Community > Posts By > PoeticMaster

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:37 PM
I likie happy some good stuff in this one, animal flowerforyou

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:16 AM
Right before my eyes
the most beautiful body-lines,
lines that
only the Gods
could have created.
for the arrival of
the Honey-Tongued Devil
to make his presence known,
to drive this cherry
to the city.
Silky smooth interior
of pink satin
looms inside this
two-wheeled masterpiece.
Blonde exterior coat
this magnificent beauty
inviting even the most
picky to enter.
Opening front door,
crawling inside,
sliding along her
soft sensitive interior
as the quivering engine
begins to rumble
to a purring roar.
Turning ignition switch
on with grace
and skill
bringing her humming sound
to life
as I start moving
in a flicking manner
along tiny gearshift,
now putting her in
first gear,
slowly drifting
down the wet path…
destination Sin City.
Round and round
the block I drive
this luscious single-port baby
heating up this now
rocking engine
as her clock
starts to tick irregularly.
The rain starts to
slowly fall as
the heavens open up
to the skilled driving
being performed.
Shifting into second gear,
the falling rain starts
to flood my front grill.
Darting in and out
of feverish traffic
as the heat continues to rise
and flooding becums drowning.
Then just up ahead.
is a stoplight,
I stop
for a period,
as the red
is dripping
through the misty rain.
Slamming on the brakes,
I get out of her
and wipe my mouth clean.

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:01 AM

drinker man hometown i'm starting to get the picture hear laugh

laugh ssshhhh...!!!! flowerforyou

am I missing something? slaphead bigsmile

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 07:58 AM
gotta bump the hotness RAWR!!!

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:11 AM

read my mind, know my thoughts on this one :heart:

Oh I knew I was good but damn!! :tongue:
glad you liked it smooched

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:49 AM
Alone… in the moonless
Blackness of the night
Without hope
Without love
Then I see you
Your dim light
Peeking over the horizon
Of my heart
Brighter, your light grows
Stealing my emptiness
Fending off the shadows
Lending me your strength

A new day dawns
A new life begins
In the warmth of your embrace
I become my destiny
I cast off my shrouds

Feeling the heat of your smile
Knowing that nothing has ever
Felt as right
As the feeling you give me
By being you
By touching my heart…
My body
The inner sanctity
Of my soul

PoeticMaster's photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:51 AM
A spiritual warrior follows the path with heart.
To traverse Physical everyday reality.
To realize everything is connected.
To see everything is symbolic.
To know the subjective level of thoughts,
of emotions, of feelings, of energy, of the psychic.
To visit that which is within reach, the spirit world,
the dreamtime, spiritual consciousness, and the talisman.
To come to see holistic dimension of the one,
the divine field, the source, the cosmic awareness.
To understand there are no beginnings or endings,
only cycles and transitions.
To know that everything is part of a pattern
is in relationship to everything else.
To see the great tapestry being woven,
across the continuum of time.
To completely realize everything means
EXACTLY what you think it does.
To love all that you see with humility.
To love all that you feel with reverence.
To know all that you possess with discipline.
To be all that you can be,
this is the path with heart,
the journey of a spiritual warrior.

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:19 PM
very nice! oh the complexities! drinks

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 06:09 PM
When you reach the forest which way does the wind blow?
Rippled currents of warm breath through dried thickets
Leaving a once vibrant tree of love parched yet reaching
Reaching for the roots that you have left uprooted, and exposed

Wallowing in this now desolate forest of past hope
Stung by the dark predators left behind by your shadows
Shadows blanket the vast brown hue of bygone’s greenery
Naked dehydration runs rampant like a stalked deer

You have left a beaver’s dam empty of liquid passage
Passage into a world of silence that echoes loudly
Hunter turned hunted in the breath of a fatal kiss
Kiss of a slow death begging the return of muddied lips

When you reach the forest does the sun burn eternally?
Forever craving the kiss from muddied lips of rose red
Oh, sung song of the lonely songbird sings repeatedly for me!
Flight of spring’s love brought flames of impassioned death

You took me into the embrace of love’s exquisite harvest
You took me to the depths of pandemonium, and made me love it!
You longed the sound of a fallen tree, and I fell just for you!
Enrapturing me within the confines of a sun’s kiss upon a thorn studded rose

When you reach the forest do you recognize the cries of me?
Me, the love struck one that crawled at your unforgiving side
Through the lush essence that slays the darkest of nights
A night time that opens wide, and swallows the fading memory of me

When you reach the forest stop, listen, and hold me again
Hear the thunder of a broken hourglass in the quicksand of you!
Oh, how I crave the muddied lips that breathes the fatal kiss
Kiss me once more my love, and put me out of my misery!

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:32 PM

am i demon
my playlist tells me so
runnin' down a dream
with nothing left to lose
we are all just
comfortable liar(s)
when chasing the end of everything
blinded in chains
waiting on our second heartbeat
i am surfacing
i say let love rule
kiss the lips of an angel
the angel with the scabbed wings
i can be little miss dangerous
maybe even a bit psycho
emerging the long cool woman, in a black dress
soul meets body
until i collapse
maybe even a fat lip
i crawl
on black water
so wonderful tonight
what i like about you
is how you remind me
there's a swansong for a raven
just south of heaven
the queen of winter, throned
take a bow
praise You
wish You were here.

nice use of titles but have to change that list a bit :wink: smooched

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:15 PM
One morning after the dew had kissed,
a blackbird flew to me in a mist.
It settled grimly in the old willow tree,
"I come from hell," it said to me.

No sooner said and then it was gone,
only to return the following dawn.
I gazed at it with my wondering eyes,
"I come from hell," came its eerie cries.

