of the spine

An overwhelming sense of blood
drowns the Beast

The shadows on the wall laugh,
ever so loudly

Scream, scream it all out loud,
i wont end soon enough
=] This is where masochism comes in handy

the laughing gets so loud
The beast's voice is muted, he is left looking as if he is laughing

laugh it all away friends.

Theres a shadow on the wall,
moving slowly towards me

and all i can do is laugh?
So thats what I will do, laugh

Theres blood everywhere, but no sight of it!

My heart Beat slows, a 3/4 Time if you will =]

light has shone
bright through my
eyes though they
try to es-
cape theres no
way Ill make
break out of
this skin this
hell this dead
flesh its so
so great and
my thoughts rush

I make no sense

make sense of this
I can barely do it myself

just keep talking
all i seem to do

just keep talking

keep laughing

keep dreaming

ill wake up from this

But youll move on,

ive still got recovery time

please help me the bleeding wont stop
But theres no blood
theres no blood

i cant find it, all I can do is taste it!

not again,

the sense of a xenophobia

whats next I wonder

the heart beat of a series of blasts
what metal heads know as a blast beat

prepare for it

damn it all.....

The spine locks, giving the Beast the shape of a crescent

such a peaceful moon =]

And in the even that I should fall let it be known it was no ones fault that i couldnt make it out of this that when i wake up i may be awake but it doesnt matter because they will laugh, they will never know what its like to lose it all to see those beautiful gates the gates the gates the gates i wish to see them again just please let me see them again for the love of all thats sacred the souls who ponder this writing will never see this will never see whats going on will never know whats in my head and they wont care they wont care


arise Beast

be yourself again


wake up, and eat something good, or bad, you cant tell the difference, have fun kid

Youll make it through the night

keep the 3/4

Such a Galiant touch

Epic no?

arise Knight

keep it Holy Knight

rememember your script

Avoid the cake, adore the cake

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:33 PM

Find out what their all time favorite meal is, fix it for them and have candle lights, soft music, and a nice chilled bottle of wine.

Thats a perfect idea! But also do what I would do, I grow my own roses for that extra boost of romanticism so to say. It lets you put love into something else to prove it, if that makes any sense whatsoever? hahaha

dinner and homegrown roses =] thats the final vote I have

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:24 PM

like i mean i know ill be fine and okay either way, its just after having been used so many times I get so scared...

I think a lot of us go through that, not wanting to be used again. It's hard no matter what. Sometimes I really screw things up as I'm so hyper from having been used and literally abused. It haunts no matter how diligently I try. Poor guys who are innocent get both machine guns sometimes.

After watching the one girl i truly loved have -ahem- a great time with another guy right in front of me and every other girl ive even tried to date just "pretend" to have feelings. It hurts. And as far as abuse goes...haha well, thats an amazing story in itself lol. Lets just say I had quite a diligent father =]

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:19 PM
like i mean i know ill be fine and okay either way, its just after having been used so many times I get so scared...

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:12 PM
I wish i Knew how to deal with nervousness....

im a romantic at heart

and Ive never made it past a first date without getting awkwardly yet horribly kinda thrown to the side

well guess what folks, I made it to the second date






what the hell to do

lol, The romantic side of me grew her a pink rose, but i forget chivalry is dead, and i dont know how shes gonna handle that, so needless to say im nervous as heck

so i mean theres no real general reply for this lol, just a general vent, just a nervous dude

Ive never really had anything successful or good before, and this is my first good date so im like AHHH!

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:24 PM
My soul has been empty for a while, thats the point of these poems

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:05 PM
Wisdom beyond my years? I dont wish to brag or anything of the sort, so I truly do not know how to reply, maybe I do, maybe I dont, all I know are the words I speak

xxAzriahtheBeastxx's photo
Tue 07/22/08 06:16 PM
And sadly I have not been a Christian in a long time, but i do like the idea, it was creative =]