Community > Posts By > SuburbanCityBoy
Your profile looks fine to me. Welcome aboard!
How's the legal weed out there in Colorado? ![]() |
No surprise there. I don't understand why willing2 is conflicted. Muslims have been killing Muslims forever. It's a wonder they haven't wiped themselves out already. Religion is a joke. Not speaking strictly of Islam but all religions. During the World Wars Christians killed Christians, Jews killed Jews. Man has been taking the Bible, the Qu'ran. I'm sure there is a God or Goddess or several higher powers but I can't see me belonging to any organized religion. I simply believe in the laws of Karma. I try to do right by all and hopefully that will be returned to me.
After having a bad history with men at home and after speaking to a few American men I'm starting to wonder if im trying to find love in the wrong country. There are absolutely cultural differences. Not all men from all countries think or act the same at all. It also varies within the culture. Some men being a little to the left or right in all counties. We were raised in different environments, with different needs and sets of standards. Take for instance, men in Afghanistan and the culture itself have a totally different view on women and their place, from men raised in America. That being said...Living in America and speaking from strictly my point of view. I can't fathom how men treat women in counties such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, etc... It appalls me. I'm also disgusted at the way a lot of men treat women in this country. I believe it takes good parents to raise a good man. I myself have parents that are still married and worked together as a team. My mother excels at certain skills, my father at others. I've become a modern man with old school values. I hold doors for women, I say please and thank you, I'll ask a partner's opinion, etc... yet i'm divorced and was not willing to compromise as my parents did. That being my more modern and selfish side. I know men that disrespect, use and abuse women and we are all Americans. I think both culture and the environment the child was raised in as he became a man are factors rather than country itself. Jesus did I ramble! LOL! |
I'm not so sure that the chase is anything more than thrilling as it is for the woman being chased. I myself could be quite happy with talking to a woman, having her engage in conversation, which shows she may be interested, asking her out. If I have a good time and enjoy her company I will surely ask her out again, if she says no, than I'll just leave her be. I'm not into the whole chase and game playing thing. That may be great for silly kids, but not for me. I'd rather be upfront and say, "Hey, I'm interested in you and enjoy your company. How do you feel?", rather than play a stupid guessing game. And just for the record, I'm so far from lazy. I cook, do dishes, clean, do laundry, scrub toilets and tubs, vacuum, cut the lawn, take care of and walk 3 dogs, work out 3x a week for 2 hours at a clip, write and record music, design promo, print promo, deliver promo, edit web sites, create newsletters, rehearse and perform, talk with booking agents, handle social media and so much more on top of working a day job. If you're looking to play games and be chased, you just may lose the best thing you could have had. I will also say that I speak for me and me only. Not all me are the same. Let the game playing men have the game playing women. They deserve each other...;)
Ruin my life.
I had waited for someone from the year 2008 to come back to my life and make it beautiful again, but a couple of days ago i heard that she had an engagement with somebody. So what shall i do? Where is the reasone for me to live the life? How will the miseries and sorows fill up that i faced these past long years? It's up to you to make your life beautiful my friend. You can't ever count on anyone else to make you happy. That has to come from within. Don't waste your time being too upset. Feel what you have to feel as a human being and move on! Don't think stupid! You'll be fine. |
I'm new
hopefully this site doesn't suck. ![]() Welcome aboard and good luck! |
just imazine
If it's a prehensile tail I can think of quite a few interesting things that could happen!
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love is
If you ask Aristotle, "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
If you ask Plato, "Love is a serious mental disease." If you ask Maya Angelou, "Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time." If you ask Marilyn French, " Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight." |
Does everyone get contacts from outside the US? Any sugesstions other than to live with it? Yes, I get it all of the time. A lot of women who claim to be from America but are now living with sick grand parents in Africa. I just shoot them an email back stating that for someone who was born in America you have a pretty lame grasp on English grammar. What's next, you're going to ask me to wire money to you? I wasn't born yesterday. Funny how I never get a response and they suddenly go away. I haven't had to block anyone yet. |
Women With Tattoos
You'll hit 80 without a doubt! I get the feeling the world could end and what would be left are the cockroaches, Keith Richards and you!
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Women With Tattoos
In this day and age tattoos are absolutely fine on women. I happen to love women with tattoos. This is coming from a man that has 6 tattoos and a pierced nipple. You will always get those looks from people that don't appreciate or understand it. It's usually older people with an old school mentality or uptight right wingers. You should be free to express yourself any way you see fit as along as you aren't harming others. There is also the issue of the tattoos not being acceptable in certain job environments, lawyers, doctors, etc... I say go for it! I'm heading to Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam and plan on getting a tattoo in each of those cities.
New to
Hey makes 2 of us! Welcome aboard.
hi im new
Welcome aboard!
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New Lady
Welcome aboard!
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