All through the day and in slumber's spell,
I heard it scream, "I come from hell!"
And every morning the bird would appear,
"I come from hell," it shrieked all to near.

For one year and an extra day,
the bird was there at light's first ray.
The moment I opened my front door,
"I come from hell," and then no more.

One day before flying in the mist,
I seized it quickly within my fist.
Its angry shrieking filled my head,
"I come from hell," it repeatedly said.

I ignored the pain as it tore at my hand;
I smiled at the creature, my smile grand.
I snapped its neck in my maddened rage,
and threw its corpse in a gilded cage.

I slept that night, a most restless sleep,
and prayed the lord, my soul to keep.
In the morning at the cage I cried,
for you see, the bird was not inside.

I looked outside and in the willow tree,
but the bird was nowhere I could see.
Perplexed & shaken, back among my peers,
my heart gripped with stone cold fears.

I went to bed and in my dreams,
I was haunted by the bird's last screams.
And when I awoke to the morning sun,
I finally realized what I had done.

With one shrill cry and a thousand wings,
they bore down on me, the hateful things.
And as I succumbed to the numbing black,
I heard "We come from hell, & there is no way back."

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 06:04 AM

sugar and spice
and everything nice
that's what little girls are made of

then we grow up

sugar becomes sticky sweet
and spice is at the end of whip
He is holding the handle
wooden paddle
pink rosey cheeks
parting ways
standing tall
get your go straight to jail card

sugar and spice
and everything nice
that's what little girls are made of

then we grow wiser

sugar becomes a confection
and spice is hot red pepper
His command is life
freedom born
lessons learned
breath belongs
body owned
no greater gift is given

I think I like the grown up sugar and spice a bit better devil smooched

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:51 PM

hmmm, s & m
sounds like you know of which you write:smile: drinker drinker

laugh I can and do write about anything and everything though D/s more so then s & m. Thank you pkd flowerforyou

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:46 PM

there's nothing more i can say
nothing more i can do
i'd write a song about it
but you took my words, too
you took everything from me
my heart, my soul, my tunes
save for my pride
which i stole right back from you

:heart: Song

some of us, like myself devil, are just plain greedy!! bigsmile nicely written flowerforyou

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:44 PM
sweet! flowerforyou

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:42 PM
I limped along the well trodden path
of a journey cloaked in ashen mist.
No stone touched nor turned,
a curtain call stumble,
within a behemoth of a lesson.

Crumbling marble tumbles
from the ivory tower
of illusion’s self-grandeur.
Upon weathered feet
they explode,
like bombs from a fighter jet.

In the blink of lost vitality,
the mist parts seductively
and the heavens open up.

From behind the lifted veil
of moistened haze
steps inner-beauty personified
to take my hand within hers.

The caressing interlude
of being in Love’s wake
casts a spiritual bounty
upon my harvested soul.

The smile of her majestic majesty,
draped by vanilla tresses,
illuminates the road less traveled
that winds around my Heart’s
deepest desire.


Ivory flesh knelt before her hungry surveying alliance
Piercing blue eyes grab hold and command obedience
Submissive emerald pools dart downward in compliance
Tawny locks gripped, conveying her expected expedience

Wanton flesh stained pinkly in response to her defiance
Dusky tips throb hotly as clamps apply their tension
Electric sparks caress her as she signifies reliance
The scent of sweet desire demanding comprehension

Palm placed on upper back drives face into carpet floor
Oak handled, ten-inch leather strap taunts secreting skin
With its long, slow feathery drag up the length of His wh0re
Ample cheeks marked red as owned, as playtime begins

Submissive rounded backside offered up in true perfection
Leather tongue’s wicked caress entice fiery anticipation
Master's teasing stimulates His s1ut's complete subjection
As quivering shudders mutely plead for full participation

Wolfen nails dig and rake down cambered salacious back
Stiff manhood guided by left hand taunts silken lips wet
Right arm swings up to the heavens spanking ass with a crack
Circling length forces way into molten haven as reality slips

Involuntary spasms of her fevered clenching and release
Reaction to His stinging hand and penetrating will
Dichotomy of slave-thoughts and passion brings no peace
To compliment His thrusting or maintain surrender still

Hands grip and pull fleshy hips into a violent crash
Perspiring bodies ache for passion’s ultimate release
Rhythm’s pace screams concerto’s pounding panache
With each pummeling silky thighs bruising increases

A single instant's pause within her passage of delight
Power exchanged totally as He relinquishes the fight
In maelstrom of combined release, their roles are redefined,
Returning to reality as their world is realigned.

Ok J abit of what you were talking about? devil laugh

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:23 PM
very nice! with sugar and spice bigsmile drinks

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:15 PM
creepy, hippie, rocknroll, long haired freak that be me in no cal rawr! happy

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:54 PM

shameless bump :banana: :banana:

another bump for the shameless one :wink: flowerforyou

the recepter needs to be accepting and understand that in devolging one wass couragous and gains respect :smile:

PoeticMaster's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:17 PM

the title should read:

taffetta sandpaper flowerforyou

on the sidewalk
off the beaten path, literally
lies the 1,2,3,4,5 steps
down into the abyss

the window display
hardly tells the visitor
of the world they enter
through the old wooden door

it creeks welcome
for whom the bells toll
as the smell of leather
tickles the nose

toys for all
there's no st. nick here
tops and bottoms
of the human kind

its a candy store
full of bubble gum and skittles
soul bearing soothing
and wickedly perfect

gidgets and gadgets
cowhide and lace
see through and exposing
falls into grace

black rains supreme
within this choke hold life
sadistically loving
to breath for another

its just a store
but with something different in mine(d)
leave my cares in the car
and step into home.

somethig new for a saturday afternnon huh? devil devil smooched

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