Topic: Greetings
d4tc's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:26 PM
Edited by d4tc on Sun 09/14/08 08:26 PM
when someone is close
to me
I see
my heart
can't stop beating
like an idiot who
knows he can't stop cheating
on his wife
and he knows it's not right
and I know he's not doing it right
through anothers eyes
and I wonder why
other men cheat
pumping fist quakes
bounce on chest
two move
me I shake
this heart which beats
still I think
of my heart and how it beats
and how intense it gets
putting on the ritz
taking off the glitz
putting on the ritz
taking off the glitz
putting down all of it
cupping life
in someone elses hands
I lay
at ease
one day
an hombre
will ask me for a write
I will say
you dont want a cigarette?
no thank you
I'm healthy now
good choice I say
now about the beatings
nothing is worth mistreating
just leaving
should settle it
the pellets spit
the shines off
sign off the rings
lifes inseperably dull letgos sing
singing the same song of unhealthy
around healthy
not sure how to balance this
compacting issues
streamlining it all
with vengeance
avenged when reprocussions
rush in blood boiling
happy hearts never
sought to seek
sweet revenge
enough when falling in love
the years add feet
the parachute of us
and our and we
is a pair of shhhit
when the marriage hits
rock bottom
the love me nots
the heart still reliable
most tick tocks forgotten

PoeticMaster's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:19 PM
very nice! oh the complexities! drinks

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:38 PM
i was hoping for a sweet lullaby goodnight.

nice finish:heart: tick

d4tc's photo
Sun 09/14/08 10:34 PM
a picnic basket full of lullabys
a simple task sweetens up a good night
the original Star Wars in thine eyes
todays eyes
much more wise
leading squads of me
armies of me
seaships seas
rocks skip across with a breeze
one ship sails
the other one breathes
leaves try not to fall of trees
holding on for dear life
the rubix cube unglued
sharp by nature
like pine needles
if a dad is a dad
the son will see a man of steel
whence he reveals
past the rebel
and levels
with his kids
fathers looked up to by daughters
son's looking up to their mothers
the swap
recycle conversations
to feel refreshed
after the fresh wears
your clothes out
we bleach mistakes
for sakes of clean slates
because humanity isn't always
a peach tree in a rose garden
still the seeds are seeping
the water is falling
and the sun
will shine
just follow the rays
the sun waves
and you will see
me in a tree
swinging by one leaf
like a bee
without the zing
no rings
creating links
without cuffs
and shirts without sleeves

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 10:51 PM
Edited by ak0 on Sun 09/14/08 10:56 PM
white cotton
i slipped in
bare my shoulder
and collarless bone
on our naturally aged
i sleep

d4tc's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:00 PM
innocent speaks

above sheets
under sheets

summers defeat
hot under the sheets
asier to lay it all out on top

sharing intimate parts
that cannot be mentioned
by words alone
or conveyed no matter
how you copy it or jot it

A pool table shark
will not accept a sloppy hit

still every word

I matter
you matter
we form

Seeking a purpose

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:07 PM
that finish


i'm pegged

in your corner

d4tc's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:21 PM
in my ring
my corner

not looking for a knock out
looking at; a knock out

in my ring
in my corner

standing like a champ
looking at the map

in my ring
in my corner

I see you excelling
not pulling
nor dragged
on stage
off stage

in my ring
in my corner

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:29 PM

i'm there
