Community > Posts By > CircuitRider
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Mon 03/23/09 10:13 PM
It means they have a web-page open and are logged onto this site... Just being connected to the internet won't cause them to show "Online"...
However, it doesn't go off immediately when they close that window... it takes some time for that to happen... If you IM someone, they may or may not accept it... That's their choice... The "Nudge" button alows you to flirt with someone... you can give them a "Virtual Nudge" (Poke them)... a "Virtual Hug"... blow them a "Virtual Kiss", or give them a "Virtual Kick-in-the-butt" WELCOME...Join in!!! ![]() |
I started to post this in "Jokes and Funny Stories" but figured that most wouldn't know... that a "MSCE Proofessional" would know means this dimwit is a "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Professional"... ![]() No wonder my mouse jumps all over the screeen sometimes, opening C*** at random... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
so very blessed....
The fact that I'm still alive, after all the years I wasted... and the dangerous places I went/things I did, when I was younger...
Although my health has suffered from all that, I've had the chance to get my life in order... ![]() Got some GREAT Friends here too... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 03/23/09 07:17 PM
But when I accidentially ran acrose this during a 'google search' it cracked me up so bad, I almost peed my self!!!
..... #Sep 1st, 2006 @ 7:43 PM netster403 In reply to {0} Download:[Pending] The laser pointer built into my mouse is not very clear. It turns into a blob on distant objects. Please rectify this immediately. For example: It does'nt burn my eyes as much as my pointer at the office. Pls help. --Alex v. MCSE Proofessional Sep 2nd, 2006 @ 3:46 AM W3bbo The Master of Baiters In reply to {0} Download:[Pending] netster403 wrote: The laser pointer built into my mouse is not very clear. It turns into a blob on distant objects. Please rectify this immediately. For example: It does'nt burn my eyes as much as my pointer at the office. Pls help. --Alex v. MCSE Proofessional Little information provided besides a vague description of the symptoms No specific technical information provided (such as what mouse you have) No explanation for coming here (your warranty expired?) Excessive demands placed on those attempting to help "Please rectify this immediately" how exactly are we going to help you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sep 2nd, 2006 @ 4:00 AM netster403 In reply to {0} Download:[Pending] For example the red dot from the laser pointer on the mouse is 2 feet large. When I use my Microsoft Certified Laser Pointer from fry's the dot is 1-2 mm and is bright. Please help me. --Alex v. MCSE Proofessional Read the rest at: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My final post on this subject... This is from The Latin Vulgate... The Catholic Bible: 1 Corinthians Chapter 1 {1:21} Nam quia in Dei sapientia non cognovit mundus per sapientiam Deum: placuit Deo per stultitiam prædicationis salvos facere credentes. {1:21} For the world did not know God through wisdom, and so, in the wisdom of God, it pleased God to accomplish the salvation of believers, through the foolishness of our preaching. {1:22} Quoniam et Iudæi signa petunt, et Græci sapientiam quærunt: {1:22} For the Jews ask for signs, and the Greeks seek wisdom. {1:23} nos autem prædicamus Christum crucifixum: Iudæis quidem scandalum, Gentibus autem stultitiam, {1:23} But we are preaching Christ crucified. Certainly, to the Jews, this is a scandal, and to the Gentiles, this is foolishness. {1:24} ipsis autem vocatis Iudæis, atque Græcis Christum Dei virtutem, et Dei sapientia: {1:24} But to those who have been called, Jews as well as Greeks, the Christ is the virtue of God and the wisdom of God. {1:25} quia quod stultum est Dei, sapientius est hominibus: et quod infirmum est Dei, fortius est hominibus. {1:25} For what is foolishness to God is considered wise by men, and that which is weakness to God is considered strong by men. {1:26} Videte enim vocationem vestram fratres, quia non multi sapientes secundum carnem, non multi potentes, non multi nobiles: {1:26} So take care of your vocation, brothers. For not many are wise according to the flesh, not many are powerful, not many are noble. {1:27} sed quæ stulta sunt mundi elegit Deus, ut confundat sapientes: et infirma mundi elegit Deus, ut confundat fortia: {1:27} But God has chosen the foolish of the world, so that he may confound the wise. And God has chosen the weak of the world, so that he may confound the strong. {1:28} et ignobilia mundi, et contemptibilia elegit Deus, et ea, quæ non