Community > Posts By > cottonelle

cottonelle's photo
Fri 04/30/10 06:58 PM
i`m back toobigsmile

well actually i`m in illinios with a hot axe murdered named koury

cottonelle's photo
Thu 04/01/10 12:05 PM
someone say "6 pack"?

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 12:08 PM

Im a size 12, 5 10, long brown hair and a fat *** and wear a 44C bra. I love to cook and clean. I like sports, action movies, smoking and drinking. I play video games and spades. So y cant i find a good, well-endowed, truthful/honest man who likes kids?

you sound perfect to me...just sayingbigsmile

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 12:06 PM
hello muddah, hello faddah
here i am at camp marijuana
coke is good here crack is beddah
i`m so stoned i can barely write this leddah

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 10:25 AM

Over at I am rated a 2 out of 10 by women around my age on their picture rating thingy. My average is like 3.75. Am I that ugly :( .

I mean I have had a few LTRs with beautiful women (what most consider 9s or 10s) before my current dry spell. Were my exes just blind or drunk 24/7 or what?

Kind of a disheartening return to being single.
love you are so beautiful melove

i bet you say that top all the guysblushing

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 09:17 AM
pretty good, been keeping my wood in my

how have you been?

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 08:37 AM

Magnesium, is a muscle relaxant, as well as a laxative.
500 mg twice a day.
Be very careful if you have any heart conditions, chronic use can cause changes in heart rhythm.

also dont take if you have a bad cough. i`m just saying

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 08:32 AM
they dont call hime tirger "WOOD"S for nothing

maybe he will have better control of his driver now

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 08:28 AM
women *shakes head*

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 08:10 AM

no. but take my word for it, he was a real ***

i would expect it, anyway

A$$ <----lookie here

i'm so gonna get a pretty note from mods for this hehe

(_*_) <------mines better

mine shakes

i was going to do that next BUTT now all i got to throw out there is a used up one -----> (_O_)

reminds me of this one episode....ah...i can't say here

well you cant leave me hanging like that

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 08:05 AM

no. but take my word for it, he was a real ***

i would expect it, anyway

A$$ <----lookie here

i'm so gonna get a pretty note from mods for this hehe

(_*_) <------mines better

mine shakes

i was going to do that next BUTT now all i got to throw out there is a used up one -----> (_O_)

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:53 AM

no. but take my word for it, he was a real ***

i would expect it, anyway

A$$ <----lookie here

i'm so gonna get a pretty note from mods for this hehe

(_*_) <------mines better

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:33 AM
i seam to forgot about the censors

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:31 AM
no. but take my word for it, he was a real ***

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:27 AM

Everything I know, i have learned from Seymore Butts rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

i hung out with him under the bleachers

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:23 AM
only 10:30 and my friday sucks azz already

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:21 AM

I've been hidden since day one!!

I'm sneaky like that. Haha. :banana:

And lookin at you


and always lookin at you!!!:banana: bigsmile


cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:20 AM

The people who look at your profile several times and never say anything? Are they shy, can't find what to say to you, were they quadruple checking to see if you were really as ugly as they thought...maybe they could reset their standards (LOL) what? I know there is a reason and they've gotta know that you know they looked a bunch of times! Maybe this is a stupid topic, but I had to say it. GUYS, and girls I guess, if you're gonna look, you may as well say SOMETHING...compliment their profile; hell, make fun of something about it. If I look more than once, you're getting a message from me...maybe not to flirt, but something. Maybe someone will read this and grow a pair =D
And, Mayhem, if you're on tonight and read this...I expect some kind of witty, sarcastic remark ;-)

they cant type, they have kleenex in one hand and lotion in the other

cottonelle's photo
Thu 02/18/10 06:31 PM
just start out by asking her what shes

cottonelle's photo
Thu 02/18/10 06:03 PM

Yeah I did find it as well on a site on weird fish but did not give a name for it...whoa

the fish or my ex`s grandma?