moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:32 PM

A horny teenager under your bed?

no teens please...I hate buying my own corona

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:28 PM

now what is really important is do younger men like older women...drool

Many of them do, god love 'em....drinker

yeeehaaawww darlin I know what I want for Christmas....

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:26 PM
don't you hate that when it happens:laughing:

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:20 PM
now what is really important is do younger men like older women...drool

moonlight_ride62's photo
Tue 11/10/09 05:44 PM

Take it slow

No need to rush

Really. Really. Get to know him!!:heart:

a month is not long at all...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:32 PM

I just like plain old folgers

Light and sweet

Thank you:heart:

I hear with milk and sugar...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 08:35 AM

I have been separated for 6 months and i am now officially divorced.How long is it proper to wait before I go on an official date.I am ready and willing ,but want to be proper.

what does being proper have to do with anything...times a wasting...on your mark get set GO

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 07:51 AM

welcome...iam looking for a man to date flowerforyou

thats funny so am I...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 07:25 AM
now who we gonna discuss...frustrated

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:44 AM

i prefer the darker one...because i want someone who is jaded in life and knows the dealings of what life really is...does that make sense?

i'm jaded enough for 2 people. it would be nice to meet someone more upbeat and positive. naive could even be a bit fun.

. . .

I hear ya I am pretty jaded myself..and I can pretend to be naive..hell I have gotten very good at pretending...

i'm terrible at faking it.

. . .

I have pretended all my life...and have gotten very good at it...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:42 AM

I reckon I can just hang on and enjoy the ride...not sure how my little community will deal with it all...I live in a very small place and everyone seems to know all there is to know about me....It is odd to them here for a woman to live alone way back in the woods...they think I should be happily married no matter how unhappy it all would make me...

small communities suck. everybody needing to know everything about everybody else. i hate that shlt. reminds me of that harper valley pta song.

. . .

I have lived here most of my life...and it is odd to me at the age of 47 I am having the hardest time fitting into their mold...
to h3ll with them. if they don't like you they can move. it's a free country and as long as you aren't breaking the law they have nothing noteworthy to bltch about.

. . .

no I don't break the law except riding without my seat belt buckled...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:38 AM

ahhhhhh ok meanwhile i suffer alone glasses

oh darlin I can help you with are as cute as a speckled puppy...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:37 AM

i prefer the darker one...because i want someone who is jaded in life and knows the dealings of what life really is...does that make sense?

i'm jaded enough for 2 people. it would be nice to meet someone more upbeat and positive. naive could even be a bit fun.

. . .

I hear ya I am pretty jaded myself..and I can pretend to be naive..hell I have gotten very good at pretending...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:36 AM

I reckon I can just hang on and enjoy the ride...not sure how my little community will deal with it all...I live in a very small place and everyone seems to know all there is to know about me....It is odd to them here for a woman to live alone way back in the woods...they think I should be happily married no matter how unhappy it all would make me...

small communities suck. everybody needing to know everything about everybody else. i hate that shlt. reminds me of that harper valley pta song.

. . .

I have lived here most of my life...and it is odd to me at the age of 47 I am having the hardest time fitting into their mold...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:33 AM

i prefer the darker one...because i want someone who is jaded in life and knows the dealings of what life really is...does that make sense?

makes total sense....I understand completely...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:29 AM
no animal blood on my stoop darlin...they walk through my yard in peace...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:27 AM
I reckon I can just hang on and enjoy the ride...not sure how my little community will deal with it all...I live in a very small place and everyone seems to know all there is to know about me....It is odd to them here for a woman to live alone way back in the woods...they think I should be happily married no matter how unhappy it all would make me...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:22 AM

I know this sounds is like I am dealing with dark and light...who am I really...which way do I turn...

it's ok to be both. everybody has their days. i guess if you're gonna go dark, how dark are we talking? lighting animals on fire, performing rituals involving sacrifices? or just brooding?

. . .

nothing as dark as all that...nothing that involves satan or sacrifices..only one or two steps left of right...hell at my age it maybe one of them midlife crisis...I am not sure...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:20 AM
ya know I have tried so hard to be who people think I should be and who I am till somewhere along the journey I have lost myself..

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:16 AM

little miss sunshine...or someone a wee bit darker?

I would prefer if she wasn't one dimension so would choose both as long as she knows when to be dark and when to be miss sunshine.

so it is ok to be both I like this answer..I am under tons of pressure things I can't really go into...

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