sunt, ut ea quæ sunt destrueret: {1:28} And God has chosen the ignoble and contemptible of the world, those who are nothing, so that he may reduce to nothing those who are something. {1:29} ut non glorietur omnis caro in conspectu eius. {1:29} So then, nothing that is of the flesh should glory in his sight. {1:30} Ex ipso autem vos estis in Christo Iesu, qui factus est nobis sapientia a Deo, et iustitia, et sanctificatio, et redemptio: {1:30} But you are of him in Christ Jesus, who was made by God to be our wisdom and justice and sanctification and redemption. {1:31} ut quemadmodum scriptum est: Qui gloriatur, in Domino glorietur. {1:31} And so, in the same way, it was written: “Whoever glories, should glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 {2:9} Sed sicut scriptum est: Quod oculus non vidit, nec auris audivit, nec in cor hominis ascendit, quæ præparavit Deus iis, qui diligunt illum: {2:9} But this is just as it has been written: “The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for those who love him.” {2:10} nobis autem revelavit Deus per Spiritum suum: Spiritus enim omnia scrutatur, etiam profunda Dei. {2:10} But God has revealed these things to us through his Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. {2:11} Quis enim hominum scit quæ sunt hominis, nisi spiritus hominis, qui in ipso est? ita et quæ Dei sunt, nemo cognovit, nisi Spiritus Dei. {2:11} And who can know the things that are of a man, except the spirit which is within that man? So also, no one knows the things which are of God, except the Spirit of God. {2:12} Nos autem non spiritum huius mundi accepimus, sed Spiritum, qui ex Deo est, ut sciamus quæ a Deo donata sunt nobis: {2:12} But we have not received the spirit of this world, but the Spirit who is of God, so that we may understand the things that have been given to us by God. {2:13} quæ et loquimur non in doctis humanæ sapientiæ verbis, sed in doctrina Spiritus, spiritualibus spiritualia comparantes. {2:13} And we are also speaking of these things, not in the learned words of human wisdom, but in the doctrine of the Spirit, bringing spiritual things together with spiritual things. {2:14} Animalis autem homo non percipit ea, quæ sunt Spiritus Dei: stultitia enim est illi, et non potest intelligere: quia spiritualiter examinatur. {2:14} But the animal nature of man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God. For it is foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand it, because it must be examined spiritually. {2:15} Spiritualis autem iudicat omnia: et ipse a nemine iudicatur. {2:15} But the spiritual nature of man judges all things, and he himself may be judged by no man. {2:16} Quis enim cognovit sensum Domini, qui instruat eum? Nos autem sensum Christi habemus. {2:16} For who has known the mind of the Lord, so that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. *Note: We Protestants have but one Priest... that is YESHUA, MESSIAH... HE is our Priest... NOT The Pope... Anyway, anyone who doesn't like what Christians have to say, is not bound by any rules here on this board to have to click on our posts. ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 03/23/09 05:53 PM
......."Truly. The arrogance of Christianity is truly unbearable. And their constant proselytizing actually spits in the face of very words of Jesus according to their doctrine. Christianity is the most hypocritical religion in the entire world. Specifically Protestantism that spat in on the Body of Christ and rejected the Catholic Church claiming that "No man speaks for God". ![]() ![]() Where do I find that?? ![]() |
And a Google search of 'pastors sex parishioners' will turn up more hits that you can thump a Bible at, so spare us the holier-than-thou attitude about unbelievers and immorality. -Kerry O. Truly. The arrogance of Christianity is truly unbearable. And their constant proselytizing actually spits in the face of very words of Jesus according to their doctrine. Christianity is the most hypocritical religion in the entire world. Specifically Protestantism that spat in on the Body of Christ and rejected the Catholic Church claiming that "No man speaks for God". What do these hypocrites do almost every single day? They proselyzing and post verses from the Bible claiming to speak for God. What hypocrites! It's truly shameful beyond comprehension. ![]() It is called "The Great Commission"... A Commandment given to His Disciples, to pass on from generation to generation, and to empower others to do the same: Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. It is at the least much less harmful than the junk being taught in our schools about everything springing into being on an imaginary stepladder. ![]() ![]() |
Is God cruel?
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Mon 03/23/09 04:29 PM
Answer: There are atheists and agnostics who argue that the God who is presented in the Bible is cruel. For example, the online Skeptics Annotated Bible has an entire section devoted to biblical passages that, they claim, demonstrate that God is cruel. By labeling God as cruel, they are appealing to our human, moral sensibilities. The word cruelty is defined as "callous indifference to, or pleasure in, causing pain and suffering.” The question before us now is, Is God cruel? To answer in the affirmative, we would have to allow that God either doesn’t care about pain and suffering, or He actually enjoys watching His creatures suffer. The atheists / agnostics who claim that God is cruel have a large burden of proof. They are not merely claiming to know about the actions of God; they are also claiming to sufficiently know the circumstances in which He performed those actions, as well as His motivations. Additionally, they are claiming to know the very mind of God, ascribing to Him the attitudes of indifference and/or sadistic pleasure necessary to define Him as cruel. Quite frankly, this is beyond the skeptics’ ability to demonstrate—they can’t possibly know the mind of God. “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts’” (Isaiah 55:8-9). There is no doubt that God both allows and, at times, causes pain and suffering, but God’s goodness cannot be impugned because He commits an act that appears cruel to us. While we can’t claim to know His reasoning in every circumstance, we do know several reasons for actions that can appear to us to be cruel, especially if we don’t know—or don’t bother to find out—the circumstances: 1. To mete out just punishment - If a punishment is just, can it be said to be cruel? What critics usually do not understand is that God’s love is not diminished when He brings punishment on people. God is able to bring judgment on an evil group of people in order to spare those who are devoted to Him. To allow evil and wrongdoing to go unpunished would indeed be cruel and would indicate a callousness toward the innocent. When God caused the Red Sea to close, drowning Pharaoh’s entire army, He was punishing Pharaoh’s rebellion against Him and preserving His chosen people from certain slaughter and annihilation (Exodus 14). Wrongdoing that does not result in punishment inevitably results in greater and greater wrongdoing, which benefits no one and is detrimental to the common good. Even when God told the Israelites to completely destroy the enemies of God, including women and children, He knew that to let them live would ensure the existence of future generations devoted to evil idolatrous practices—including in some cases child sacrifices on the altars of false gods. 2. To bring about a greater good- Pain and suffering that produce a greater good sometimes can be brought about by no other means. The Bible tells us that trials and difficulties produce stronger, better Christians, and we should “count it all joy” (James 1:2) when we encounter them. God brings these about for our benefit, in order to refine us like gold in the fire of affliction. The Apostle Paul saw his own suffering—beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, hunger, thirst, cold, imprisonments—as a means of ensuring that he would be ever conscious of his own weakness, would remember always that the power at work in him was from God, not himself, and would never be deluded into relying on his own power (2 Corinthians 1:8-10; 4:7-12). Against nonbelievers, God's justice is vindicated when He causes pain and suffering to them because they deserve it. He demonstrates His mercy to them by warning them repeatedly of the consequences of sin. When, through their own rebellion, they bring upon themselves calamity, this is just punishment, not cruelty. The fact that He lets rebels go on shaking their fists at Him as long as He does indicates His mercy and patience, not cruelty. 3. To glorify Himself - God is glorified by the exhibition of His attributes. We all agree that He looks pretty good to us when His love and mercy are on display, but since each and every attribute is holy and perfect, even the exhibition of His wrath and anger bring Him glory. And that is the ultimate goal—His glory, not ours. Our tiny, finite brains can't even adequately imagine Him, much less call Him into question. All these are worthy, valid, noble causes for pain and suffering. Contrary to the claims of skeptics, there are good reasons for God’s allowing evil and suffering in this world. We are privileged to know some of those reasons, but we do not always know why God allows evil and suffering. To trust God in spite of not knowing the reasons is not a blind leap of faith. Rather, we trust Him with the things we don’t understand because we see His faithfulness in those actions which we do understand. If we read the Bible carefully, rather than seeing God act out of cruelty, we see Him acting out of His love for us. For example, the book of Job is often pointed to as an example of God’s sadistic actions against an innocent man. The book declares that Job was innocent of the suffering that came upon him, which appears to favor the claim of the atheist. But to claim that it proves God is sadistic betrays a very superficial understanding of the book of Job. In the Near East during the time of the patriarchs, a common belief was that God always blessed the righteous and brought suffering on the unrighteous. The book of Job is a polemic against that theology. The story shows that man’s view of God’s justice needed to be modified. We need to understand that God is not limited to using suffering as a means of retribution. He also uses it to tear people away from the earthly things that so easily entice them. Additionally, Job brings people closer to understanding God’s work of atonement on the cross. If mankind continued to think that God couldn’t allow an innocent man to suffer, then we would have missed God’s plan for redeeming the world. For God allowed the suffering of a perfectly innocent Man (Jesus Christ) in order to bring His own to salvation. So this book of Job ends up being an invaluable contribution to the history of redemption. In summary, the skeptic must bear a very large burden of proof in claiming that God’s actions are characterized by cruelty. In context, the biblical passages which appear to paint God as cruel actually do no such thing. In fact, with a proper understanding of the Scriptures, we see that God’s actions are always motivated by, and consistent with, His holy and perfect character. Recommended Resource: Knowing God by J.I. Packer. GREAT POST!!! ![]() ![]() NOPE, He is NOT cruel... Look at it like this; When a "Rancher or Cattleman" has a pasture full of Cattle (Any sort of Cattle, or any Herd of some sort) that has a few that Obeysand follows from one pasture/feed lot to another... Never fights with the others over food/good grazing Cares for their young and will defend a young one that is not even their own against predators; (Yet the vast majority of them refuse to follow, prefering to stay where they are, rather than change)... Having to be "driven" every where they go... Fighting the others for the "good food"... When the time comes to "weed them out" for slaughter... what do you think that "Cattleman" is gonna do? Which ones would he look for when they need shelter from a storm? Which ones will be the first to be picked for slaughter? ... I wouldn't want to serve a "god" that would be any other way! ![]() |
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Mon 03/23/09 03:51 PM
I must be a mingling fool then, cuz I say in my heart and I say it outloud... THERE IS NO GOD. God is a non-material personal being, self-conscious and self-determining... God has no image that can be "Seen" by the human eye... but creation points to His existence... John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: I Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen. Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: I Timothy 1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. His Son, Jesus - The Anointed One, gave testimony to His existence and His desire to be sought by His creatures. He also provided us with an example of how to live our lives seeking and serving God. |
Pray for me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (And ALL our Vets that we visit... ![]() |
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Mon 03/23/09 03:40 PM
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We are all "One Heartbeat" from finding out if HE'S real or not...
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Awesome Post! A song popped in my head while reading it. "There is a God" 33 miles There’s a beauty to the dawn, a rhythm to the rain A silence in the soul that I just can’t explain There’s a breath of life I breathe, a beating in my heart A magnificence, a scary sense of what lies past the stars Beyond what we can see behind the mystery I know that it could only be There is a God; this is the proof That all around the evidence is speaking the truth From the center of my soul to the edge of the universe Creation is crying out believe it or not There is a God There’s a dept that has been paid, a grace that I’ve been shown A hope that I’ve been given that I have never known There’s a love that conquers darkness a piece of life in me There’s a life that’s not just here and now but for eternity Beyond what we can see behind the mystery I know that it could only be that I believe it; I believe it There is a God I can feel it; I can feel it There is a God And the more I find the less I need to see I’ve never been so sure, so sure of anything ![]() ![]() |
Question: "What does the Bible mean when it says “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’”?"
Answer: Both Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 read, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Some take these verses to indicate that atheists are stupid, i.e. lacking intelligence. However, that is not the meaning of the Hebrew word translated “fool.” In this text, the Hebrew word is nabal which refers more to a “moral fool,” e.g., someone without morals. The meaning of the text is not “Unintelligent people do not believe in God.” Rather, the meaning of the text is “Immoral people do not believe in God.” Many atheists are very intelligent individuals. It is not intelligence, or a lack thereof, that leads a person to reject belief in God. It is a lack of morals that leads a person to reject belief in God. People do not reject the idea of there being a Creator Being. Rather, people reject the idea of there being a Creator Being who demands morality from His creation. In order to clear their consciences and relieve themselves of guilt, people reject the idea of God as the only source of absolute morality. Doing so allows atheists to live however they choose—as morally or immorally as they desire—with no feelings of guilt for their refusal to be accountable to God. Several prominent atheists have admitted this. One famous atheist, when asked what he hopes to accomplish through atheism, declared that he wants “to drink as much alcohol and have sex with as many women as possible.” Belief in a divine Being is accompanied by a feeling of accountability and responsibility toward that Being. So, to escape from the condemnation of conscience, which itself was created by God, one must deny the existence of God in order to deny the moral pull of the conscience. This is not to say that all atheists are immoral people. Many atheists live relatively moral lives. The point of “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” is that a lack of evidence of His existence is not the true reason people reject belief in God. People reject belief in God due to a desire to live free of the moral constraints He requires and to escape the guilt that accompanies the violation of those constraints. “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them … men are without excuse … their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools … Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie” (Romans 1:18-25). LINK; (Used by permission, ''.)[/] |
![]() May GOD Bless you all... ![]() ![]() ![]() Bro Clark |
Question: "Is God fair?"
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Prayers for cdanny
Our Prayers are on their way!
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(Chorus) Oró, sé do bheatha abhaile, Oró, sé do bheatha abhaile,[4] Oró, sé do bheatha abhaile Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh. 'Sé do bheatha, a bhean ba léanmhar, do b' é ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibheann, do dhúiche bhreá i seilbh méirleach, is tú díolta leis na Gallaibh. Chorus Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag go duill ar sáile, óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda, Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill[5] ná Spáinnigh, is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh. Chorus A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceam, mura mbeam beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain, Gráinne Mhaol agus míle gaiscíoch, ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh. Chorus ![]() Maybe someday! ![]() |
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Sat 03/21/09 05:09 PM
<~~~~ O'Hearn here!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MOST of whom came from Europe, Ireland and Scotland... MANY of Their Descendants STILL live there... ![]() ![]() Drink enough whiskey and even your sister starts to look attractive! ![]() ![]() In the merry month of June from me home I started, Left the girls of Tuam so sad and broken hearted, Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother, Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother, Then off to reap the corn, leave where I was born, Cut a stout black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins; Bought a pair of brogues rattling o'er the bogs And fright'ning all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah ! In Mullingar that night I rested limbs so weary, Started by daylight next morning blithe and early, Took a drop of pure to keep me heartfrom sinking; Thats a Paddy's cure whenever he's on drinking. See the lassies smile, laughing all the while At me curious style, 'twould set your heart a bubblin' Asked me was I hired, wages I required, I was almost tired of the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah ! In Dublin next arrived, I thought it be a pity To be soon deprived a view of that fine city. So then I took a stroll, all among the quality; Me bundle it was stole, all in a neat locality. Something crossed me mind, when I looked behind, No bundle could I find upon me stick a wobblin' Enquiring for the rogue, they said me Connaught brogue Wasn't much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah ! From there I got away, me spirits never falling, Landed on the quay, just as the ship was sailing. The Captain at me roared, said that no room had he; When I jumped aboard, a cabin found for Paddy. Down among the pigs, played some hearty rigs, Danced some hearty jigs, the water round me bubbling; When off Holyhead wished meself was dead, Or better for instead on the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah ! Well the bouys of Liverpool, when we safely landed, Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it. Blood began to boil, temper I was losing; Poor old Erin's Isle they began abusing. "Hurrah me soul" says I, me Shillelagh I let fly. Some Galway boys were nigh and saw I was a hobble in, With a load "hurray !" joined in the affray. We quitely cleared the way for the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, Whack fol all the Ra ! Éirinn go brách ![]() |
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Sat 03/21/09 03:08 PM
![]() ![]() MOST of whom came from Europe, Ireland and Scotland... MANY of Their Descendants STILL live there... ![]() ![]() |